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Limping Wounded

Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, February 23, 2016, 11:53:00 am

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Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: kodydog on February 29, 2016, 06:16:10 pm
But really, what some people will do to get out of work.  ;)

LOL  I am so freakin' bored already.  I surf the web, watch TV, read the paper but I can't do anything I want to like quilt or sew.  I can work on quilt blocks a little but I need my leg down to use the rotary cutter and cutting board.  After about 30 minutes my leg is ready to be elevated and then I am like bored, bored, bored.  I am so bored. Next time I give myself a "vacation", I'll try to do it so that I can at least get up and down stairs.  That way I will be able to quilt and sew.  Then it would be great! 

Only 38 days to go!


Virgs Sew n Sew

Have given up on the stupid crutches.  Cannot believe my ortho told me they are more stable than the walker.  Wiped out twice in the bathroom today with them.  First time, I was able to slide into the fall, keeping both legs straight and weight off them -- used by butt as that's what it's for.  Last time, I got tangled in the crutches, put weight on my leg twice (don't think I hurt it but I didn't think I broke it the first time either so what do I know) and ended up landing on the crutches so I have a great imprint of the crutch on my right hip.  Walker only until I've had x-rays on Friday.  If I'm feeling brave next week, I'll try it but only if Bob is walking along side of me to prevent me from falling.  We'll do that until I gain some confidence.  Man, that is THE worst feeling in the world -- going down when you've already got something broken.  Sheesh.  I need to get better, not worse.

Rant over, I feel much better!


Darren Henry

[Sgt. Maj. voice] STEADY ON TROOP [Sgt. Maj. voice]

I know you're frustrated---we all would be, but don't throw the baby out with bath water. Like anything new to us there is a learning curve, and I am guessing that your early success has prompted you to out pace it. Do not try an about turn on the march until you are very sure your boots are laced correctly.

I've never used a walker, but when I was nicked up I did use a stacking stool in the same manner. That way I could kneel at the sink etc...once I got there and it took up less of this wee cave I live in than crutches. With crutches you can share the weight between your arms ( which are in a much more ergonomic position), and the top of the crutches held between the inner arm and rib cage.  There is also no "hopping" on you good for now knee as you can swing the weight bearing leg in a natural motion.

I had concerns about the new hardwood floors and the dogs getting under foot. I am glad to read that I was wrong. Where the main issue is the bathroom, I have to ask; you don't have mats etc.. left on the floor in a crutch zone do you? Did you hook your crutches on something to spill you over? I've also seen people who think that their crutches should fit snugly against their arm pits and then stick them out a 30 * angle to use them. With your crutches adjusted correctly and placed like 2" outside your ankles you should have to slump 3/4" to rest your pits on them and bend your elbow about 1/2". Too long crutches on stairs are the worst.

Inhale---relax---slow down. Counter- rant ends LOL.

You'll be just fine Girl!
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

No fears about the dogs, Darren.  Bob is always insistent that they go outside before I get up off the couch or go back down on the couch.  After my wipe-outs, that did not involve the dogs, I understand why.

My plan is as follows:  I'm returning to the walker until after my follow-on appointment with the ortho on Friday.  His plan was already to x-ray my knee just to make sure that everything was positioned as he wants it to be.  I honestly don't think I've done myself any harm as my pain is steadily decreasing every day and that brace was on snug and correctly positioned which should have kept the knee from being twisted, turned, torqued, whatever. 

But limiting myself to the walker, keeps me in "chill" mode which is not a bad thing.  Then Friday afternoon, some how, some way, I'm getting downstairs: 1) to see what things look like; and 2) to rescue my bridesmaid dress which is tucked away in a corner on my dress form.  Have a little handwork to do on it, which I can do just fine from the couch and feel like I have accomplished something.  After that, I'm digging out the crutches, dusting off my pride and starting off on them again.  This time, Bob is going to be in lock step behind me and if it looks like I'm going down, his mission is to grab me and prevent that.  A couple of turns around the house with no misadventures should help me to regain my confidence and then, katy bar the door.  LOL

At least, I got a book in the mail yesterday so I had a nice afternoon reading it and read again this morning.  Have 2 chapters left so will probably finish it this afternoon, unless I nap.  Got up about 3:30 when Bob came in to change the ice and decided a bathroom break was in order as long as Bob was awake.  Once I was tucked back in, I just couldn't sleep so I surfed the web for about an hour and then it still took me a while to drift back off to sleep.

Oh, I also have another adventure scheduled for this afternoon.  Showering and washing my hair.  LOL, that should be a blast.  I know I'll take the walker into the shower.  Bob said once my hair is wet, he'll apply shampoo and work it in my hair.  Then I'll rinse it and he'll apply the conditioner.  Then I'll rinse the conditioner off and finish my shower.  Up 'til now, I've been taking what my MIL used to refer to as "PTA" showers.  Amy could be wicked when she wanted to be : )  I've reached the point where washing the vitals with a washcloth and soap don't cut it.  I'm not looking forward to the hair wash as I don't think Bob has any clue what he's getting himself into with trying to wash my hair.  Big difference between washing a typical 60 something guy who still has hair compared to washing a still relatively thick head of hair that goes just shy of my hips.  He'll be sorry!!!

So that's my day -- pretty exciting NOT! 

Virgs Sew n Sew

Okey-dokey, survived my first and fabulous shower/hair washing/conditioning since I fell last Tuesday.  It felt wonderful though getting in and out of the shower was beyond freaky.  When we bought this house 10+ years ago, we opted to tear out the narrow bathtub and replace it with a very wide, walk-in shower.  We were kind of looking at our upcoming not so golden years and wanted to be able to avoid nursing homes when nursing whatever falls and broken bones were heading our way.  There is maybe a 4" lip on the shower that you have to overcome.  Getting in the shower wasn't bad but getting out of the shower was terrifying.  I think that Bob basically wrapped his arms around me and lifted me out and onto the bath mat by the shower.  Then I sat on the toilet seat cover and carefully dried my wounded leg, let Bob dry my foot and between my toes and then he slid the brace back in place.  I dried off as much as I could while sitting and just had to change into one of my V. Secret nightshirts.  They are so perfect for right now.  Loose and comfortable and I have several with long sleeves so I'm still warm.  Generally have my quilt over me as they are short.  That way if case Ray comes upstairs,  I don't give him a show and also my legs stay warm.  When the weather warms up, I have a couple of short sleeved ones.  I cannot imagine sliding pajamas up and down my braced leg every time I need to use the rest room so I'm glad I have a good supply of these things. 

I'm now weak as a kitten though.  We got my hair washed, rinsed, conditioned and rinsed again in record time.  The shower was pretty hit or miss but I had been standing directly under the shower head so that should have washed off most of the funk.  Bob's making a celebratory batch of movie theater style buttered popcorn even as we speak.  After that, I think I'll give myself a much deserved nap.  And yes, Ray is still here working on rough-in for the new tub downstairs.  And so far I haven't fallen or otherwise done anything stupid that is detrimental to my leg healing so, all in all it's been a pretty good day so far.


Darren Henry

Very glad to hear good news on both fronts. As Stan Rodgers sings ♫ there is a victory in every quarter mile ♫. May tomorrow be even better.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew


Hoping things are going to go more smoothly now.  I think Ray is planning on installing the tub tomorrow.  He got a lot of framing for it done, based on the noise this afternoon (so much for afternoon nap).  Also, finally got my fold-away ironing board installed in the new room.  He did work until around 4:45, which is a record for Ray on this job.  Took some wood home that needed to be cut with a different saw that he had at home.  Just needs to get that wood screwed into the frame he constructed today and he's ready to bring in the tub tomorrow.  I'm so excited about that.  Honestly, if the tub had been in the garage with the rest of the bathroom fixtures, we would have given Ray the heave ho quite some time ago but those babies are expensive and I really did not want to pay for a tub twice.

Instead of napping, I did draw up my list of everything that is outstanding in all 3 rooms.  Even very small items like a wider threshold for the old laundry room.  So today, I got to cross off, installing ironing board cabinet.  That will be nice again as I've been using a monster ironing board and I just don't like it.  For one thing, it doesn't adjust to a height that's good for my back and the fold-away was installed at a height that is compatible with my back.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Off to the ortho in a few minutes.  This was scheduled last week when the brace was put on.  X-ray to make sure bone is in proper position and that he's satisfied I'm mending as he would like.

I confess to being a tad bit nervous about it due to that horrific spill I took last time I used my crutches.  But I was always nervous when I saw my back surgeon, even though I followed back surgeon's instructions to the letter.

Pain level seems to decrease a bit every day so that should mean that things are good and I'm just being a nervous Nellie.  On the bright spot, 1 week down and anywhere from 3-5 weeks to go.  I'm telling myself 5 weeks and then I'll be pleasantly surprised if I heal more quickly. 

Hope everyone else is having a nice productive day!


Virgs Sew n Sew

Back from ortho appointment.  Took new x-rays of my knee.  I saw the break.  It goes across the entire bone.  You can see a definite break at the top of the bone and then more like a crack as it goes to the base of the bone.  Ortho was pleased with how the leg is lined up now.  Said that I did not do any damage, despite my spectacular spill on the crutches.  See him next in 4 weeks.  He said that his plan is to let me start putting some weight on it in 4 weeks if he likes my x-rays.  That would be fabulous!

Definitely time for a nap.  It is a very long walk down the hall to the ortho's office.  Then got to hop on down to x-ray and back to my treatment room.  Then back down the hallway to my car and off to home, where I had another trek to the house.  Took the walker but did use crutches to get down stairs which worked well.  Absolutely could not get up the steps using PT instructions.  He said I could come in and they would show me so will probably do that one day next week as would like to be able to do steps (just these 3 at this point).

Nap time now.


Darren Henry

March 05, 2016, 08:11:24 am #24 Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 08:21:02 am by Darren Henry
It's a beautiful day in Brandon, forecast is for +4 (roughly 36 F), grab your jacket. We're going to go run some stairs. You're probably bored anyway.

You've got down mastered so we'll start with one of those as a review. That's also the only way we can work on "up" LOL. This time though use one crutch and the handrail.

To go up; grasp the handrail with your hand were you want it to be once you are standing on the first tread. Transfer your weight to your crutch and the hand rail. Lift your foot high enough to clear the first tread and THEN gently pull yourself forward using the handrail and set your foot down on the first tread. Transfer your weight back to your good leg and then lift your crutch and place it on the first tread. Now move your hand up the handrail and head for second!

Obviously having only one crutch when you run out of handrail is not ideal. Once you are comfortable with the " up" drill , start using both crutches in your outside hand. That way you'll have both when you get to the top.

If you want to do some "dry land" training, place a book on the floor and, using both crutches, practice stepping up onto it. The purpose of the exercise is focus on accuracy and balance on your crutches/ controlling your forward momentum. The goal is to go as slow as possible while still controlling forward momentum.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

Temp today in the upper 70's and here I sit in the house.  Ugh!

Tried the up stuff again when we got back from the ortho -- no go -- I think I have a block about it. 

Handrails -- bleppp.  On the three step thing we don't have any.  On the steps going down to S&S, I usually have one on the right side going down; however that one is currently down due to the remodeling.  However, I am in no hurry to use those steps.  I'm just going to slide down them on my butt.  Am planning on going to see PT guy this week to see if they can get me over the hump.  I'm really irritated by it.  Oh should also say that those three steps are much wider than normal steps.


Virgs Sew n Sew

The big day finally arrived.  After I cleaned up this morning and got dressed, I finally got down to the basement.  Crutches and I and steps are a lethal combination but I can carefully get my butt on the top step if I hold onto the newel.  Once there, I grab the crutches and start sliding on my butt, step by step.  It's kind of tricky because I have a 90 degree turn to get from the landing steps to the basement steps but I managed.  Once downstairs, I stand up, using the crutches, and navigate to where I'm going.

I didn't go check out the new area this morning as Ray is grouting the tile today and it was wet at the entrance (seemed backwards to me but what do I know).  I could see the textured wall (not close enough to see how the texture works).  I really like the green color we agreed on.  Not too dark, not too soft, not harsh.  Hate to sound like the chick in the 3 Little Pigs but the color is just right ; )

I needed my typewriter, tax file and had to look up 2 numbers off a spreadsheet on my tower downstairs (our network isn't connecting the two right now) plus I needed to look up customer's ticket on a chair that is being picked up tomorrow afternoon so I could call her and give her a total.  So, got customer called, she was happy to get her total.  Got my numbers and sweet-talked Ray into carrying the typewriter and tax file upstairs.  So I survived everything quite nicely.  Could not believe how SHAKEY I was for not accomplishing anything.

I will get my book work finished either this afternoon or tonight and may do the stairs again tomorrow, with Bob so that he can bring the 4 seat forms and tools upstairs.  Everything is cut, just need to stretch and staple and think I can do that while sitting at the dining room table (like one chair seat a day).  Would like to get that out of here on my "down" time.  Got the two bridesmaid dresses done and if Ray doesn't screw up, he'll be turning S&S back over to me in the next week or so.  A day of good cleaning once able and I'll have the bride over for her dress fitting.  Plus have another bride waiting in the wings as well as a confirmation scarf to sew & embroider for a young lady (confirmation is generally the first Sunday in May I'm told).  Lots of time on all three of those projects.  Have some other stuff that should materialize but I'm hoping it won't for another month or two.  Have a lot of organizing to do once Ray is out of here and I can put serious weight on my leg.  Feeling pretty optimistic today, especially for me.


Virgs Sew n Sew

So, another day closer to being out of this stupid knee brace.  Learned how to slide up and down the steps one by one (very carefully) because the crutches are just a no-go for me to try to do the stairs with.

I've been hanging out on the landing while the dogs are out to keep an eye out on their digging.  That way if they start to dig, I can yell "No Dig" at them.  It's been about 3 days I think since either of them dug.  I can get down the three landing steps ok but cannot get back up them so Bob & I have a system for him to kind of wrap his arms around me while I hold onto a counter top and stove door handle.  A pain in the back side but it works.  This afternoon, I figured out how to nail that top step by holding onto the newel with one hand and the crutch with the other.  Then hop as high as I can while keeping my right leg and foot still.  Kind of leap over to the side where the floor is level and by golly I did it.  Not something that I want to do 5 or 6 times a day but perhaps I'll figure out another way.  I was so encouraged, I grabbed the crutches and carefully made my way through the kitchen, dining room and over to the couch in the living room.  Bob was very shocked.  As I told him, I'm a lot stronger now and also just have to be very careful and focus completely on navigating the crutches at this point.  Not a bad day all in all.  Also the dogs were out for about 30 minutes or so by themselves and acted like well behaved dogs (no digging) so perhaps we are getting the point through their little pin heads.
