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Started by byhammerandhand, December 03, 2014, 09:51:59 am

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December 03, 2014, 09:51:59 am Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 09:58:48 am by byhammerandhand
I tried to generate a new account on a government web site.

Please enter your new password:

Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters.
"boiled cabbage"

Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character.
"1 boiled cabbage"

Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces.

Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character.

Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.
"50BloodyBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourArse, IfYouDon'tGiveMeAccessnow"

Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation.

Sorry, that password is already in use.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison

Darren Henry

too funny Keith! And way too right!
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!



This is a rather unpleasant visual. I see a cook with only 3 fingers and a half of thumb remaining on each hand, preferred customer status from the Band-Aide Corp., and a very pale complexion.



speaking of bad aids I was just thinking the other day wen I bought a box you cant get those metal box of bandaids, they made great little storages containers

Darren Henry

You can still get the little first aid kits in the plastic box about the same size over in the camping aisle.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


99% of the time, when I need a Band-aid, it's for a bleeding finger.

And the hardest thing to do is peel that paper wrapper off a Band-aid, and then grab that little fold on the backing to pull it off without getting blood all over it.. The adhesive part always curls up and sticks to itself.

They can put a man on the moon, but they can't fix Band-aids.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


December 09, 2014, 06:11:43 am #6 Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 06:12:38 am by byhammerandhand
They can also put a man on the moon but not seem to make a coffee maker carafe that doesn't dribble on the table.

Quote from: sofadoc on December 09, 2014, 05:54:27 am
They can put a man on the moon, but they can't fix Band-aids.

Altoids tins make nice storage boxes.

Huh, what?  Passwords was the subject?

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison

Darren Henry

QuoteAnd the hardest thing to do is peel that paper wrapper off a Band-aid, and then grab that little fold on the backing to pull it off without getting blood all over it.. The adhesive part always curls up and sticks to itself.

Dad was an electrician. If I'm leaking that bad I just grab the electrical tape ---I can always fight with a band aid later.

Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

Who needs bandaids?

Just grab the super glue, give it a few minutes to dry and you're right back at work. ; )

Seriously, our Office Manager at my last job did that at home.  She was chopping vegies and really took a slice out of her thumb and should have had stitches.  Her loving hubby told her to suck it up, grabbed the super glue and applied pressure for a minute or two.  Once the glue was dried, he handed her the chef knife she had been using and told her that he was really hungry and she should get back to work.  The man would not have needed a vasectomy had he been my husband.  She just laughed when she told us about it.



super glue was introduced in the medical field, long before the commercials with the guy hanging from the I beam by his hard-hat.

Viet Nam war, triage..big gaping wound would be superglued together, soldier loaded on copter taken to field hospital. Then necessary medical surgery and procedure was performed.
Super glue sets faster with moisture (blood, fluids)
I worked in dentistry and for gingival graft bandages, we used super glue as the dressing.  When the tissue healed and the top layer sluffed off, the layer of super glue sluffed off with it.

How this topic evolved from passwords to bandaids to this...
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success. If at first you fail, redefine failure.


December 10, 2014, 06:24:33 am #10 Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 06:25:05 am by gene
I use New Skin all the time. It's basically sterile super glue. It stings like heck but it helps the cuts to stop bleeding and heal a lot faster.

QuoteHow this topic evolved from passwords to bandaids to this...
Both 'passwords' and 'bandaids' have 8 letters. Maybe that's the connection?


PS: I know 'passwords' has nine letters. Hence, the jocularity of my above comment.

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: gene on December 10, 2014, 06:24:33 am
I use New Skin all the time. It's basically sterile super glue. It stings like heck but it helps the cuts to stop bleeding and heal a lot faster.

QuoteHow this topic evolved from passwords to bandaids to this...
Both 'passwords' and 'bandaids' have 8 letters. Maybe that's the connection?


PS: I know 'passwords' has nine letters. Hence, the jocularity of my above comment.

Gene, you are insane!  In a good way though!

Bob was a big time bowler back in the day and would rub his thumb raw during his release (finger tip ball - beyond my knowledge of bowling).  He kept a tube, or whatever it was sold by, of New Skin in his bowling bag case.  During tournaments, he used a lot of it -- otherwise once or twice a night.  I'd forgotten about New Skin until your post.  Really takes me back in time as Bob and I pretty much lived at the bowling alley during our courtship and early marriage years.  With my surgically repaired back, bowling is no longer an option which is ok as I pretty much sucked -- just bowled because it was a big part of Bob's life.

Back to passwords, I always get irritated when the site forces password change.  I now have to keep track of them in a little spiral notebook.  Even to get in touch with our doc, requires an account/password, then you email your provider and they email you back.  Technology : (


Darren Henry

QuoteI always get irritated when the site forces password change.  I now have to keep track of them in a little spiral notebook.

I keep meaning to start one of those notebooks but keep putting it off to the point that I've mislaid 1/2 the slips of paper I jotted them down on ---until I had a chance to tabulate them.

The other list I need to include there is bank accounts with PIN #'s, payment arrangements , description and location of off site chattels [Boat and motorhome at work location, this that and that in old shed at Dave's,etc...] and the like. That would be more for who ever had to look after me if I were incapacitated, but I sometimes forget what all I have stashed where and have to scratch my head and make a few calls.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Super Glue (cyanoacrylate or CA glue) has good tensile strength (pulling apart) but low shear strength (sliding apart) so you can use it for thread locking that is reversible.

speaking of paS$W0rD5 why does nearly everyplace make you enter your e-mail and password twice, but nothing else twice?   Any why don't more places have a check box "show password" while you're typing?

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison

Darren Henry

Quotewhy does nearly everyplace make you enter your e-mail and password twice, but nothing else twice?

I always took that to be a double check on the most important info--- If Leith's mailing address is wrong he WILL call when his package doesn't show up. I've also been told repeating the password assures Leith has it right and that it is not a machine generating the e-mail. What I've heard---and it makes sense
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!