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Back From The Vet : (

Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, September 29, 2014, 11:25:35 am

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Virgs Sew n Sew

Things with Carly went downhill very fast.  She started straining with her bowel movements Saturday night.  Sunday, every time we went outside, she had a "strained" poop.  Got up at 2 this morning to take her out so she could poop.  About 30 minutes later, I was still tossing and turning when I heard her nails clicking on the hallway floor.  Before I could get out of bed, Jimmy came flying into the bedroom so I knew that meant that Carly had an accident.  Sure enough, when I got up, she had just kind of gone everywhere.  Some was bloody mucas (sp?) Anyway, while I was cleaning things up, she started vomiting and there were specks of blood in her vomit.  I knew then, that it was time to let her go peacefully before she started hurting (if she wasn't already).  So, I finished cleaning everything up and went in and woke Bob up so that we could both have time to drink coffee and shower in case we could get an early appointment.  Called the vets first thing when they opened and they had a 10:20 appointment.  So a little after 10, we loaded Carly in the HHR and took her for her last car ride.  Everything went smoothly and she drifted off very peacefully.  I'm sure by now that she is romping happily with Heathcliff (the Saint we had when we adopted Jimmy and Carly) as well as the rest of our old crew.

Jimmy looked pretty lost when he realized that Carly wasn't with us.  We talked with him for a few minutes and then put him on a lead and took him for his first walk around our neighborhood and into the park I played in as a small child (our house is 4 blocks away from the house I grew up in).  He seemed to really enjoy his walk as he sniffed every inch I think so we are going to try and walk him every day.  We're going to the nursing home tonight to visit Bob's mom and we're going to load Jimmy up and take him with us.  I've already checked with the nursing home and they have no problem with pets visiting.  Mom's roommate has been after us to bring the "pooches" -- hopefully, she'll be good with seeing one "pooch".

Anyway, very glad that she isn't suffering and that we were able to let her go peacefully.  The house is very quiet though.  She was always the one who heard my car and was waiting by the door to welcome me; as well as usually being the first one down in Sew & Sew in the morning.  She'd see me start brewing my after breakfast cup and would just about break her legs to get down here.  So, she'll be missed for about a million reasons.  She taught us a lot about how much dogs can love, even after getting a lousy start in life.

We're not planning on a new puppy for a while.  We want Jimmy and us to have time to get past our sadness.  Cold weather will be here soon and I'd rather housebreak in nice weather.  Plus, we haven't had a puppy in almost 12 years and the entire house needs to be puppy proofed.  Having said all that, I'm sure we would change our minds in a New York second if the right tail wagger would happen along.



Oh boy - sad to hear - wishing you the strength to overcome the passing of a best friend. 
We had two - one left us 3 years ago (Terrier) and the one still with us (Chihuahua)  he goes into the bathroom every now and again - stands up on his hind legs and peaks over the top of the bath tub to see if his roommate is in there getting a bath. He remembers they got baths together and when he was done which was quick - we continued  scrubbing our big girl and he would try to watch but couldn't see up high enough. He still checks to see if she's in there 3 years later.

Virgs Sew n Sew

Man, that's a tear jerker for sure.

Years ago, we adopted two Saint Bernards, siblings.  The female had hip dysplacia and had to be put down pretty early.  We had one hip fixed but she was too old by the time the first healed to have the other side done.  She and her brother were thick as thieves, even slept with their legs so intertwined you didn't know which one was which.  The day after we had Gertie put to sleep, Heathcliff swiped one of my St Bernard bedroom slippers.  He took it outside and placed it in the area of the yard where Gertie liked to sunbathe.  Then he scrounged up a treat that he'd hidden in the yard and placed it right next to the Saint slipper.  That move had both Bob & I in tears for the rest of the day.  We got Carly & Jimmy then because you cannot replace a Saint with just one dog.  He was absolutely gaga over the two of them, especially Jimmy as they hung outside together doing "boy dog" stuff.


Darren Henry

I am so sorry to hear that. My deepest condolences to you and Bob. Take some solace that it was as quick as it was and that she didn't have to suffer.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Oh Geeessshh. I am sorry to hear this. Nothing worse then the loss of one of your pets.
Been through it twice in the last two years and it is heart breaking.

May God heal all your hearts.



so sorry for your loss I was in your place this march  lost my gigi
this was a good day she had

she was a rescue and after I looked at a rescue again a pup Jenny  but when I went to look I couldn't leave her brother behind this is day 1 and 5 month after

Virgs Sew n Sew

Thanks to everyone for all of your support throughout this.

Carly was a one in a million dog and extremely special.  Jimmy is pretty cool as well.  I just got really attached to Carly as she loved to hang out in Sew & Sew.

Mike, I love the picture of your Gigi -- it's obvious that she was having a really good day with you sailing.  Most cool.

Bob and I talked about puppies again this morning.  We're not going to rush it.  We are going to do the puppy proofing thing just so we're ready should someone happen along.  Among other things, I sell vintage patterns on eBay.  I don't want to guess as to how many I have but a lot are in baggies on the bottom shelf of our entertainment center and those as well as the ones that clutter the coffee table have to find a new home that a puppy can't get to.  Some of them sell for a very good price considering how little I paid for them.  Bob has a lot of wires behind the entertainment center that he has to do something with.  There's a spot in the back yard fence that a small puppy could slip through.  We didn't worry about it with Carly & Jimmy because they weren't runners but puppies go everywhere and so quickly - ugh.  I'll probably start making a list just so we don't forget anything.  I love to make lists.

Better get my day going -- I'm pretty late as we did sleep in a little this morning.

Thanks again!



Currently going through the puppy ordeal. When we had Taz put down for bone cancer we went out a few days later on got another GSD puppy from a breeder.

I forgot what it was like to raise a pup. They are hell on wheels and just like a toddler, into everything.

I do not regret going out and getting Miyah right away. It helped heal our broken hearts and it fit perfectly into our schedule. My wife was off work for summer vacation and she could spend a great deal of time with the new pup.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: Mojo on September 30, 2014, 07:32:35 am

I forgot what it was like to raise a pup. They are hell on wheels and just like a toddler, into everything.


When we still lived in Leavenworth, we got sibling St Bernard puppies.  I used to call them the Twin Terrorists as they were just insane.  Came upstairs one morning and they were playing tug of war with the kitchen broom, another time they had found a brand new 9 roll toilet paper package and just about demolished it.  I couldn't get mad at them as it was just so funny.  They did scare the cr*p out of me one morning though as I was sitting on the ground with them, had my hair back in a pony tail and the two of them pretty much pinned me so they could have their way with my hair.  They were each a little over 70 pounds at the time.  I quit wearing pony tails after that until they had outgrown such antics.   Definitely just like kids.  I told people that if I was downstairs and it got quit, that meant I needed to get upstairs pronto.  No noise means they were into something that they shouldn't be.  Those were absolutely the most fun days we had when those two were puppies.  Because of their early abuse, Carly & Jimmy did not have that same sort of wild abandon.  They romped and played but they had a reserve and I know it was months before they figured out they didn't have to be afraid in our house.  People are such jerks for abusing puppies.



I said the same thing that I wouldn't get a new dog I felt like id be trying to forget her. but I foundmyself looking again the same week.  its funny how you would say jimmy tatle tales on carly my jenny and barkly are the same jeeny is smaller and more spaniel there are

cavavachons ( spaniel / bischon mix) she has sheeding corser hair and could outrun and jump barlky early on where it is heavy soft bischon like hair. she would get up on the couch at night and barkly would bark to get kme to get her down . ive used there cage fence thin fro whe there were small to keep them both now off the leather couch. but jenny can hop onto my bed easy she like to sleep at my feet the other morning she didn't wake me up like usuale and I found she had remove a lot of stuffing from my comforter  she was tossing it down to barkly as it was all white fluufy sturring was all over the bed ad all over the llivingroom also  I fenced my backyard this spring and they loved it when I get home I usualy go lay out in the grass while they play



Condolences on your loss, Virginia. Our pets do grab us by our hearts.

My wife asked me what kind of dog I want when our blind 9 year old yellow lab goes off to that happy fire hydrant in the sky. I said "Ceramic".

Hopefully he'll be around for many years to come and I'm sure I'll be the first one wanting our fourth dog sooner than later when he does exit stage left. I did chastise my wife for talking about Jesses' eventual demise right in front of him.  :)



Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: gene on September 30, 2014, 06:22:21 pm
I did chastise my wife for talking about Jesses' eventual demise right in front of him.  :)


We do that to each other.  Jimmy commandeered one of our recliners for his very own.  Since my back surgery, I can't sit in a recliner and Bob has his own "big boy" version so it really wasn't being used.  However his nails made a mess of the fabric.  We bought a comforter that coordinates with the rest of the furniture to cover up how terrible the chair looks.  Several months ago, we were talking about what kind of furniture to get to replace the two matching recliners once Jimmy is gone.  Man, that dog gave me a dirty look which really made both of us wonder if he was understanding what we were talking about.

Jimmy seems to be doing pretty good so far without Carly.  Monday was pretty sucky for him, despite a walk and visit to Mom's nursing home.  He didn't seem to be eating a whole lot and he doesn't have much fat to rely on so I have been feeding him a lot of people food for the time being.  I'll give him a couple of weeks and then start weaning him off the people food.  Right now, I just want him eating and if that means eating people food, so be it.  We've been walking him each day and he really seems to enjoy getting out and learning about his neighborhood, though his tongue gets longer and longer the closer to home with get on the return journey.  That boy has really gotten lazy in his old age ; )



You bring up a good point. What about the other dog left behind ? King never seemed to get over the loss of Tessa which was two years ago. Tessa was a friendly, outgoing GSD but after her passing King turned into a different dog.

He used to love people and drive them insane for scratches, rubs and pet's. Now he hates being around people and when company comes over, he checks them out and then goes into the bedroom and hides out till they leave.

Him and Taz were close and after we had Taz put down a few months ago he seems to have gotten worse with being withdrawn. But if he hears my keys jingle he makes a bee line to the door wanting to go Bye Bye. He is still very loving with us but hates strangers being here in the house. Our new puppy, Miyah, of course drives him nuts.

I guess dogs do suffer the loss of one of their friends. It is even worse if they were an alpha female or male. Tessa was an alpha and gave King his marching orders. That is probably why he is now withdrawn. very sad to witness.
