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New topic on PITA customer

Started by SHHR, March 24, 2012, 01:02:03 pm

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Reading Mike's post on "pricing" and even commenting on it makes me want to start this thread so I don't end up hijacking his. I also am starting this for venting purposes to others who share my passions and maybe even offer advice on how not to kill a pita customer.

Last fall, I agreed to do upholstery on a collector car a guy was having painted so he could sell. I also do on occasion full restorations and custom work on cars. When the car got to my shop the paint was butchered at best. The guy who did it is a hack at best so I was asked to try and fix it by the owner. With a quick look over the car (and I say "quick") it appeared I could repaint the doors and quarter panels. He wrote the other guy off since he paid cash and we agreed on the repair cost. At this point, it's not that big of a deal. I told him I could safely stop work on other projects and get his done. The upholstery and body repair could be done quickly.

As I tore into it I found much more shoddy work and even work that was not done to it. He never asked price, but said keep going on it and that it's going to have to be done. I did state that our time frame is no longer valid because I can't stop on my other customers vehicles for that long. Everything too has appeared ok.

Another problem with this guy too is he feels the necessity to visit me at the shop often. I'm talking about showing up early in the morning and staying till late afternoon. He's come by late in the evening and once even tracked me down to Wal-Mart one night while I was getting the kids supplies for their school. Even as I was typing this he showed up on a Saturday afternoon. My wife is ready to pop his head like a three day old pimple!

It came to a head on this last Thursday when he showed up and I was working on another car. I didn't even acknowledge him and kept on working. Finally I could tell he was a little upset I wasnt paying him any attention and he asked "what is it going to take on his car"? I said I'll figure the price out but as for time I have others getting work done too. Friday he showed up and asked the price and when I told him he about blew a gasket! He said (now get this) he already paid the other guy $800 to paint the car once and now I want several thousand to do it. This is the part where I started barking loud! I said he could have until 5 pm the next day to get his car out and pay me in cash to settle up. He backed down real quick but kept asking if I could do better on cost. I refused to budge at all still giving him the chance to find another to do it. He said he wants me to finish.

As I said he just again showed up this weekend and said he'd be back Monday. I do have another car if his here too that he felt he had the liberty to have delivered for future work when I'm done with this other one. I said coming Monday is fine as long as you're picking this car up to get out of here otherwise don't come. He said he'd find a place for it.

Latley too in our area there has been alot of Break-ins at night. He came by one day last week when we had to be gone and apparently was walking around my house looking in windows. My neighbor who has been broken into came over and asked him what the $&@@ he's doing. He responded since my truck was here, I must be inside the house. My neighbor told him to leave and that we've had burglaries out here and we're calling the sheriff on anyone who looks suspicious. I'm not suggesting he's the burglar, but just because I have my shop at my home, he has no right to look around my property or in my house.

My hours are posted at the shop with a disclaimer that being a one person operation, there are times when I must be away and that anyone should come back or call my cell. I'm thinking of just cutting my losses and sending him down the road (after he pays for the work performed so far).


SHHR for the last 15 years we've had an at home business. We always told customers we pick-up and deliver. Never giving then the option to bring it to us. We cite insurance liability reasons for this policy.

The last six months we started to let customers bring their own pieces, hoping to get more business. Your story makes me want to rethink this decision.

I know with cars you almost have to let customers come to you. How do you handle the whole liability thing? Especially when you get a $30 or $40,000 car in your shop. Does your insurance cover all of that?
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Kody, that's kind of a slippery slope on insurance. Before my business officially was off and running full time my homeowners and property taxes were (and still are) in escrow with my mortgage. Early on it wasn't a huge concern gettin the business off the ground. When things started taking off I had to look at all options. Talking to my agent I got the limit upped, and through my contract states about paying an customers claims. I did have to fight the bank a bit though when my coverage increased so did my rates to which the bank wanted to know why? Telling them I had a business they did balk at the idea first until I simply put it, " if I can't run the business, I can't get any income to make payments to you". They have a way of understanding those terms! It was made clear too that customers weren't to be around much too. I try to keep that understood, but this guy doesn't seem to care about the rules, which is a big reason I'm thinking about sending him down the road. Also, this is a reason I'm getting away from the paint and body end as well to focus in upholstery. If I had a big commercial shop it would be one thing, but at home there's just too many liabilities. Like I said my hours are posted and my wife is typing up a form to me posted about liabilities with customers in the work area.


I've shared my bridal work horror story.  I work from home and by app't. only.  No app't., no service.  Period.  End of story.  My home is my home and I am in control of it.  I'm fine with friends "dropping by", but friends don't bring work and expect me to do it without an app't..

I've had a couple of "newbies" decide that it would be OK to "drop by" ("I knew you'd be home so I thought I'd catch you...").  I saw one pull into the driveway and come to the door with several items on hangers slung over her shoulder.  I took a deep breath, grabbed my app't. book on the way to the door.  I opened it and smiled at her, asking, "Oh my, have I managed to forget an app't.?".  "No.  But I figured you'd be home and I really want to get these items altered".   "I'm not working to day.  But I'll be happy to make an app't. that will fit your busy schedule; you could call me or we could set a date and time right now... ". 

She was freaked right out.  I didn't invite her in.  I didn't offer to take the clothing.  I just stood there, smiling and waiting for her reply.  She nervously said she'd call me.  She did, about 1/2 hr. later and I called her back the next day.  I never brought up the intrusion and she never mentioned it, either. 

When you work from your home you have to set very strict limits on what's OK and what's not.  Unless, of course, you want people coming and going whenever they so choose.  I certainly don't!


Working from home sure does have its challenges..I like to have control who comes by and I don't like drop ins,
I go by appointment and when I get the odd one dropping in it isn't so bad but sometimes the timing can be way off ..especially when I decide to quit for a bit and go for a dip in the pool or want to putter in the garden...I'll walk around the house all full of dirt looking like lil pigpen to see who pulled in the driveway ...I'm sure their first impression isn't great but oh well..I want to do business in a comfortable manner and I am a laid back blue jean kinda girl..take me as I am !! ha ha
Most people do .I get a lot of compliments on my happy go lucky ways but there are some that want to stomp on your parade with their snobbish ways ..I have been slowly learning I don't need to grovel for business  and acceptance. Business sure can be intimidating when you start out and I still have a ways to go.


I'm also thinking of putting a cable or gate of some sort across the drive that goes back to my shop as long as I can do something thats looks decent and not too tacky and post a closed sign with hours and something to the effect of customers go to the garage for service and not the house . I came home the other day and my wife had a copy of the shop hours on the front door to the house so this guy could see them there too, but I don't want them posted on the house because then people will start coming here too. I need to check on the legality of posting hours or other signs too. I was told by a friend who runs a business at home that I need to place a copy of all postings with the local sheriff's office and they will post them publicly for 30 days in order to consider it legal.


I work from home bu the vast majority of my orders get shipped out. I do have an occasional customer stop by to pick up an order but it is always by appointment. Thankfully my buddies do not stop by during business hours. I have had some close friends drop in to see how I was and when they do they love to have coffee and stick around for a couple hours. It happens rarely so I tolerate it.

Kyle, I am assuming your incorporated. If not then do so and then create a lease for your corporation and you and your wife. This will limit your personal liability and place it on the back of the corporation. If someone falls or gets hurt they sue the corporation, you bankrupt it and then start a new corporation the next week. :)

If something would happen to a customer the typical lawyer will sue everyone associated with the property. They then start weeding them out and dropping the idle players and go after the major players.

If you ( or anyone else on here ) is not incorporated I strongly urge you to do so. I also advise you to check into a personal umbrella policy. They are about $ 400 or 500 a year. I carry one simply because I have way to many assets and do not cherish the idea of handing them over to some lowlife and their asshat lawyer.

In regards to the PITA customer, I would be right up front and honest with him. tell him point blank that you are only one person, have a tight schedule and do not have time to visit. explain that when you have to stop to chat that the meter is running and you start losing money with every minute. I wouldn't tolerate his crap for one minute.

if that doesn't work then call me. I still have some friends in Chicago and Detroit who could take care of your problem for you. :)



Quote from: Mojo on March 24, 2012, 05:39:31 pm

if that doesn't work then call me. I still have some friends in Chicago and Detroit who could take care of your problem for you. :)


That thought has crossed my mind. I have some distant family from Chicago and with my wife being from Tampa, she has some Cuban blood in her with some relatives associated with the old Cuban Mafia. I thought about asking for a favor 8).  I also thought about going to the shop moday with my .45 acp on my side just to let it be known....


We have two entrances to our home.  We frequently park one of our cars at the mouth of our driveway on busy weekends.  It keeps tourists from turning around in our driveway and it also deters the infrequent customer. 

Gregg @ Keystone Sewing


Talk about boudry issues.  This goes beyond being a PITA, IMO.