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Time to Kick the Tires & Light the Fires

Started by Mojo, April 27, 2013, 05:54:31 am

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April 27, 2013, 05:54:31 am Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 06:03:07 am by Mojo
More of my babble.

It has been a whirlwind month. I upped our production to 7 days a week to clear out all the orders and now have the Bus loaded and ready to go. This trip required more prep work then the last for some reason. I think it is because I have reworked samples and displays for the up coming rally's in Indiana not to mention the wife and I finally sat down and went over our pricing strategies.

We repriced all of our canvas products as I made a mistake with the original pricing policies. It will essentially drop my labor rate to a steady $ 100 per hour instead of the $ 135 - 150. I never realized it but on some group pricing I was charging more then if the customer bought toppers one at a time. It wasn't fair to the customers who bought full group orders. Now everything is priced fairly and my dealer customers have room to mark up to full retail their orders they place with me.

I went out on a limb this year and ordered a much larger stock of Aerospace 303 Protectant and Fabric Guard through MiamiMike. We are talking multiple case lots here. Last year I sold out of everything and since I am doing back to back rallys I am calculating ( I hope I calculated right ) more sales. If not then I am coming home with a bunch of 303 products. :)

The big change this year is me having to hire a worker to staff my booth so I can do topper and awning inspections. Last year I had a relative help me but this year she couldn't. I book alot of orders doing inspections so it was a must for me to have my booth staffed while I am out and about. I placed an ad on Craigslist and thankfully had a lady who has a bachelors degree in marketing apply. She is outgoing and a real personable firecracker so I hired her. She is doing both shows for me. My buddy who owns an RV electronics Tech company has a booth right next to me and is short staffed so she is also covering for him on his breaks and during his seminars. He is going to share in her salary so that will help cut my costs.

I am going to admit that doing these BIG shows gets scary. I have a helluva investment in each one and its like rolling the dice and hoping you cover your expenses. Last year I booked $ 7,500 at the show and then got another $ 7 - 8 K throughout the summer off the inspections and seminars I did. I hate doing these rallys as I hate being away from home for so long but it is imperative that my smiling face is out and about and in front of my customers. The seminars are no longer an issue as I have them all put together now using powerpoint presentations. I even bought my own projector to connect to my laptop. This is where I do alot of business. My seminar attendees have a high rate of bookings throughout the year. It is like educating as well as selling at the same time.

The one thing about these rallys is the people. Since I work mainly with RV'ers who own higher end rigs I am basically dealing with a non partying/retiree/well to do senior crowd. These people are awesome and are some of the most loyal customers you could ask for. They are old school and if you do right by them and deliver exceptional customer service and a very high quality product they will go to the ends of the earth for you. They hand out rack cards of mine and business cards. They post about me on RV forums and they go out of their way to bring you more business. I had one customer who was singing my praises at a resort last year and I booked $ 5,000 worth of orders out of that one resort thanks to him. I made sure he got a nice gift card in the mail too. I love these people and it is no secret, I kiss their asses and go over the top on customer service. They in turn make me money by bringing me in alot of business.

I have never done an International rally before but this one will be a good primer for me. I know all of the players in the game and am friends with the Associations upper echelon. I am looking at it as just another " rally " but still do not know what to expect. The first rally is a repeat of last year so that one is a no brainer. But the International is a mixed crowd of diesel buses, gas MH's and towables.

I have these two rally's to get through and one more in October in Myrtle Beach and then I am done for the year. I will post my thoughts on these two rally's and let you all know how it goes. Until then behave yourselves and I will be popping on and off over the next 3 weeks.

Time to kick the tires and light the fires on the Happy Bus and hit the road. Cheers Mates,



Sounds like you have all your ducks in a row there, Chris.  Good luck!

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


Best of luck to you Chris on the sales and future business these rally's will bring!  I like the way you do business for your customers, a real role model for repeat business and doing things the way they should be done.  I read enough on here from the forum members having to re-do so much crappy made products from shady companies (that has to hurt the overall impression of the profession for some customers), so it's great to see what everyone here does with such pride and craftsmanship. I certainly hope this years travels are more prosperous than ever for you.  Have fun!



Safe trip home and i k ow you sill do great.

My customer are i. 3 groups. Well off retired people who have the money. But can be frugal.

Retired people   Sho arnted as well off and waxr h there penneys.

Sorking guys sho really cant afford it and  get sticker shock.   


Quote from: Mike on April 28, 2013, 05:29:04 am
My customer are i. 3 groups. Well off retired people who have the money. But can be frugal.
Retired people   Sho arnted as well off and waxr h there penneys.
Sorking guys sho really cant afford it and  get sticker shock.
My customers are usually women, and come in 4 age groups:

1. Under 30, and can only afford it if mom & dad pay for it.

2. 30-40, who can only afford it if they plunk down a credit card.

3. Over 40, who have finally reached the point where they have SOME disposable income (as long as it doesn't cut into Hubby's bass boat budget).


4. Over 50.........and they're just spending the money to pi$$ their husband off :D (it doesn't work, though.......he doesn't even notice that the couch has been recovered).

BTW Have fun, Chris!
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Market analysis is interesting; I have had those with the motor homes sell them because they say it is more enjoyable to just get a nice room.  Navigating one of those things around during the day isn't the fun they thought.  I think that might come with the retirement age of people?

Anyway, keep on keeping on Chris.




The first part of your "Subject" title reminds me of the times that I've seen police or commercial truck enforcement personnel going around a semi truck and trailer hitting the tires with a metal bar to see if any of the tires are flat.

The second part of your "Subject" title reminds me of how some folks celebrate sports championships.

You also reminded me of the Mission Statement for Great Harvest Bread Company. (I recently listened to a lecture by one of their franchise owners.)

Be loose and have fun.
Bake phenomenal bread.
Run fast to help customers.
Create strong and exciting bakeries.
And give generously to others.

Thanks for sharing your motivation and enthusiasm with us.


Darren Henry

Have a safe and prosperous trip Chris. Remember to book yourself some down time before you have some "fall down" time.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!