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Morbid, but cool

Started by Darren Henry, June 27, 2010, 02:01:12 pm

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Darren Henry

Completely unrelated to what this site is about; but we've ben friends for so long I had to share. I was back home yesterday for my nephew's high school grad. As you know Mom passed away 24 April. Sheila (my sister) had cleaned out Mom's closet and presented us all with an unusual remebrance of Mom before Tyler's service. She had taken Mom's most "signature" outfits and had them made into quilts. They each had our names embroidered on top and Mom's dates on the bottom. there are pieces of her favorite jeans, That frilly pink sweater she loved, etc.. in everyone's little "blankey". Chokes me up , but thought it was unique and something someone might want to think about when they have to deal with this.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


That is such a nice way to save memories.


Not morbid.   What a great remembrance!


I think it's great not morbid. My mom passed when I was 18, not really fully understanding death and memories. I actually was appalled at everybody taking things, I thought they were vulchers. I am very thankful to my family members whom had the presence to take some items and reveal them to me at a much later later date. The most special was the childs blanket that mom's sister put together out of mom's cloths. Ya know the polyester fabric! To wrap my children in that blanket is really something special. You will always treasure yours. And if you don't wear it all out so will other family members. Your sister is pretty special too.


That is something I have always wanted - a family quilt with articles of clothing from my father and little brother.

I think it is an awesome gift and one I know you will cherish.

Thanks for sharing that Darren.



June 28, 2010, 03:58:14 pm #5 Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 05:22:15 pm by Mike8560
I think it's a cool remembrance my family didn't take many photos before I got a camera so I di t have many photos of my mom who died  23 years ago but I'm glad I did get a few myself.
Here's a odd thing thought. My dad always loved that song " me and misses jones"  we've got athing going on.       I remeber him singing it in the car many times as a kid going out to dinner together. And later on after his accedent that paralyzed him and stayed with me after my divorce.  So any way after watching a movie I discover Michael bouble' on the soundtrack I bought the album a d thus song was on it I didn't get a chance to ay it for him before he drowned a bit over a year ago.  So  he wanted to be cremated and his ashes spread in the gulf.  So the day we  were going to go out my brother my son and myself with his ashes after we left the house this song came on the radio.kinda like a llast ride
 It was a very  emotional moment.


I told my wife about your post, Darren. We both agree that that was a wonderful thing to do.

My wife's sister is a cat person: many cats in her house and at least 23 cats outside. She has caught them all and had them neutered.

I mentioned to my wife that when her sister dies, we could put her ashes in a cat box. I thought that was a great idea. My wife threatened to put me in a cat box, while still alive, if I even mention that to her sister.

Oh well. You try to be kind and look what happens.


Darren Henry

Quoteafter we left the house this song came on the radio.kinda like a llast ride

That sort of thing makes you think doesn't it ? Even if your chosen religion/beliefs preclude it, we must be more than worm bait when we're gone. When I got to Dad"s he was going to smash a clock Winnie and I had bought Mom and throw it out because he had  fixed it once and it was not working again. I suggested otherwise (thought Win might like to have it) and wound up with it (I do like a good pun). When I reset it, it runs fine until a specific time and stalls. Even after it stalls though, the pendulum would twitch like it was trying to swing. Once her ashes were scattered, it came to a dead stop. Creepy.

Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


June 29, 2010, 05:53:29 am #8 Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 06:09:07 am by wind_rose_2
A photo l had recently taken at the Key West cemetary...just a bit of levity

Due to the recent economic crisis, stock market crash,
budget cuts and the rising cost of insurance, electricity,
petroleum, housing, and taxes of all kinds,
'The Light at the End of the Tunnel' has been turned off.
We apologize for the inconvenience


The road in front of my home is ripped up for new water main work and every day is a new traffic pattern.  I got misdirected last week and had to drive through the cemetery to get home.   I was looking for a sign that said "No Thru Traffic."   ;D

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison