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Can anybody tell me?

Started by BigJohn, January 09, 2011, 12:55:04 pm

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I went to sell some Naugahide to a customer, but she said she was worried about the off-gassing.
I told her my dog off-gasses but in a little while it goes away.
Then I told her once the Naug is dead and skinned there is no more off-gassing.
Sometimes you have to really educate the customer.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.

Darren Henry

QuoteI have fond memories as a young man going naug hunting with my father.

I envy you Kody; our extremes of heat and cold up here are not natural Naug habitat, although I have seen a couple. At least I think they were naugs,it's hard to tell with their sweaters on.

Instead a consortium of scientist from several manufacturers of "quality leather furniture for less"  have been able to  skin those little plastic cows from the John Deere toy sets, and after some genetic manipulation to make them large enough, been able to provide us with "pleather" for less than the cost of importing naug-hide.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Interesting you bring this up Darren. I had a customer last week looking for faux Naugahide. She said she likes the look of real Naugahide but being a full fledged PETA member, she couldn't possibly use the hide from a naug. I called all my vendors and they keep hanging up on me. I wonder if pleather would work. I'll try my John Deere dealer. I wonder if it comes in colors other than green and yellow.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.