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Another Vet Trip (Funny)

Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, September 05, 2014, 08:52:27 am

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Virgs Sew n Sew

So we had an appointment for this morning to get Carly's sibling into the Vet.  Actually for one of the techs to clip his toenails.  We've never had Carly's clipped and they don't seem to grow at all.  I swear we have to get Jimmy's clipped like every 6 months or they start curving and look outrageous.

Jimmy definitely has Husky blood in him.  He started whining the second he saw me coming towards him with the lead in hand.  Had to give him a boost to get him in the back of my HHR so my fused back is already loving this trip.  He whined the entire trip to the Vet's.  Got in the door to register him and he pees on the floor.  So I'm already totally embarrassed, though laughing too as his behavior at the Vet's is so outrageous that it is funny.  Again, one of the tech's and I had to lift him up on the table so they could work on his nails.  He whines the entire time and then started pulling and jerking.  It was a very long 20 nail clips.  The ladies are very patient.  Ended up having one tech lay on one end of him and I laid across the other end trying to keep him still.  Then the second tech was able to clip his nails.  She did get one too short and he bled like a stuck pig and really started wailing to beat the band then.  They have these sticks they touch to the blood to get it to clot and you would have thought they were beating him when they tried to use those on the bleeding claw.  Finally (probably took 10 minutes) they were finished.  He was quiet as a lamb while I settled our account as we still needed to pay for Carly's blood work.  Still had to boost him into the HHR though and not a peep out of him all the way home, including when I detoured to the City Building to pay our utility bill.

That was my Friday morning.  Hoping that my back will quit grumping at me now so that I can get some serious work done this afternoon on the restaurant chairs.  We started our morning out at the restaurant.  Took some chair pieces that are ready to be mounted and had breakfast.  We have almost half of the chairs done and they rearranged so that the tables at the front have the new upholstery showing.  Mary also sanded and painted the frames with a darker paint to match the vinyl.  Anyway, they are looking very sharp.  Once finished, I'll take some pictures of that.  We really need to replace the vinyl on the booth frames as it is showing its age.  Mary made some noises about that when we started this.  Having done the Upper Deck, I am familiar with how much work it is but I'll be game for it when she's ready. 

Oops, I went off topic on my own thread  ; )


Take 2 Advil if you can and get to work.  Have you ever thought about cutting / trimming Jimmy's nails yourself.  The dog we have is 4 lbs and I just snip his nails once a month above the blood line.  Up until we lost our pit bull from old age I was able to do her nails with the dremel tool and the little sanding drum attachment.  It worked great - maybe you can try it and save trips to the vet and you won't make Jimmy bleed. 

Joys Shop

The first dog we had after we were married, his nails were getting long and I kept telling myself that we have to get those nails clipped.  then, lo and behold, the nails were short.  He chewed them off himself.  All the time we had him, we never had to get his nailed clipped.  This was the case with every dog we've had since then.

Darren Henry

Buddy took care of his own nails too. How I don't know---he had that Clydesdale paw thing like Carly X4.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!



I once had a GSD who I took to the vet. The vet walked into the exam room and the dog tried going out the window to get away from him. He tore down his venetian blinds and went on a terror inside the room. The vet kindly asked me to find a new vet and not to bring Kaz back again. I bought him new blinds for his window. :)

That stick they use to stop the blood is the same stick us men use when we cut ourselves shaving. It stings like hell when first applied but does a good job of clotting the cut off. What works for dogs sometimes works for men ( including castration ).

Of course you women always knew us men are part dogs.

We had a retired K-9 dog that we got from a sheriff dept. he was 5 yrs old when they retired him. He was an amazing tracker but always bit the bad guy when he found him, despite the command not to. They retired him because of the liability. Funny Trooper never bit anyone the whole time we owned him and was the best GSD I have ever owned. My kids knew better then to try and bring any type of drugs in the house or to get near anyone who had been smoking pot. :)

The funny part of this is we used to take him for rides and would always stop at McDonalds and buy him a hamburger. He knew exactly what he was getting and when we got to the drive thru window he always let the worker know he wanted his burger.......NOW. The big problem with Trooper was when he was in the car and if he heard a siren he would go bat shi* crazy thinking it was time to go to work and he may get the chance to bite a bad guy. I dreaded passing an ambulance or fire truck with him.

I bet the next time you take him to the vet and stop at McDonalds first he would maybe enjoy that trip more. Its funny how these dogs know where they are going. :)


Darren Henry

Buddy and I always hit A&W for a cheese burger on the way home from the vet.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

We have Runza's here.  I'm not a big runza fan but they have THE best fries EVER.  Jimmy and Carly split a child burger when we eat there.  I'm game on trying the detour thing.

The stories ya'll told make Jimmy seem like an angel. ;)

Chris:  I worked with a LTC at Ft Leavenworth.  He shared with our office one day that his wife was an old farm girl.   Every time they would relocate, the first thing she hung on the wall over the headboard was a pair of pig cutters.  She never had to worry about him straying.  Seemed a tich extreme to me but whatever works!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.


Darren Henry

QuoteJimmy and Carly split a child burger when we eat there.

It messes them right up at the drive through when you order an adult burger and ask for the baby burger cut into quarters hold the onions. You can see the relief on their face when you pull up to the window and the dog is there instead of a car seat LOL.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

I've never taken them through a drive through with me.  My HHR is the Panel Truck variety so I only have a passenger seat and a cargo area.  Jimmy climbs in the seat every once in a while but as soon as I break and he loses footing, he hauls it for the cargo area. 

We used to have St Bernards.  When we got our first, Guenther, we only had one car and it was Bob's dream car -- an '85 Vette.  I was coming home from our Vet's with Guenther in the passenger seat and his paw hit the gear shift just right and popped the car into neutral.  We got a second car the next day as we were very fortunate that I was on a side street that didn't get much traffic or I would have been rear ended.  Guenther loved car rides, especially trips to the bank as they kept a box of milk bones at the drive through window.  All the tellers would crack up when I would pull up with Guenther in the passenger seat of our dog car as we referred to the junk Monte Carlo we bought for dog trips.



I just bought an 09 HHR a couple weeks ago. I love that thing. :)
Just got it back from the dealer for two recalls - the steering servo and the infamous GM ignition switch.

I am shocked at how comfortable the car is and how well it handles. very glad I bought it.


Virgs Sew n Sew


I think ours is a '09 as well.  Bob is 6'4" and it's hard to find cars with leg room so he was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable the HHR was for him.

We had our ignition switch recall taken care of early this summer.  I think we had the steering servo recall as well but had that fixed quite some time ago.  We bought ours new but got it for quite a deal.  As I posted earlier, it's the panel truck HHR.  At the time, there was only one business that used the panel HHR for its business vehicle.  We're thinking that the dealership ordered one more than the company needed.  So it sat on the lot for ages.  We had taken Bob's car in for service and saw that they had it marked down substantially.  Went home and thought about it, cleaned out my PT Cruiser, went back and test drove it and ended up buying it.

I really love the panel truck option.  With two 50+ pound dogs, there is plenty of room for them to be taken in for exams/shots together.  Plus when I need to take machines in for service, I have adequate room back there and when I buy bolts of fabric, I'm not freaking out about how I'm going to get it home.  When I first started Sew 'n Sew, we took it in to a Sign Company and had my logo put on both cargo doors.  We have gotten a lot of business calls that start out, "I saw your vehicle (car, truck, etc) parked at .... so the stenciling has more than paid for itself.