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The virus

Started by MinUph, March 18, 2020, 05:31:20 pm

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I just want to wish you all a safe and healthy time. We are going through a really hard time here. An experience most of us have never dealt with and we will all need to come together and deal with in the best way we can. It will be a long ride but we can all do it. Stay healthy and do what needs to be done to keep this virus at bay as much as possible.
Minichillo's Upholstery


Sounds like the best way to beat this virus is to eat healthy, build up your immune system and get plenty of cardio exercise and fresh air. At the first sign of a sore throat eat raw garlic. I know, sounds weird.

Stay away from large groups. Florida has required closings. The school around the corner is closed, Hardies restaurant and all others are closed. City Hall is closed. Our pastor stopped by today to say the church has mandatory closer until April. Pray for all those employed in medical and emergency professions.   

We have a customer coming tomorrow to pick up a sofa. Another customer Friday to drop off a pair of chairs. Dentist neighbor across the street is still going to work every morning.

We have plenty of toilet paper so we'll be fine.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


March 18, 2020, 07:00:12 pm #2 Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 07:01:00 pm by gene
The most helpful thing you can do: Imagine you already have the virus. Now do everything you can to keep others from getting it from you.

The least helpful thing you can do: Worry about getting the virus.

The above is the best advise I've heard on how to deal with the virus. And note that if you do the first thing, you will by default be doing the best things that you can do to not get the virus yourself. And since your focus will be on others you will not be worrying so much about getting the virus yourself. Genius!


We are now required to shelter in place. What makes it even stranger is that you turn on the boob tube and nothing is happening. No sports, no activities, just nothing. It's going to be a long haul. And, no age group is really in the clear, from what I understand. Stay safe folks


A women who works in the Church office came down with it bad - our Priest was in Italy prior but he self quarantined for two weeks in California before returning to NY - her labored breathing required a hospital stay with oxygen on and off.  My Wife works in that office once a week.  It's been three weeks since they worked together and nervous because we're both over 64 - Gene that is good advice - just assume you're infected and everyone else is. 
I have a pick up today and a trip to HD needed - going to wear my mask - stay safe all !


March 22, 2020, 08:12:22 am #5 Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 08:12:58 am by kodydog
Last Tuesday a neighbor, Don, came by with his new toy. A drone with camera. Our church preacher cam by Wednesday and said both Don and his wife were sick. Late last night I was in the back yard with the dogs and the wife was walking by with her dog. She said they both have all the symptoms of Corona and Don has a 102* fever. Yesterday morning I woke up with a sore throat but it went away by noon. Today the same thing happened. I have no other symptoms. The oak pollen is terrible this year so I'm attributing the sore throat to that. Having a neighbor with Corona is concerning especially when I had contact with him just 5 days ago.  I'm loading up on vitamins.   
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


For the last two days and going forward I will wear a mask when I'm away from the house.  I told my wife to do the same and she gave me one of those looks which mean - I don't hear you.
Anyway yesterday heading out I grabbed the mask and my wife said " where did you get that mask "  replied - a while ago in HD.  She asked what does it say on it ?  I looked down and read the larger numbers N-95 - she said give me one of those to wear - not everybody can get them - and they are the ones to get ?????????? 


So being in style got her to wear one :) That works right?
Minichillo's Upholstery


So Kodydog did they test positive?
I have been staying away as much as j can but i did have a few customer last week not having sanitizer i tried acetone. Couldnt hurt
Has anyone heard from suzy q in spain.


Mike, we had one customer pick up a sofa Friday and two bring chairs yesterday. I know we are supposed to be social distancing. A slow start to the year and we can't afford to pass up jobs.

My neighbor said she called the local health dept. and asked if they should come in for a test. They told her to stay put, get plenty of rest and self quarantine. We told her if she needs anything like groceries or something from the drug store just ask. Today Rose brought them home made soup and a few other things. She set it at the front door, rang the bell and ran away.

I'm still showing no other symptoms, I think I'll be okay.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Yes Paul - N-95 masks are trendy in her eyes.   I watch the news and what I come away with is an ominous and a catastrophic feeling that this is going to be worse than anyone can figure.  Here in NY we're almost entirely closed down and the numbers of infected folks are still growing too fast.  Most folks I know over 70 will not leave their home.  Dr. OZ is on Fox news every ten minutes - Cuomo is auditioning for President - the House + Senate are at odds - panic to buy toilet paper and Purell ?  There should have been better safeguards in place to run an open society - time to print more money which is always their answer - prayers help even if you're not of the Faithful -  be safe - be smart - stay well all


The Virus..........
Yes, it is having its weight on business things, haven't had to close but sometimes feel it would
be better if cutting back on meeting even people might be prudent.  Many customers are over the
hump in age and the printed media reports that is the most probable carrier of the virus.

Hope everyone is hanging in there - the big question is when is relief going to happen.  It doesn't
appear we have climaxed yet!

Hang in there fellows!
