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welt feet

Started by brmax, March 04, 2015, 03:10:32 pm

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I could use some of your thoughts on needing the single right foot type welt/piping foot.
Just purchased some of regular style with a cut out, and didn't notice these until after an order.
They look to get much closer, what say there. Is this what I heard might be used for hats ??
Now I know most of you probably bump the knee slightly smile have a coffee and run a couple 50 yards through all while doing facebook, hollering next roll of cord?
So do you use these and when might I. that's scary! ::)
Thanks and
Good Day there


The cut-out is mainly designed to help you get closer when turning a corner while sewing welt cord.

I use the regular style welt feet (no cut-out). I have the cut-out feet, but I find that they to tend to "trail off" when sewing a straight run. And since I don't really have a problem turning corners, I rarely use the cut-out feet.

But some people swear by them.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I also find the cut off feet tend to run off. Straight foot or welt foot. It might be machine specific because with my Pfaff from years ago the cut off foot ran straight but with the new consew is tends to run off.
Minichillo's Upholstery


Quote from: MinUph on March 04, 2015, 06:32:06 pm
......... because with my Pfaff from years ago the cut off foot ran straight but with the new consew is tends to run off.
That doesn't surprise me. I remember my Pfaff welt feet seemed to have a much deeper groove than other models.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Thanks to you all for the advice, the feet machining seems to possibly make a difference in walking off, because I do ( a cup a coffee helps if machine is not working right)yep, regroup.
I picked up some feet and did some measuring, these are not custom. I would be curious of actual measurement standards in brand name items, so from mountings all should be the same to surface.
Is it customary to readjust feet alternating height the same with a change of feet, because for several changes in the day its a pain I think. I will obviously have to learn to do this much faster for sure. I ran a piece of paper under the needle and through to see the impression of feet and the hole shape from the needle, seems I have a slight mark on left side as I am setting in the chair.
I suppose this is why its pulling material from that direction slightly more, something to check into.

Good day there


March 11, 2015, 10:33:31 am #5 Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 10:36:58 am by brmax
As many of you already been down this road, presser feet adjustment and such.
I have a mini square and some mini files for other purposes and these items help me get to a better understanding and solve some problems, which I could have just ask and received an answer but hard headed I am I am.
Moving on I first wondered why the presser foot had more contact or first contact on the left and found the foot to be the problem, this was established running two squares crossed on top of casting and then in a same manner from the feed mounting as its machined  without paint.
so I covered the hook and as much area as possible with tissues and layed a piece of sand paper 400 under the presser foot faced to sand the bottom, of course with the feed dog all "down" I slightly raised the foot enough to pull the full length sheet through many times maybe 15-20 carefully sanding and this worked well. 1st mention is I used a shop vac upon any further work and a small brush to help remove abrasives.
I then decided to check the walk foot "ocd" way back in post, whatever.
I found this foot also had more contact on the left side, hmm? so removed the foot to be able to sit a gauge piece atop the feed dog center surface and using my cheater glasses established the dogs were bigger on left side yard! of the needle hole?.
I removed the feed dog and used the mini machinist square and found that the bottom side was not square, though machined it was rough a bit so I covered the square with my sand paper having the ability to use its surface and correctly sand the piece, and in short order with barely any blueing removed problem solved.
I reinstalled the feed dog and checked the walk foot contact and happy to say this worked. So I assembled the other pieces to check how this machine would feed material now.
Happy to say from the nose bleed starting block section the dogs bite the same, and with umbrella drink at "slow, medium and smoking speed" the sheet of paper runs straight as arrow lines with "look pa no hands".
Now for the work section and actual material im sure its great.
This has been with factory oem parts.
My next workup to move me forward to better understand the trades here, Im fiddling with non oem sets of welt feet ? OMG,  I even ordered my first roll of 5/32 fiber soon to splurge on foam core.

Good day all