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Wier (Spelling) Manufacturing

Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, September 26, 2014, 06:47:34 am

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Virgs Sew n Sew

Just wondered if any of you boat top types have had any business with Wier Manufacturing?  If so, was it positive?  If you had issues, if you don't mind talking about them, I would love to know.

Long story and I'm sick as a dog and on my way to the doctor.  Short story is one of the pantone tops I altered was for a customer.  Finished it and took it to the Boat Place in town that I thought had contracted with me (I wrote out my sales ticket to the local name and she didn't correct me) along with my invoice.  She informed me that she would fax it to the mfg (Wier) and that they would pay me.  I latched onto the box containing the top and said that it was coming with me until payment was received.  Said that furthermore, at no time during our discussions was I told that the local people were not paying me and that was something that I DEFINTELY should have been told as things like that factor into my decision.  That was Aug. 12th and still no check. 

Customer is not a happy dude and I don't blame him.  He's not upset with me because he understands that top is basically my insurance policy.  This chick I've been dealing with is very snotty to customer which doesn't sit well with me.  During one conversation, she told me that I should not talk to him.  Say what????  Anyway, customer and I are planning on going to the local place tomorrow (if I can hold my head up that is and more importantly, can talk as I'm little more than a whisper right now) and jumping up and down on the owner's desk.  I called customer before I got sick and suggested that we go together, solidarity and all that.  Office manager is who I think the woman I've been dealing with is, owner is a counselor at one of our middle schools so he's not there M-F now that school's back in session (this is why customer & I planned on going there tomorrow).  She called me Wed and told me that Wier had called and she needed to talk to owner but would call me on Thur.  4:30 when I hadn't heard, I called her.  She started going off on the customer again and that I shouldn't talk to him.  When I could finally get two words in, I told her that I wasn't calling for the customer, that I was calling for myself because I need to get paid.  Anyway, she said that owner had just gotten in and that she was going to talk to him and she would call me.  Still no call.  I'm coming to the conclusion that this woman is a wiatch (sub a b there).

So, that's my story.  If anyone has any suggestions on how to handle this, I'd appreciate it.  Also, if any dealings with that manufacture.



I've never heard of Wier Manufacturing.  I'm also not familiar with the term "pantone top".  What is that?  Did they originally produce the top?  Or did they manufacture the fabric?

It sounds like this was a warranty repair where the customer has paid no money to anyone.  If he did give the boat shop any money he needs to demand it back from them.  Then he could pay you directly.  If no money has changed hands, I'd contact Wier directly to see if you can get paid and if not, I'd take the boat shop to small claims for whatever they owe you (assuming you're not successful with the shop owner).

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields

Virgs Sew n Sew

It's a type of boat.  This one is a 22 foot, I believe.

Still haven't heard back from the woman at the boat shop.

Thanks for your suggestions.



September 26, 2014, 10:30:34 am #3 Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 10:43:16 am by kodydog
In Furniture repairs we always get payment from the retailer upon completion. IMO they are the ones who should deal with the manufacturer And should go out of their way to make the customer happy. Sounds like a sleazy way of doing business to me. Sorry you found yourself in this predicament.

You certainly don't need the added stress when you not feeling good.

We just finished a repair. I quoted $150 but it was easier than I thought so I knocked $20 off. The store owner told me Broyhill said they were only paying $13. We both agreed that was ridiculous. He paid me and said he'd have a talk with Broyhill. That's the way it should be.

I wonder if Wier has some kinda dispute about the price. Those manufactures can be very cheep.

There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.

Darren Henry

I totally agree with June. Quite often the threat of small claims court etc... will elicit action.

QuoteIn Furniture repairs we always get payment from the retailer upon completion.

Same up here.They then decide was it manufactures warranty,extended warranty, store is just going to keep a happy customer etc...
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew


I wondered if Wier has issues with the price.  Since my name and phone number were on the invoice and O/M told me she faxed the invoice over to them, I would think that they would contact me to find out what exactly needed to be fixed on the top.

Didn't hear from local people yesterday :shock: but just as well as I came home from the doctor with absolutely no voice at all.   Bad sinus infection is verdict.

Will chill until Monday and give them a call.  Still have no voice so obviously customer and I are not going into their place of business this morning.

When I worked at the furniture store, we always took care of customer service issues as well.  Then I would bill out repair charges to the manufacturer.  Generally, we didn't get reimbursed for what it cost us to repair the item.  I just deposited the amount they sent us and wrote off the balance.  Our customers never complained about our customer service.  I am still shocked that they invoiced the manufacturer instead of paying it locally.


Darren Henry

Sorry to hear (oops--- I guess I mean read [ ;D] ) that you're not well. Make up some flash cards for Bob and the dogs, put some honey and brandy in your tea, and kick back and get well. Gargling with warm salt water can also provide some relieve.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: Darren Henry on September 27, 2014, 06:25:34 am
Sorry to hear (oops--- I guess I mean read [ ;D] ) that you're not well. Make up some flash cards for Bob and the dogs, put some honey and brandy in your tea, and kick back and get well. Gargling with warm salt water can also provide some relieve.

Yup, I'm a firm believer in gargling with warm salt water.  One of mom's home remedies that always helped somewhat.  Bob's a trooper.  He's been fielding calls, returning calls, etc.  I'm working up yardage figures right now so that he can call a customer for me ; )  He's definitely worth his weight in gold.

Carly's hanging tight with me.  Jimmy knows I'm sick so he wants nothing to do with me.

Doc did give me a z-pack (antibiotics) and prescription cough syrup so I'm sure I'll sleep through most of the weekend.    Head is starting to drain a little, just that I have basically no voice at all.  Lucky Bob! :D 


I forgot my mom did the salt water also when I was a little kid

Virgs Sew n Sew

On a somewhat happier note.  I called my "good" friend at the boat place this afternoon.  She was very cold and asked me what she could do for me.  I gently reminded her that she was to call me back after she and the owner talked.  She said that she will be coming over in the next few days with a check and to pick up the gentleman's tarp.  I asked her what the delay in payment was about.  She said that there is no delay, that the invoice has to go up the chain, not only at Wier's but where ever it is that they actually bought the tarp from and then back down the chain again in order for the payment to be processed.

Bob & I both agree that something is fishy in this as Friday it will be 2 months since I took the invoice in.  That is excessive by most standards to say the least.  Bob thinks that they have been paid already and are just sitting on the money.  I don't care so long as I get paid.  If and when that happens, there is still the issue of the other tarp which I will cross that bridge after I finish crossing the bridge I'm on right now.


Darren Henry

In mertric that would be two scores today. You were able to talk to the lady---and you're getting paid. How's the voice coming BTW?

For the second tarp: If you have an agreed price, I would serve her the invoice (to send up the chain) when she drops by and that way the customer doesn't have to wait so long for the finished repair to be released. ;)
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Thankfully I have never had to chase money. The dealers all pay on 30 days net. I never have to call for payment.

Myself, I wouldn't deal with these people anymore. I would get your cash and run. if they ever want you to do any work for them in the future I would tell them cash up front.

I despise companies that do this and I agree with Bob. They have had the cash and are sitting on it.

I would get my money and tell the witch to piss off.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: Darren Henry on September 29, 2014, 04:07:48 pm
In mertric that would be two scores today. You were able to talk to the lady---and you're getting paid. How's the voice coming BTW?

For the second tarp: If you have an agreed price, I would serve her the invoice (to send up the chain) when she drops by and that way the customer doesn't have to wait so long for the finished repair to be released. ;)


I'm still a little froggy, sometimes have the sultry voice thing going on -- too bad the bod's too old to go with the voice ; )  Head is much better without all the sinus pressure stuff.  Take the last antibiotic at lunch.

Talked to the customer yesterday and we both agreed that we will be shocked if I actually get the check this week.  I think it is still going to take several more phone calls.  What a mess!

As far as the second tarp goes.  The boat it belongs on has not been sold yet, or at least hadn't when I took measurements of what needed to be altered.  I had started work on it initially.  Then Chuck brought his boat and tarp in.  The witch had wanted me to finish the first one before starting work on Chuck's because she considered him a pain in the backside.  That goes against my grain so I stopped work on the original and did Chuck's.  Had I not started work on it, I would hand it to her along with Chuck's when I receive payment and tell her to not call me again.  I've done enough work on it that I'd like to be paid for it.  So once I get the check, I'll do enough work that I can determine what a fair price will be.  Then I'll take the invoice in and when I receive payment, I'll finish the work.  Or at least, that's the plan.
