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Update !!!!!!!!

Started by Mojo, July 10, 2014, 08:47:25 am

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I am just getting back here on the forum and catching up on all the posts. I have been lurking a little but haven't had much time to post.

Our young German Shepherd Tazzie ( the one we got as a pup two years ago ) started developing a limp a few weeks ago. We took her to the Vet and found out she had bone cancer. It was pretty advanced and saving her with an amputation of the front limb was out of the question. The pain got real bad over the 4th holiday and finally last Saturday she was in a great deal of pain so we rushed her to an emergency Vet and had her put to sleep. It was heart breaking as she was our baby. Both of us were devastated and shed alot of tears over the last two weeks.

We found another Pup ( 3 months old ) at a breeder near us and brought her home two days ago. She is an all black GSD as well and is going to be one very big female. She is already 30 lbs and has paws the size of a bear. She is a typical puppy meaning she is a holy terror. My wife did not want to wait to get a pup as she is off on school break and has time to train her.  Our male - King, has taken a real shining to the new puppy and looks after her well. Miyah was just what the Doctor ordered to mend our broken hearts.

On the business front things slowed to a crawl and I ended up clearing the order board from my shows I did back in May. I have had a couple large orders come in during the last week and am finishing those off and then concentrating on getting the bus ready for our trip North to spend time with the Grandkids. Our son and his family have a bus and they are leaving in August for a year long tour of the USA. They will be homeschooling our grand daughter during the trip. We wanted to spend time with them before they left.

Then it is back to the grind as my wife begins getting ready for another year at her high school. I am hoping things will still be slow when we get back so I can get a few projects done around the house.
This has been one extremely busy year and I am enjoying this slow period before all hell breaks loose with the snowbirds.

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. Life does get busy sometimes. I hope all of you are doing well, making money and enjoying life.



Sorry to hear about your loss Chris. German Shepard's have such great personalities its tough to make that final decision.

We lost our 6 year old girl Eva a little over 1 year ago.

This is the first time in our married lives we've only had one dog and the first time we've had a dog under 20 lbs.


We ready to add another dog to the pack. Probably a pound pup. Our last two Shepard's we're from owners who couldn't keep them any more. They we're great and loving dogs.

There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Difficult for the heart and I know that pain !   Miyah will brighten your lives - go ahead and spoil her.



Nothing harder than making that final decision.  Nothing.  But along with it comes the knowledge that you did the right thing and put your dog's welfare before your own! that takes guts and (to me anyway) is the sign of a dedicated pet owner.  It just plain sucks. 

I'm big on adoption and rescue.  Our dog was shuttled through 2-3 homes and as many shelters in his 1 1/2 yrs. before we adopted him.  He was big (100 lbs.) and completely out of control, but only because no one took the time to teach him how to behave politely in a world ruled by humans.  He arrived here (Boot Camp) and within 2 mos. he was basically with the program and the remaining kinks in the system were worked out with plenty of exercise, consistent discipline, and lots of praise for doing things correctly.  He's about 12 now, grey in the muzzle, and his end is a lot closer that we would like, but he's lead a charmed life. 

And so will our "next victim".  ;)  And so will your new puppy, Mojo.  :)


Awwww... so sorry to hear that Chris.  She was such a beauty.  But in the end, you have to do right by your animals and it's never an easy decision.  At least your wife's signed on to do the initial training of the new pup.   She'll learn a lot from your old boy as well.  Truly, if they look up to an alpha, that's the easiest training going.  They learn so much from their doggie company.  Good luck with her!  And drive on down to Charlotte Harbor and make Mike take you fishing.  Sounds like you could use the R&R.

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


you know chris I had mixed feeling when I got my new pups  after my gigi died like it was too soon its so much different having 2 did I tell you the first night they came in my room at 4:30  noe the girl jenny jump onto the bed and wakes me with a wet willie.   you need to teach Miyah to stay out of the trash unlike the big white boy  :)

Darren Henry

I'm so sorry to hear that Chris. At least with Buddy I knew he'd run his race and time cannot be stopped. I've lost friends and loved ones "too early" and I know how much harder it is.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

We had a female St Bernard who had hip displacia (sp?).  We had one hip rotated and a plate put in to keep everything aligned but she was too old to have the second hip fixed.  We ended up having to put her down when she was just a little over 4 as she had started dragging the leg alongside of the hip that we couldn't get fixed.  Horrible thing to have to do but we agreed years ago that we would never keep one of our animals alive just so that we didn't have to go through the pain and grieving.  We got two rescue dogs to help us heal and were amazed to see how much love they have in their hearts despite a rocky start to their lives.  They are now 10 and I'm dreading the day that could come tomorrow but may not come for several years yet.

So sorry for your loss Chris but so very glad that you have a new little girl to love.  Enjoy the puppy stage ... it doesn't last near long enough.  We actually had the female Saint, along with her brother and talk about terrors.  It was just like kids.  When they got quiet, I got worried as that meant they were up to something.  Caught them playing tug of war with our brand new broom and also with a jumbo package of toilet paper.  They gave me many gray hairs but I wouldn't trade those memories for anything!



I heard bigger dovs do t live as long virginia. 4 years seems lilnot that old. As a kid my first dog. Poodle liced to 18. Sadly as i was older in my 20s i didnt have time for him or my family either. My last dog lived to 10 before i knew it.  It was over.  I just got 2 pups. Few month bavk there 7 months now and teice as big and fast.


Thanks everyone. This big bad assed Marine cries at the loss of a pet and I have a very deep soft spot in my heart for all animals.

One thing I cannot stand to see is a child or pet in pain. It tears me up.

Miyah, our new pup is doing well but Good Gawd this little girl is going to be the death of us both. I forgot how much energy they have. It reminds me of being a father during the toddler years. You have to watch them every single second and when you hear silence coming from the other room you better get up and check it real quick. :)

Thanks again everyone. This is the first dog I have ever lost at such a young age. All the rest of my shepherds have gone well over 11 years of age.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: Mojo on July 15, 2014, 10:05:17 am
Thanks everyone. This big bad assed Marine cries at the loss of a pet and I have a very deep soft spot in my heart for all animals.

One thing I cannot stand to see is a child or pet in pain. It tears me up.

Miyah, our new pup is doing well but Good Gawd this little girl is going to be the death of us both. I forgot how much energy they have. It reminds me of being a father during the toddler years. You have to watch them every single second and when you hear silence coming from the other room you better get up and check it real quick. :)

Thanks again everyone. This is the first dog I have ever lost at such a young age. All the rest of my shepherds have gone well over 11 years of age.


Ah yes, just as when we had the two saint puppies at the same time.  I've heard silence is golden but not when you have small children or puppies.  LOL.

Glad you are doing better.   Know what you mean about kids and animals.  Both are reliant on adults to treat them correctly.


Darren Henry

QuoteThis big bad assed Marine cries at the loss of a pet

Yup; So did this old Sargeant Major--- and I knew our time together was almost done. I guess that's why the CF has actually been issuing "Companion dogs" to Afgan. vets with PTSD. Unconditional love.

Let's face it; If you leave the dog and the old lady/man in the car and run in for a beer---who's happy to see you when you come out? Buddy never once bite me or barked----

glad to hear you're dealing with this well. JAR HEAD  :D

HEY  CODY; I just enlarged Rambo's picture. Is that little metal key on the front what you use to wind it up so it walks around on the coffee table and barks like a real dog???

LOL; JUST RAZZIN' YOU BRO; He's a fine lookin' dog. Local expression---" He's bright eyed" / He's obviously attentive and intelligent. You should be able to teach him ANYTHING.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


July 15, 2014, 07:26:04 pm #12 Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 06:47:27 am by kodydog
LOL, yeah hes a hard headed little turd. And a yappy thing too. But like most dogs very loyal and loving. We can leave him alone at home for hours and he has never made a mess or destroyed anything.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


I hear you itike when my don was small i only had one child but if im watching tv and they stop pestering they are up to no good in another room.
I have this pen fence that i use as a baricsde at night to geep them off the leather couch. Ive got a nice set if furniture in the sunroom that i found we we on so now that off limits.


Your very right Darren, dog is mans best friend. If ya'll do not believe me then put your wife and dog in the trunk of your car for 5 minutes. Open it up and see which one is happiest to see you. :)
