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Plygrip and Leather

Started by baileyuph, December 06, 2012, 05:03:22 pm

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Interesting comment June, I think giving the $300 camera another chance seems practical.  So, I will dig it out and practice, maybe it is just me?
It probably needs a battery(s) at the start.

I really like what I do but the volume really keeps me off the street.   ;)  Finding time to expand my activities can be a challenge.

More customers come in with phones having camera capability, but some lack decent quality, I don't think those pictures are near the quality of June's or Dennis camera.

I need to check the battery(s) and give the old guy another chance.



December 08, 2012, 06:01:27 am #16 Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 06:02:14 am by gene
Here's a thought that may not be practical or even possible. I have not tried it but am wondering about it's feasibility for future reference.

Can you cut the top of the 'back out' leather panel to match the curve of the top of the back of the chair, and then glue the top part onto the welt cord that will have been stapled onto the top edge? The leather can be cut with a bevel edge to help hide the edge of the leather.

Anyone done this with or without success?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Thank you.




I guess one could but just sew it Gene.  We do it all the time with cloth and some vinyl/leather.  This will probably work in my case, I will find out soon.  I had so many other projects to finish, haven't had time to get back to this issue.  I will either do that or probably do the "adding stiffner" technique.

I had to get out five other projects yesterday, perhaps I can get back to that chair issue soon.  That is all I lack on finishing that project.  BTW, I got a call from the lawyer and he wants me to work in a headliner job also.

The beat goes on.........

This is why I haven't exploited the camera facility.  Grin.


I took spsrt s bost seat reciently that had some metal strip with prongs on it tat bent over griping some winyl. It was on a pontoonand after seeing salt water had realy rusted and i really didnt see why it was used just fell off   Is this  shat your talking about.  Plygrip?

Darren Henry

About cameras: I do alot of work for Furniture medic which involves uploading alot of pictures for billing etc...I broke my camera and needed an inexpensive replacement (Yeah,I was broke that month  ;D) I picked up a Samsung (ES30 at Wally world for $80.00.That was less than anything I saw at the pawn shops and second hand stores.It has more bells and whistles than I'll ever use and is mid range quality.I love eede the outside back it.I'm not all that impressed witht he editing softwear mind you.I still use the "Photo impressions" that came with my first Samsung.

About curve-eze and leather/vinyl: I'll use curve-eze on leather if I absolutely have to but never on vinyl.I've cut way to much of it  :'( I just ran in to an order for the Hospital that was like this situation. For hygene etc they wouldn't accept deco nails,or a welt and needed the outside back nice and tight. I did them like kitchen chairs in that I sewed the inside and outside backs together and stretched them on and stapled the bottoms to the frame.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


So true Darren, your comment of plygrip cutting vinyl

Matter of fact, one has to be careful when using metal tacking strips with vinyl.
