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Started by lruthb, November 30, 2010, 12:41:42 pm

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The warning is partially true.

No one should ever use an ozone generator if they have lung problems or asthma.

In your case the ozone generator would be perfect. You button the place up, run the ozone machine for
24 hours and then vent the room. No harm to anyone.

Frebreeze masks the smoke odor while ozone generators will clean and destroy the odor.

If your not going to be locked in the room for a week with it running you wont harm yourself or others.
Large hotel chains use these generators everyday for this exact same purpose and they do work.

With the price of Cig's in Oz I am shocked anyone there can afford to smoke anyways. My wife said prices in Sydney were $ 1 dollar per cigarette.



No gov. warnings for Fabreze because it's owned by P&G.



Now lets not get crazy, a good sporting match is good for morale and is great for shaking the winter blaaah's.. I'm glad to see the Missouri Chapter doing so well!  Maybe we can get together for a friendly grudge match sometime. As long as the rules compare to the S.E. Indiana league. You know how football begins with a coin toss or basketball begins with a jump ball? We begin with a tug of the finger...Oh, I almost forgot, we let the shop Beagle compete too! (my secret weapon)

Our chapter's rules are really quite simple. 
*Each match begins with the playing of our chapter's anthem....."Purlple Haze". 
*We use a modified "Grand Prix" style start, with the contestants racing for the official "throne" (which is not without its risks....If you've been "letting it idle" for some time, you run the risk of running out of gas before the "first lap" if you run too fast). 
*Each effort is judged based on TTDOI (Texture, Tone, Duration, Olfactive Impact) cumulative scoring.
*Bonus points might be awarded if an audible "after shock" can be executed within 4 seconds. 
*Bonus points will be awarded if you can make the canary keel over (RIP Carl, Christine, Claudia, Cranston......dang, this league is getting a bit expensive). 
*Regardless of the score at the time, ANY person who can make the dog puke is automatically declared the match champion! 
*Any contestant caught eating a convenience store buritto within 4 hours of a match will be disqualified for "doping".

As with most sporting events, rules are subject to change and/or addendum.  We're always looking for ways to "fine tune" the competitive atmosphere of our avocational pursuits.



QuoteThe first thing I came across was a warning from the N.S.W. department of health saying not only are they bad for the enviroment, but prolonged exposure can do seriouse damage to your lungs

Thanks for the warning Scotty but if Half-Fast, SHHR, or Peppy ever come to visit here in North Florida, I'm getting the damned ozone generator.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


....The first thing I came across was a warning from the N.S.W. department of health saying not only are they bad for the enviroment, but prolonged exposure can do seriouse damage to your lungs...

It seems that all government entities (doesn't matter what part of our world you come from) seem to feel that it is their job to protect the lowest common denominator of any group of society..  But please be sure to quantify/qualify the basis of their "nannyism" on your own before accepting "go(d)vernment gospels"

Ozone (O3) may very well be detrimental to a person's health.....based on studies that could have been tested on laboratory animals (that might....or might not, have metabolic processes similar to us poor inferior humans).  As for the Ozone emitting purrifiers on the market at this time, each will stay within safe operating guidelines...which were required/approved by the government(s) and their lawyers.  If you follow those "guidelines" to the letter, there will be virtually no risk to you or anybody who inhabits one of your rooms.

I follow the "suggested" operating  protocols...... running my O3 generating purrifyer for about 3-4 hours (it has a built in timer) overnight in my office/third bedroom of about 1000 ft3.  By the time that I open the door the next day, the saturation levels  have fallen WAY below the level that is considered "harmful", and not even my sister who is hyper sensitive to smoke odors can detect them.



Do you know why farts stink?

So deaf people can enjoy them too.

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December 08, 2010, 04:52:16 am #21 Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 04:53:56 am by CKKC
Quote from: Half-Fast on December 07, 2010, 06:20:50 pm
Now lets not get crazy, a good sporting match is good for morale and is great for shaking the winter blaaah's.. I'm glad to see the Missouri Chapter doing so well!  Maybe we can get together for a friendly grudge match sometime. As long as the rules compare to the S.E. Indiana league. You know how football begins with a coin toss or basketball begins with a jump ball? We begin with a tug of the finger...Oh, I almost forgot, we let the shop Beagle compete too! (my secret weapon)

Our chapter's rules are really quite simple. 
*Each match begins with the playing of our chapter's anthem....."Purlple Haze". 
*We use a modified "Grand Prix" style start, with the contestants racing for the official "throne" (which is not without its risks....If you've been "letting it idle" for some time, you run the risk of running out of gas before the "first lap" if you run too fast). 
*Each effort is judged based on TTDOI (Texture, Tone, Duration, Olfactive Impact) cumulative scoring.
*Bonus points might be awarded if an audible "after shock" can be executed within 4 seconds. 
*Bonus points will be awarded if you can make the canary keel over (RIP Carl, Christine, Claudia, Cranston......dang, this league is getting a bit expensive). 
*Regardless of the score at the time, ANY person who can make the dog puke is automatically declared the match champion! 
*Any contestant caught eating a convenience store buritto within 4 hours of a match will be disqualified for "doping".

As with most sporting events, rules are subject to change and/or addendum.  We're always looking for ways to "fine tune" the competitive atmosphere of our avocational pursuits.


Would anyone want the recipe for my cauliflower/cheese casserole?   It is good for about 3 days and has great duration and olfactory impact!


QuoteThe first thing I came across was a warning from the N.S.W. department of health saying not only are they bad for the enviroment, but prolonged exposure can do seriouse damage to your lungs. Think I'll stick to febreze, I didn't see any goverment  health warnings for that.

This is a bunch of bunk, the FDA has the same warnings, but Ozone in "small quantities" is not dangerous.  I have been using an Ozone generator for years with no ill effects.  Ozone is natural in the environment, that nice fresh smell in the air after a rain storm is Ozone.  Ozone is also used in natural healing methods and anything that heals naturally is under government attack today, cant patten it and charge big bucks.

I like to put a diffuser on the hose that the Ozone comes out of, stick it in a 16oz glass of ice water for five minuets,  makes the best tasting water you will ever get, Ozone removes impurities from  the water and adds oxygen to the blood stream, oxygen enriched blood is believed to kill many bacterias and virus's we carry in our bodies.

You will know if you are getting to much Ozone, it can make you light headed at first and breathing will become uncomfortable,  If this happens just stop breathing it.  I have made a few mistakes using Ozone, but this was because of my own stupidity.  I once was trying to cure a respiratory infection by inhaling it, according to the directions I was supposed to put the diffuser into a bottle of olive oil and then inhale, but not me no, I just put my head over the diffuser and breathed it in deep, it wasn't long before I was out side getting fresh air.  I lived through the experience and once again learned its good to follow directions.  :D  You can also make yourself puke if you stick the hose in your ear! LOL  Don't ask how I know that one. ;D  So yea Ozone can be dangerous if you are stupid with it, but so can anything.  But because of the FDA I have to say I am not a doctor "thank god"  and none of this should be taken as medical advice.

If anyone should be interested to lean more about Ozone and is possible health benefits check out this link.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


Quote from: CKKC on December 08, 2010, 04:52:16 am
Would anyone want the recipe for my cauliflower/cheese casserole?   It is good for about 3 days and has great duration and olfactory impact!

I'll have to check with the commisioner to see if it's on the list of banned substances ;D It may be allowed but on all of your records you'll probably have an asterisk next to your name for playing with performance enhancements in your system :P


Quote from: SHHR on December 08, 2010, 07:03:42 am
I'll have to check with the commisioner to see if it's on the list of banned substances ;D It may be allowed but on all of your records you'll probably have an asterisk next to your name for playing with performance enhancements in your system :P



What is the chemical symbol for oxygen? O
What is the chemical symbol for ozone? O3
What is the chemical symbol for water? H2O
What is the chemical symbol for holy water? H2Omg

I don't believe that ozone is dangerous. It has never bothered me. Some people think it destroys brain cells and affects your memory. Some people think it destroys brain cells and affects your memory.

Anyway, some people think it destroys brain cells and affects your memory.

Anyone know what the chemical symbol for roast beaf is?



Smoking is a non-starter for most of my customers. 

Heads up:  my mother was a smoker.  She's been dead for 3 yrs. and her home has been vacant for nearly 7 yrs. and it still reeks of cigarette smoke.  It's disgusting.  There is a nicotene film over the walls and the ceiling and only a thorough scrubbing with TSP has removed the grime. 

NO smoking! ummm... like... duh!