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Recacril / Sattler Updates

Started by Mojo, September 08, 2014, 02:58:44 pm

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I work directly with the North American head's of Recassen's and Sattler. Actually the top dog of Sattler / Outdura is a close friend and lives by me. So being tied into these guys I hear the latest and greatest and just wanted to pass this info on for everyone.

Recacril has changed some of their finish techniques at the factory resulting in a little bit stiffer hand  on their awning/marine fabric. They also have added a couple new colors and dropped a couple as well. Their wine color, which I believe was a big Bayliner color is long gone. They also dropped their Red Tweed in 47 inch and are going to a different red tweed color which is supposed to be brighter.

Sattler bought out Outdura so the two are now one. They still have their own respective lines but are the same company now. They too have made a couple of changes in the color lineup. I have noticed that they have changed the hand on their fabric and it seems to be softer.

Just thought I would mention this so if you do not have the latest sample cards then you may want to order new ones from your supplier. Recacril just came out with the most awesome sample book with cut fabric inside that I have seen. It is a 4 inch by 11 inch box that opens up into a double sided binder with the cut samples inside. This thing is real slick and professional looking. I use these in my vendors booth at shows.

Not sure how much some of you are effected by color changes but just wanted to give you a heads up.

