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-STICKY-Picture posting primer for newbies, or anyone that needs a little help.

Started by hdflame, November 11, 2009, 06:20:53 am

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Here's the picture primer again.  Hopefully it will go back to the top of the main discussion page after I reply to it.

Hope this helps!
Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)


I use flikr and I'm having trouble.  If I use the "grab the link" then it ends up linking to a the annoying page in flikr with all their extra crap.  I've been doing the thumbnail with the url below.  I can't seem to get the clickable thumbnail to work.  I've been writing html from scratch for years but I feel like an idiot for not being able to get this to work.
This is the html code that I think should work:
<a href=""><img src=""></a>

If I paste that alone or wrap it in either [img] or [url] blocks it just shows the raw html and it's not clickable.  What am I missing?


OK, I got it...
First of all, after going through this, everyone would be wise to just use the photobucket technique provided by Bobby.  That's the easiest. 

I like flickr and others might be using other providers and we can still get the nice clickable thumbnails. 
Here's how...
Let's say the url for you picture on some website is:

Then, you can put this in your post to get the clickable thumbnail -- paying careful attention to the placement of equals signs and square brackets.

So, for ethe example of this flickr pic:

This content gives a clickable thumbnail:
[url=][img width=112 height=150][/img][/url]

Like this:



You may have been having trouble because some photo stores block the linking of your material on some sites ?

photobucket doesn't block so thats the easiest



My trouble was not knowing how to put the url in the "[url]" tag with: [url=http://...]
That was the trick.


Hope everyone had a great Christmas.  I had to work Christmas day but my family had Santa on Saturday instead.  I've had to work so many Christmas holidays that I wouldn't know what it's like to not have to plan around the fire station!  Anyway, happy New Year to everyone! ;D

Sometimes when I click on pictures in posts, the site where they're stored requires you to sign up for an account.  I don't think Photobucket does, but not sure.  Anyway, I like to use Photobucket because it generates the HTML for you and I'm not too good at anything but copy and paste with HTML! ???

I sent the site administrator a message and volunteered to help with site admin, like creating "Sticky" threads when needed, but haven't heard back from him yet.  Could be the holidays or could be he just doesn't read messages from the site very often.  I'm not even sure that this forum even allows for making a "Sticky", but it would be nice to have a place for frequently asked questions without having to search for them.

Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)


Hm,   I seem to have done everything right but my pictures dont show up on photobucket, just the name and a red x.  Any ideas?  Are they too big maybe?


Good job!  Looks like you got it figured out. ;D

Now we can see BIG pictures of those projects.

Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)


I tried joining and it tells me "based on the info submitted, you are ineligible to join".
I just gave up.

Darren Henry

Odd. In the mean time if you need to stick something up here Terry just email it to me and I'll post it for you.

BTW Thanks again Mike 8560 and June for getting me on track way back then.[ I'm pretty thick; it took them  forever ]
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)