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James Taylor (Jimmy)

Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, January 03, 2016, 06:10:08 am

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Virgs Sew n Sew

One of those threads that got deleted when they did the fall back thing.

Jimmy is Carly's brother and we were thrilled that we were able to keep him from grieving himself to death when we put Carly to sleep in Sept of 2014.  Despite walking him twice a day during nice weather, he's gone rapidly downhill the last 7 or 8 months.

I cut his long walk in half when his hips went out half-way and that seemed to help but I told Bob that if we had an icy winter, we would have to do something with him as his hips are pretty much non-existent. 

We actually took him in for an exam maybe 3 months ago because he's been much more vocal and I was concerned about pain levels.  Doc put him on an arthritic/pain med and initially that seemed to help (almost too much) as he started initiating with Joe and Joe doesn't know when to stop so things would escalate and Jim would wind up on his butt.  But still, it was nice to see the "boys" playing with each other.

We've had several small storms that have dumped a little snow and then layered it with ice and Jim hasn't handled it well at all.  Plus, he's been extremely vocal even with the pain meds (like laying in "his" recliner all night and making what sounds like pain noises to me).  We've also had a couple of episodes where he sounds like he's coughing and he did that last evening right after supper but actually threw-up what he had eaten for lunch.  So Bob and I know it is time for Jim's last car ride.

I actually called our Vet last Wednesday as I didn't know their New Year's Eve hours and wanted to make sure we had an appointment for the first of this week.  We take him in Monday at 10:20.  George (Bob's brother) is going to skip out on work for an hour and come over and stay with Joe.  Only because the contractor should be here and will be jack hammering the concrete floor in the basement and so Joe would be bonkers if unattended.

Bob and I have known this day was coming and we know it is the right thing to do but it still blows large chunks.


Darren Henry

QuoteBob and I have known this day was coming and we know it is the right thing to do but it still blows large chunks.

Better put than my last PM, but I know you got my point. I've got free phone and text to the States if you want to talk to somebody Monday night. Drop me a PM with the number/format to use.

I'm sorry----but you and Bob know what is best.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


I'm very sorry Virginia. Its tough to see your best friend decline like this. I know you"ll do the right thing.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: kodydog on January 03, 2016, 05:04:14 pm
I'm very sorry Virginia. Its tough to see your best friend decline like this. I know you"ll do the right thing.


It'll be ok.  We know we have to do this.  Jim deserves to not be kept in pain so that we don't have to grieve. 

Today has pretty much sucked for both Bob & I.  Jim has been sticking to me like flies on fly paper all day.  We'll get through it -- just the worst part of loving 4 legged creatures.   It's our most important job, hard as hell to do but they deserve no less.

I'm a little worried about Joe.  He really loves Jim, even though he's tormented him from time to time. 

Anyway, dreading the heck out of tomorrow.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Everything went smoothly at the Vet's this morning.  We were both able to keep it together until after Jim had passed.  I knew before our Vet did that he was gone.  Don't know how or why, I just suddenly knew that Jim was gone.  As soon as I said it, she checked for a pulse and didn't find one and then Bob & I both started blubbering.  Vet said that it was good that we kept it together until he was gone.  She said it's much easier on the pet if they don't hear sobbing, etc.  We were just talking in soft voices.

Anyway, got back home and George had been out in 12 degree weather with no coat throwing frozen tennis balls to Joe.  Joe was having a fine time.  George looked frozen and I'm surprised he didn't get frostbite on his fingers.  He was laughing all the way in the house, telling us about what a good time Joe was having and that helped both of us considerably.

I got a couple of things done early this morning but just couldn't wrap my head around anything after we got back so Bob & I spent the afternoon watching TV.  He made a double batch of popcorn mid afternoon and Joe ate twice what he usually does.  He also has been stuck to my side like glue.  I cannot even go to the bathroom by myself.  He always likes to be around me but this is more so than usual so I'm sure he's a little uneasy about no Jimmy.  We had a nice walk just a few minutes ago.  Well, it was nice for him.  It's very brisk to say the least so I was good and ready to get back in the house.

We'll continue to veg out tonight though I may work on by quilt a little and then pin one side of a zipper in -- UGH -- after supper.  Tomorrow, I'll return phone calls and start my New Year properly.

We had out eyes on a Siberian Husky mix at the Humane Society as she is the right age and I'd rather have a female with my little alpha male wild child but she was adopted out yesterday.  Not a big deal as I'm not really ready to get another dog.  Was more hoping that she'd not get adopted for a couple of weeks until we are more ready and then we would take Joe in to see how they get along.  None of the other dogs will work.  A cute lab/retriever female but she was brought in because of barking tendencies and we have just about gotten Joe broken of going to the window to bark every time the kids next door go outside so that was a no go.    Plenty of time as we will just continue to go over to George's house on Saturday afternoons so that Joe gets his puppy play time with George's three dogs and it keeps his socialization skills from reversing.


Darren Henry

I'm glad to hear that today went as well as it could for you. Always a tough thing to have to do.

The husky cross would have been a good size match for Joe, but keep an eye out for a border collie or border collie/something heavier cross. Very intelligent, loyal and good dispositions, but you'd never have to throw another ball for Joe. They're quick !!!. If he ever tried to run with one of them he'd be suckin' wind in no time. Up until around 9 years old I used to brag that my Buddy was the fastest land animal in Northwest Ontario. His gait and markings were obvious BC and we think the other half was springer spaniel. For only 26 lbs that little dude could really " pick 'em and put 'em down".
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!