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Question on cockpit enclosure...

Started by Grebo, June 13, 2013, 02:20:10 am

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Could be one for Mike or June ?
I don't do that many power boat enclosures & would like you opinions.
I have fitted a track around the top of the cockpit ( Beneteau Antares 13.8 ) Now originally I was 'just' going to stitch the canvas to the keder put zips in & windows. But I just figured out  ::) That it's going to be a nightmare to get the windows in with all that material to drag about.
So would you (1) sew a zipper to the keder all the way round, make up the curtains with connecting zippers, windows etc then stitch the bottom of the zipper all along the top.
Or (2) stitch separate zippers to each curtain top & keder plus separating zippers between each curtain.
I favour the second option as I like to check the fit before adding the windows.

Or alternatively.......




June 13, 2013, 04:17:27 am #1 Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 04:19:16 am by Eric
I would sew zippers to keder, with match on panel. Your option #2, seperate zip for each panel.



June 13, 2013, 04:56:54 am #2 Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 05:07:40 am by Mike
Many time ive seen and duplicated on the kedar sewn to the top of window slides in and then due to uneveness you have to have a. Ipper on the bOttom kedar. Usualy. If there is a keday eith zipper on top the bottom snaps.   But depending on the  top sliding situation. A zipper may be easier also. Ive never seen zipper top and bottom

I just looked at wll my old pic and memory.
Most are zipper and kedar at the top and fastners at the bottom a few were kedar no zipper at top snap. Bottom. 
But i can only think of one i had to de that was slide in kedarat top with kedar and zipper  on bottom


June 13, 2013, 06:30:08 am #3 Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 06:32:13 am by Grebo
Thanks Gang,
That makes more sense, f'ink I can handle that.  :)
keder top & fittings bottom Mike. Customer wants the old Brit turnbuckles  :( .
I guess it's actually a camper back as opposed to a whole enclosure.

So it will need a continuous flap along the top edge of the keder to cover up all the zip joins then.  Weather proofing.



Yep, what they said.  Each window gets a zip on the Keder along the top.  Drives me nuts when I have to deal with a heavy canvas/glass panel where someone decided to join them all together with one long zip, or sewn directly to the welt.

I've seen just a few (never made one) with zips on top and bottom and if done right, the result is REALLY nice.  The 4-way tension makes soft Strataglass panels look like polycarbonate.

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


Suzi that whT i  did here.  On top one continuse   kedar with a 3" or so flap with a zipper cor each window. I put velcro also to hold the flap down i. Wind and turn buttons on. Ottom or lift the dots


June 13, 2013, 09:53:27 am #6 Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 12:00:20 pm by Grebo
Terrific, thanks it's  now ready for fitting. Then I will finish it off.

Thanks June, I promise not to make any in one piece like that.