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How do you find a skilled upholsterer

Started by kodydog, April 26, 2014, 07:06:37 am

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Kody: I remember several months ago, you went to your boss with some ideas about increasing profits. His reply was something to the effect of "I don't need to make more money".

He had become too complacent. He was satisfied with his profit margins, which were sufficient for him as long as his employees was satisfied to work for the same pay indefinitely. What he doesn't understand is, the rest of you aren't just there to make HIM a living.

I'm with June. You don't owe him a day over 2 weeks.

"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


May 04, 2014, 03:35:47 pm #16 Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 01:27:10 pm by byhammerandhand
When I had to lay off or fire people, they were called into an office and told, escorted to their work station with a box, asked to pack up their stuff while someone waited with them and, "Have a nice day."    It may have been a different industry, but the risk of sabotage* was a concern.  I believe they got paid for 10 days following that.

Incidentally, the term "sabotage" came during the industrial revolution when workers felt they were being pushed to hard, they would drop a shoe (a wooden shoe called a "sabot") into the gears.

I was reminded of one guy that worked there.   He is one of the few people that I absolutely hated working with.  A real immature backstabbing a-hole.  He came in on a Sunday, cleaned out his stuff, left a note on his boss's desk that he would not be in Monday, nor any day thereafter.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


Two week notice is standard in any industry.
When I have had employees who wanted  to move on, they would give me a two week notice.  Or I would let them go right then.


Thanks. Looks like we all agree. January they gave me a raise and asked if I ever leave could I give them a fair notice. I said I would give them 2 months. Thus the lengthy resignation.

What really got me wondering was the in house decorator. Over the last 2 years my wife and I have become friends with her and her husband. She is educated and has a good head on her shoulders. We often bounce ideas off each other. When I explained to her about the 60 day notice and how unhappy the bosses are she agreed with them. I was surprised.

The bosses son told me 2 weeks is normal in most industries but not this one.  ???

The last upholsterer was with the company over 15 years. When he quit he gave 6 months notice. But he was 75 years old, retiring and moving to another state. I guess that makes them think everyone should give a 6 mo. notice.

There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Sounds like the in-house decorator knows which side her bread is buttered on.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


In-house decorator may get a dope slap when she realizes the person who was cranking out the super work had "to go". 

Water of a duck's back, Kody.! your work will speak for you wherever you go. 


advertise on Craig's List but advertise all states all cities not just local. I found my last job right where I wanted to live out my remaining years and jumped at the opportunity. Although it did not work out and I am self employed, that is how I got here. You never know someone might be having a hard time finding work where they are and would move there for the job. Good Luck. Also you can ask on Linked and Twitter, Facebook or the like. if you want someone with lots of experience throw an add up in Syracuse NY. Harden furniture laid a bunch of guys off last year and place ads in High Point. Good Luck!