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Just a little dodger

Started by R.A.F. CaNvAs, June 28, 2010, 03:08:23 pm

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R.A.F. CaNvAs

June 28, 2010, 03:08:23 pm Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 11:25:16 am by R.A.F. CaNvAs
Thought I ought to put this on here , Just a little blow~boat  dodger with a couple of strata windows.. I got a few wrinkles in the STB side ,  but well.... it's only a cheap one!    Please advise....... ???


Hi, and welcome to the group.  I'd say that's some "little" dodger.  NICE!  I really like all the glass, though in S. Florida, that would be called a greenhouse/hothouse and you'd be growing (frying) tomatoes in it.  I suppose in your climate (where are you anyway?) the view of the mast/sails is worth more than the abundance of heat. 

60 gauge or 40?  What's your technique for insetting the glass in the fabric?  Does your glass run to the seams/fasteners?  I'm assuming it does and the fabric is appliqued on.  Your rounded corners would preclude a traditional (by S. Florida standards) facing.  Do tell!  And welcome!  Amazing work (and an amazing sailing yacht)

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


Looks nice!

Try using the image thumb HTML and we'll be able to see a full size picture by clicking on it.

BTW, welcome to the group!

Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)

R.A.F. CaNvAs

So you want clickable pix
You should be able to see where I razor knifed the sunbrella-plus just shy of the second line of wobbly stitching, Must admit the 1" straps holding it on the back bar seem a little anorexic wrapped around that 3" bar.. I think I over did it with the roll up internal zippered  sunshades tho'..
Sorry, I can't tell you the name of the boat or the location, But with the landmark in the shot, I'm sure you can guess.
No..... it's not in P.B Rybovich marina


That is a cool top!  Much easier to see your nice work. ;D
Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)


luvly jubbly, that's a serious piece of kit you made there.

Respect. :tup:


Regal Canvas

R.A.F. CaNvAs

Just can't get the staff !
                              Apprentice  required,  As the skinny streak of urine stood next to this Chris Craft  is leaving me . just when I said that I would teach him everything I know. (wont take more than a morning) Getting too old now to be jumping on and off boats, Bending over backward for the owners and too set in my ways to listen to their clap~trap. I'll just sit here and do the 'girls work' , put in a few wobbly stitches here and there and answer the phone.
The 'new apprentice' should  be fluent in the dot method  and jump when shouted at (in either spanish or english, cabron !) work with a positive attitude , not too cocky because  those who think they know everything will annoy those of us that do.. Work hours are sun up 'till sun down and payment ,  Well,   I'll teach 'em a craft and give them the business upon my retirement and only ask $1200 a month untill I'm dead....      Sound fair enough?       please advise.......


Quote from: R.A.F. CaNvAs on June 30, 2010, 01:29:04 pm
Just can't get the staff !
                              Apprentice  required,  As the skinny streak of urine stood next to this Chris Craft  is leaving me .

Ah, this is where we differ as I would've never taken him on in the first place. You see, my Mum always told me to never trust a man sporting a ponytail.

Sorry, I've already got a job. ;)