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pot question

Started by Darren Henry, April 22, 2018, 01:48:54 pm

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Darren Henry

Hi gang. Way outside the lines here, but you're the only group of 'Mericans I know and some of your states have legalized pot. Our second generation moron prime minister has decided to legalize marijuana.   I know some of your states have done the same. I have only 1 issue with that. How do your people assess and deem someone technically "under the influence" if they have smoked a bit of weed? If I have had a beer or two the cops take a road side breath analysis and if I fail we go the cop shop for a breathalyzer test. If i am over .08 I go to jail. How do you measure thc and what is the allowable limit in your state? My government has yet to provide clear direction on that.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


I don't think we have a way as of yet either. My state Florida has legalized medical use. I don't fully understand the whole thing per legalities. I'm old school and just smoked it when i was younger.
Minichillo's Upholstery


My pot story.
A few years back I worked in a shop where some of the other workers enjoyed mind altering drugs. Mostly on their own time but sometimes not. Even the bosses son occasionally liked to take a toke or two on his way into work.

I was always the first to work every day. I opened the shop around 7:00 every morning and the rest of the employees would trickle in soon after. DJ, a 60 something hippy, would walk in just before the boss, around 9:30. Always with a big smile on her face.

One day DJ walked in with a big plate full of brownies. She admitted she added marijuana to it but said her boyfriend tried one and felt nothing. She offered them to the other upholsterer, the stripper and me.  I figured what the hell, I use to smoke a little when I was in my 20's, her boyfriend felt nothing and the most that could happen would be a little buzz to break up the monotony. So I ate one.

An hour went by and I felt nothing and figured they were a dud. A half hour later I started to feel it and thought, this is nice I can handle it. By 11:00 I was stoned.

I was working on a sofa and for most of the day I kept my head burred and out of sight of everyone else. My main concern was to keep from shooting a staple into my finger. Every once in a while I would look up to see how everybody else was fairing. They all seemed perfectly straight. I thought that was odd and wondered if DJ had played a trick on me. She hadn't eaten one of the brownies. I'm sure she thought the whole thing amusing. Paranoia set in. The workroom was eerily quiet

Around 12:30 Linda, the decorator walked into the work room for her afternoon snack. Linda is a lily white holy roller and always stopped to have a few words with me. I just smiled and shook my head.

At 2:00 I was at a point I needed to ask the boss a question about the sofa I was working on. The words coming out of my mouth were surreal and I was sure he thought me a fool. I got the answer I needed and headed back to the workroom.

I had never eaten pot before and didn't realize it was like a slow release antihistamine. This was lasting all day. At 3:00 I was still stoned and starting to worry how I was going to drive home. If anyone else felt like I did they wern't talking about it.

Finally around 4:00 I started to come down and by 5:00 I felt somewhat normal again. It was not an enjoyable experience.

The next morning I still was not sure if anyone else felt what I did. Everybody trickled in and Mike, the stripper asked If I felt anything. I said yeah, I caught a small buzz. Mike said he was f'n wasted. He ate two brownies. The other upholsterer admitted he was pretty stoned too. Then Mike said he told the bosses son we all ate brownies. I was like WHAT? He said its okay, the bosses son ate one too.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Yea brownies were great. The buz did last a long time and was much better than smoking it.
Minichillo's Upholstery


FWIW the consumption of pot via edibles is the most concerning. As Kody stated.
There are cos working on this now and hopefully they can get up to speed. Often people don't realize how much it will affect them. It is very strong and can really affect your ability to drive a car and other motor related tasks.

So to answer your question Darren, police are working diligently as they know it's likely to be a problem.


Drugs and guns - no easy answer.  You can't adequately regulate either or stop the use.  The authorities have no idea what to do.  Now I can't even get a pain prescription for more than 6 pills.  When enough restaurants and bars close maybe things will change now customers can't have a glass of wine with dinner if they are driving home.
Darren there is no understandable direction here either.  There was a neighbor who had stage 4 cancer and my wife would drive her to pick up her edible marijuana but it didn't get her high it would be used to increase her appetite will on the kemo  -


I know jack sh** about pot. Smoked it once as a teen and the smell made me sick. I was doing a real hard round of chemo back in 2003 and they were nuking me hard. The sickness was terrible. My next door neighbor came over and gave me a joint. I sat outside on a porch swing and lit it up and took one toke off it and put it out and took it back to my neighbor. I to,d him it made me sicker then the damn chemo did.

I was in Sydney, AU and heading home and had a connection in Auckland, NZ. I had time during my layover so wandered the shops. I stopped into one and seen this button down shirt that was amazing. It felt like no other fabric I had ever felt before. I told the clerk " I will take it ". She asked where I was headed and I told her the USA. She said, I don;t think you want to buy this shirt then. You are going to have some major headaches and every dope sniffing dog will be after you in customs. Being dumb I asked why ? She said it was made from hemp. What the hell is hemp ? She basically explained it was made from pot plants. :)

I personally have no issue Darrel with them legalizing pot. There would be a lot less fighting and violent crimes if everyone is stoned. :)


Darren Henry

I have no  issues with someone smoking a bit of weed, or them legalizing. It's like prohibition everyone still drank and it clogged the courts with petty charges while the rapists and murderers wait 2 and 3 years for a trial.

Mu issue is the way it is being done. Our prime minister decides that we should legalize a substance that has been banned for a very long time. Yeah, gets him the pothead vote. BUT  he has no plan as to how this will work. He has calculated how much tax revenue he will take and use for stupid promises he made to another special interest group to get their vote, but the nuts and bolts of regulation like minimum age and where it can be sold etc... has just been pawned off on the provinces. Here, make my dream work without any federal direction or legislation to enforce.

I was hoping that some one here could tell me how their state ( or applicable jurisdiction) regulates the legal sale and use of marijuana. So far the province of Manitoba has decided that you will  only be able to smoke it at home and each town/city will have to decide where it can be sold. WTF. With alcohol their are regulations including must be 18 or 19+, you may only purchase hard liquor and wine from provincially run shops, if a cop feels you have had a drink he can administer a road side breath test and proceed with charges of impaired driving etc.. if you fail. You may make X liters of home made wine or beer but you cannot run a still etc...

To be more specific I guess my questions would be ;How many plants am I allowed to grow myself? Where and when can I go buy some and from whom? Let's say I sample some on the way home. what does the cop do? If I buy a six pack of beer for instance and get pulled over, I can be charged with open liquor if the package it comes in is not sealed or it is within arms reach of the driver. If one of the bottles is open or missing i will immediately given a road side breath analysis and we proceed from there.  Are there any "real" guide lines out there like at .08 I'm drunk. 
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

Colorado, near as I can tell, seems to have done a fairly good job with their legalization efforts.  I can't answer the whys and wherefores of where you can and can't smoke and what happens if you get pulled over.  I know they are raking in big tax bucks.  I have a SIL who lives there.  She & hubby go to a shop when they get the urge and buy their legal pot.

I'd be thrilled if we could have medicinal mj.  I would much rather be doing an edible every day that the assortment of meds that keep me and my back functioning.  Unfortunately, Nebraska does not seem to be heading in that direction.  We have a state senator that tries to introduce that legislation every time the Unicameral meets and somehow they never seem to get around to voting on it.  So it goes.
Fuck this place.

Virgs Sew n Sew

Read a bit on Colorado laws.  DUI if pulled over with 5 nanograms per millileter of blood.  Their best advice is don't drive after you've smoked.  Sleep it off and drive fresh the next day.
Fuck this place.


May 07, 2018, 06:34:10 pm #10 Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 06:35:14 pm by kodydog
I have friends who bought a summer home in Colorado. I'm pretty sure their biggest attraction is the head shops.

Florida passed medical use last year. I'm not sure who can and who cannot get a prescription. A friend of mine went through a pretty bad bout of cancer. He said the stuff they sell is more like a vape and very expensive. And not as good as the stuff on the street. He has friends who own a legal pot farm in California. They send him what he needs.

I've noticed this last month a commercial advertising "Driving stoned is the same as DUI." Brought to you by Florida Highway Patrol.

I've also noticed medical marijuana clinics popping up around town. 

I imagine the next step will be to legalize it for recreational use.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.