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Started by Mojo, November 27, 2011, 05:17:30 am

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I typically jump on here a few times a day and quickly go through the posts. What I haven't been doing is wondering into the other areas of this site. Yikes. I just spent the morning drinking coffee and going through posts all the way back to July that I missed in the green room, business forum, etc. I guess I need to start paying closer attention to the other sections versus just reading this page. :)

On another note, I am still buried in work. I start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and the phone rings or I get an e-mail from an out of state customer and away we go. The bad part is that I have projects around the house I need to finish up and start a couple new ones and I cannot get to them. I am appreciative of the work and can use the extra cash but dang..... I need to get these projects done on the house and I also want to get back to my favorite past time - woodworking. I watched Mike 802 on a video in his woodshop and it drove me nucking futs thinking my woodshop lies dormant. :)

I have not been making my rounds and handing out cards and have been laying low trying to keep any new business from finding me for a while but the referrals are pouring in. The one thing about referrals is that it makes me realize that I must be turning out some good quality work otherwise I would not be getting them. have any of you ever felt that you must be doing good by your customers since they are referring you to friends ? Just goes to show you just how important it is to turn out quality work.

Anyways, I guess my New Years resolution is going to be to pay more attention to other sections of this site besides this one page. :)

Back to sewing.

Oh, I almost forgot. Remember me saying a couple months ago that I would never do another awning re-stitch ? I lied. Just got 4 of them in, all sunbrella with degraded broken Poly thread. The customer is a disabled veteran and former motorcycle police officer and after hearing his story I felt obligated. Sometimes I think I have sucker stamped on my forehead. :)



 haven't advertise in close to a year now and work keeps calling also.
Have you started thoose gym mats yet chris?