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Got myself old faithful back

Started by PDQ, June 09, 2010, 12:45:09 am

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I never seen the members name till you brought it up Bobbin. I had to go back and see who and what it was you were talking about. Shows you how observant I am. :)

I have heard the word used in two different contexts. So I can see where your coming from. Fact is, this is the first time I have heard that word in ages. It just isn't as common as it was 30 years ago.
That word I believe was replaced with another non-favorite 4 letter word which makes the hair on the back of a woman's neck stand up.

Some language belongs in the locker room among the guys. That is probably one of those words that is better off left out of conversations in mixed company. It is just a matter of having respect for others. :)


Twat of the North

Ouch ! Such scathing comments..
Guess you folks really love those big old Singer machines.
I would change my name , but since PDQ put a full thesaurus
discription I recon it kinda suits  ;)



Please change the name.  In recent years, it has become a very derogatory term for female.  Most of us of the female persuasion find it very insulting.

sofadoc provides no search results for the word. C'mon "North", you're alienating the females of this forum, as well as us men who value their contributions to it.
Please change it, so we can get back to something more interesting (such as old Singers).
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban

M-E Fabrics

June 22, 2010, 04:42:37 pm #20 Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 04:47:05 pm by M-E Fabrics
Quote from: PDQ on June 19, 2010, 02:33:07 pm

Noun   1.   twat - a man who is a stupid incompetent fool.

bozo, cuckoo, fathead, goof, goofball, jackass, zany, goose
fool, muggins, saphead, tomfool, sap - a person who lacks good judgment

The most common usage of the word here in the USA is as an insulting, vulgar term.  Type it into Wikipedia and you'll see that's the first usage (most common) that comes up.

".....Ouch ! Such scathing comments..
Guess you folks really love those big old Singer machines.
I would change my name , but since PDQ put a full thesaurus
discription I recon it kinda suits   ...."

It's use, no matter how you mean it, is not just insulting to the gals either. Here's another vote for please change it !!!!



In reading,  it is understandable that there are different sensitivies in our reading audience.  This site attracts a wide varities of cultures.  It is probably impossible to draw a line in the sand of what is and not appropriate.  So, what to do?  Probably, it starts with the individual to reduce probability of being taken offensively and continue from there. 

It probably isn't fair to single anyone out, there is room to believe that others have gotten careless.  General cussing, using the letter blanked out "f" word, and terms like "pissed off", all could offend someone else equally to this situation.  My generation doesn't use the term "sucks", we wondered why would anyone use that word, to be hip?  This example just brings out cultural differences.  Pigs suck, certain fish are regarded as sucking species, and on and on.  There are better adjectives to describe peoples opinions about matter.  I say this humorously.   ;D

I have heard this "T"word, but it was used in a humorous, affection way of referencing a very young person "little T". 

This merely points out that it is an individual's responsibility to police their own post and hope for the best.  I will do my best, but can't promise that it will be perfect.  If I offend, I will apologize.



I think it all comes down to respect for one another as Doyle was alluding to.

If you offend someone then a simple apology is in order and we move on to the next topic.

Everyone has hot buttons whether it be a topic or the language used which can set someone off.
What compounds the problem is that this is a forum where words are typed and read and this makes it very hard to understand where that persons emotions were when making a statement. That has always been a problem with forums, there is no way to read that persons emotions so we are left to take a statement in our own way. Sometimes this is compounded by the mood we maybe in that day. :)

For the most part this forum is very low key, respectable and easy going. Everyone helps everyone with advice and suggestions and supports one another, even in personal situations that have nothing to do with upholstery.

If something is said that offends another then I would hope an apology is offered up and the conversation moves on. I cannot think of any member on here that would knowingly offend another on purpose.


Darren Henry

As always; dead on Chris. And the sooner we quit re-visiting this problem ( he she or it appear to have left anyway) the sooner it'll get buried and forgotten. Very much like that episode a few years ago with "Richard A","dick doak" , et al.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Quote from: M-E Fabrics on June 22, 2010, 04:42:37 pm

The most common usage of the word here in the USA is as an insulting, vulgar term.  Type it into Wikipedia and you'll see that's the first usage (most common) that comes up.

To quote your source:



QuoteAlthough sometimes used as a reference to the female genitalia, the word twat is more often used in various other ways:

    * As a derogatory insult, a pejorative meaning a fool, synonymous with the word twit - 'You are a real twat and a half' (often used in the UK)[3]
    * To hit something (or someone) hard or violently - 'Let's get out there and twat it!'[4]

In this case the derogatory word is directed at himself when viewed in the correct context, he therefore likens himself as a fool from the north.

I can understand the concern if the word was directed at someone on this forum, and I would be with you on that, because the context of the word would've changed from what it is now.

I wonder if there would've been the same amount of concern from the US members if he called himself the 'prick of the north' because all the US swear filters I know allow that word even though it can be just as derogatory as the word we are discussing when used in a certain context.

If members are easily offended then perhaps the admins should consider installing a swear filter?



Quote from: PDQ on June 23, 2010, 11:04:11 pm

I wonder if there would've been the same amount of concern from the US members if he called himself the 'prick of the north' .

If members are easily offended then perhaps the admins should consider installing a swear filter?

Hey.......I resemble that remark but I am from the South and not the North.  :D

In regards to installing a filter, I see no reason for it. This is the first time that I have seen any controversy on here over a word that was used. The female members suggested it was offensive to them, it was hashed out, many understand where they are coming from, most agreed with them and life goes on.

This forum is one of the most laid back forums on the internet. Rarely is there controversy on here. So I personally do not see any reason for a filter for swear words. How often does someone come on here and unleash " F " bombs and other offensive language ?

Myself, if I was Ken or Bobby, I would lock this thread and let it die a quick death. Everything has been said that needed said, everyone understands that a few were offended and the deal is done.

Just my two cents worth. Let's learn from this, forget it and move on and discuss some subject that doesn't have any hot button government regulations, the war in the Middle East, the BP oil spill or maybe those overpaid worthless teachers who suck the lifeblood out of government
agencies. :)

