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Bumper stickers

Started by gene, August 27, 2015, 05:59:55 am

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August 27, 2015, 05:59:55 am Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 06:00:36 am by gene
I recently heard/saw two things about bumper stickers.

The late comedian George Carlin, in one of his stand up routines, was complaining about bumper stickers. He especially did not like bumper stickers that said, "My child is an honor student at Fredericks Middle School", for example.

He suggest a bumper sticker that said, "My child has enough self esteem that we don't need to advertise his minor academic achievements on the back of our car."

I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that caught my attention: Hillary for prison. 2016




I noticed that Hillary had some wonderful ideas yesterday about gun control (in reference to the reporter/cameraman shooting). She suggested longer "cooling off" periods.

The shooter had TWO years to cool off after getting fired. During that time, he obviously only got madder. 
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Inform me. What was his 2 year cool off time. ?


It would be easy to create more gun control laws. In fact why not just take all guns away. The problem is its not a gun problem its a mental illness issue. Flanagan passed the background check. How? The people close to him did not force him to seek help. Family and friends.

The guy had uncontrollable anger. If he didn't have a gun what else could he have used? Pipe bomb, machete, or he could have ran them down in the parking lot with his car. Stricter gun control laws would not have stopped this crime.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


The bad guys can always find a way to hurt you -  remember when Archie explained to  meat head how to stop air line high jacking

Darren Henry

There was a popular bumper sticker back in the early 80's (late 70's ?) when they tightened our fire arms regulations even tighter;

" If you outlaw guns---only outlaws will have guns".

Our gun laws are much stricter than down south---especially for hand guns. There is a very small percentage of the folks who enjoy shooting sports that go through the ag. of handgun shooting. [You must be a member of a recognized club, transport your pistol to the range designated on the permit you have procure by the most direct route, within the time frame of the permit, in a locked case. If you stop to buy a loaf of bread on the way home,with it locked in the trunk of your vehicle (in said locked case) you could be charged and your privileges revoked. ] Criminals on the other hand have no problem arming themselves with them illegally.

Quotehe didn't have a gun what else could he have used? Pipe bomb, machete, or he could have ran them down in the parking lot with his car

That is exactly what happened in Quebec just before the shooting of the honour guard member at our memorial in front of our federal parliament building last year. A Warrant officer was fatally run down by a vehicle.

QuoteIn fact why not just take all guns away.

Because the only guns you are going to get belong to properly trained,law abiding individuals, who have the requisite clearances and permits. You would never get the ones used inappropriately away from the scum bags that would use them that way. 

I read an article a couple of years ago where Australia tried to get rid of guns. I can't remember if it was an outran ban or a campaign to have them voluntarily surrendered ---- the photo was shocking!!! Piles and piles of long guns heaped up like a massive scrap yard. Millions of dollars worth of equipment waiting to be smelted down for a few thousand bucks worth of steel. THE REAL EYE OPENER  was the drastic increase in their crime rates---especially violent crimes. Maybe Ingrid and Chris (a.k.a Mojo and the Missus) remember more details and will share.

QuoteInform me. What was his 2 year cool off time. ?

As I understand it Mike your gun laws are by state (we're federal BTW) so some states require that even if you have the right paperwork, you have to wait X number of days to pick up your new piece ( or cool down) before you pick it up in case you were planning on doing some thing rash. Doc's point was it had been two years since the guy left there. Cooling off periods would not have helped avoid this tradgety.

Rant ends---and no I'm not on venison---but ironically that's what I have out for supper once I fix the truck lights LOL.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Quote from: Darren Henry on August 27, 2015, 03:58:01 pm
-and no I'm not on venison---but ironically that's what I have out for supper once I fix the truck lights LOL.


Being a GSD owner my favorite bumper sticker is " My German Shepherd is smarter then your Honor Roll Student ".

One of the worst tragedies in America and mass killings was done by fertilizer. One of the worst mass killings in China, a place where no one owns guns was done by knife.

Guns have nothing to do with it. Want to reduce the amount of these type killings ? Start locking up these lunatics in rubber rooms, pump them full of thorazine and call it good.



I was talking to a Cincinnati Ohio police officer the other day. He said when he got on the force 25 years ago he would come home from work and leave his gun at home when he would go out to the store or a restaurant or anywhere. Today he never goes anywhere without his gun.

He said our society has changed. He strongly encouraged me and my wife to carry guns with the proper permit.

Yep, I do not understand how taking guns away from law abiding citizens will stop criminals from using guns. But, that's the political climate we live in today. Symbolism over substance!

Obama admin. gave guns to drug cartels in Mexico and they came back to be used to kill law enforcement officers here in the USA and NO ONE cares. The excuse was to monitor how guns migrate.

I think the shooting of those two news reporters by that racist wack job is nothing more than our video games and movies making their way into real life.
