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Sample book displays

Started by MinUph, February 03, 2015, 07:13:57 pm

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Any pictures of your sample book displays? I want to reorganize ours. I was thinking about a slat wall system but don't want to buy new. Looking on CL hasnt come up with anything yet. Any ideas?
  Right now they are on hooks. I have probably 4 to 5 hundred books mostly the small ones not many large. All hanging on hooks. Some on large peg boards but the weight pulls the hooks through the peg board.
Minichillo's Upholstery


It doesn't seem to matter what I do to organize my sample room. After a customer browses through the books just once, it looks like a war zone.

I swear, it takes me 15 minutes to straighten up a mess that it only took the customer 5 minutes to create.

Then they ask if they can take some home..........they throw them into the trunk of their car........and forget about them until the next time they just happen to open their trunk. So they call me and ask if I'll stay open late so they can return my books.

I used to have over 500 books. Now, it's probably down to around 200 as fabric salesmen continue to cross small town shops off their route.

There's nothing special about my display system. Just nails on a wall. I kinda like the slat idea though.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I am not sure about slat wall, I used to have rack that Irvin Allan/Greenhouse Fabrics sells. If you search Fabric Sample Racks you will find them there too but they take up 3 sq ft.. You can also go with peg board. Another idea if you have the room a table with shelves under, sort of like a cutting table, that way you can use the table to look thru the books. Let us know what you decide


I've decided on sticking with the HD pegboard. I figured out we had some cheaper hooks installed and these were the ones that poked through the board.
  Anyway I may have been taken for a ride on the new hooks. I ordered them a week or so ago, haven't heard a thing about the order. They didn't have any trouble charging my card for the sale though. I tried contacting them. No phone number on their site, the comment form didn't work, and the number listed on the bank charge doesn't work either. Hmmm. If I knew where they were I'd send a couple of the boys there for a visit.
Minichillo's Upholstery


Let me know what size hooks, I may have some kicking around you can have


February 15, 2015, 05:45:46 pm #5 Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 05:47:51 pm by MinUph
I tried posting a pic but this forum is fussy and I don't remember how here. Sorry. They have a triangular section that rests on the board a couple inches down so it doesn't poke through the board. Som have a short tail that does poke through.
Minichillo's Upholstery


I know what you are looking for, I will look in my boxes and see what I have.


put a chain  from the wall  or celing  put  S hooks in the chain to hang books on  . close up the  S part that hooks into the chain .
just recovering 40 years