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Something Different This Christmas

Started by Mojo, December 12, 2014, 05:27:56 am

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I am doing something different this year. I am closing down the shop Dec 23rd and staying closed till Jan 2nd. I have never done this before but our entire family will be here, kids, grandkids, etc. and because we are scattered all over the USA it is the first time we have gotten together for Xmas in 7 years.

Time to set the business aside and enjoy what is the most important thing in our lives.....Family.

Last year I sewed on Christmas Eve, New Years Eve and New Years day. I actually got an order on Christmas day last year. This year I am just going to enjoy my kids and grandkids and be what my granddaughter calls her Bompa ( Grandpa ).

Anyone have any plans ?



My grandson calls me "Grumpa".
Most people that know me say it fits.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban

Virgs Sew n Sew

We're springing MIL out of the Nursing Home for the day.  SIL, Nephew & his just announced PG girlfriend will join us as well.  Just the 6 of us for one of the last times.  New baby will be here for the Holidays next year so this will be the last of it's kind.



Chris:  I have been doing that for years, I usually shut down on the 22nd and dont open until the first.  At first it was very hard to do and I would like to say it gets easier, but dead lines stress me so much that if I don't plan right I end up finishing up deadlines instead.   Over the past years I have started cautioning my customers about holiday deadlines,  now right after Thanksgiving I am always booked up until after the first of the year, regardless of how much work is in the shop.  This is not a dishonest statement, because I have that time booked, booked for myself and my family!
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


The week between Xmas and New Years Day is my absolute favorite time to work. Customers leave me alone, so I can concentrate on some of those pesky jobs that I've been putting off.

I'm the last living member from my side of the family. And my wife's side is fairly small and they all live close by. So we don't feel the need to all get together at the holidays. We meet just long enough for the children to open their presents (usually an hour or 2). Most of the in-laws and cousins I can't really endure for very long anyway. And I'm sure the feeling is mutual.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I guess as long as it's not Don mucho grumpa - you're OK -
Although with that moniker you have to come up with the best gift for that little guy !


Good for everyone who declares that Christmas is still a holiday!  I think pausing for a bit at the shortest, darkest time of the year is a good thing to do.  We're not religious at all, but I love the tradition of the Advent season with the gradual build up to Christmas, New Year's Day, and the Epiphany.  We have chosen to make it a relaxed time in our home.

We don't have a lot of family left and there are no kids, so the celebration is entirely ours.  I have finished up my commitments for the year and will  only take on anything new with an eye to turnaround and difficulty.  This is my time to fuss with decorations (exterior), do my Christmas sewing, and collect myself for the start of a new year.  It's also my time to finish cleaning up the gardens and attend to little "to dos" around the house.  We take the first days of the New Year to come back up to speed. 

Last year was a pretty good one; not much penny-pinching, a reasonably relaxed work pace, and validation that the sort of work I wish to do is readily available. 


QuoteGood for everyone who declares that Christmas is still a holiday!  I think pausing for a bit at the shortest, darkest time of the year is a good thing to do.

Bobbin:  I agree, but we like to think of it as celebrating the return of the "Sun" as the 21st is the solstice and the days start getting longer.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


I'll be taking off Thurs and Fri for Xmas and New Years. Xmas day is big for us with family and a few friends who have no family in town.

I hear they are expensive.

Quotecelebrating the return of the "Sun"
I've read a lot over the years about how so many different peoples believed each year that the sun might continue it's downward arching through the sky and eventually plunge the world into total darkness. From the Pyamids in Egypt to the Mayan temples in South America to Stonehenge in England to Helio the Greek God - there seems to be a big connection to the movement of the sun. And what an awesome celebration must have occurred when the leaders announced that the god(s) were appeased and the sun was rising!

QuoteMost of the in-laws and cousins I can't really endure for very long anyway. And I'm sure the feeling is mutual.
I have a brother-in-law that used to irritate the bejesus out of me. One day I realized that he probably has a brother-in-law that irritates the bejesus out of him. LOL This awareness ushered in copious amounts of tolerance on my part. 



Good for you Chris,

I am going to take some time off too. In fact, I have been looking into ways to downsize, minimalize, and simplify life, home and business. None of my junk is going with me when I croak anyway!

My three year old grand daughter calls me Crap-pa. My wife has a little too much fun with this! LOL!

Glad to hear you going to be able to enjoy your family and what's important this Christmas season!


We are not retreating - we are advancing in another direction.
Douglas MacArthur

Darren Henry

GOOD ON 'YA Chris! It's all about family and priority.You OWE yourself and them that time.

We close for two weeks at Christmas---'cause it's the slowest time of year so then is when we can take our vacations. Other than Remembrance day that is the only time off I can get. I don't have many relatives or friends left but will be looking them up from my step son's in Kenora. Unless the ice fishing is good LOL.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!