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Game Plan

Started by Mojo, March 20, 2012, 05:12:34 am

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I was just sitting down calculating my profit ratio and found that 70 % of my total bill is net profit.
I then sat down and calculated it out and depending on whether it is slide toppers or awnings averages out to be about $ 85 per hour. This is basically pure profit, after all expenses are paid
( except taxes ). Slide toppers are my big profit maker as I average $ 135 per working hour for a full set ( 4 slide toppers ). Thankfully the vast majority of my business is slide toppers.

I have set a goal for sales during the RV show I am doing in May. I want to book $ 7,500 worth of orders during that week long event. It is a lofty goal but I only need to book 10 full slide topper orders for that week while I am at the show to obtain that figure. After expenses I would clear 
$ 3,500 ( considering all my costs for travel and I am taking the month of May off ).

My game plan is to offer a show special. I am going to discount a full slide topper order by 16 %. That would be approximately $ 130.00 off a full order. I am also requiring a deposit to be made during the show in order for the customer to get the discount.

If I do this then my hourly rate will drop to approximately $ 87.50 per hour which is net profit. The main reason for me attending this show is to put on the seminar and also to get my name out to the association. In other words I am looking at this show as a marketing tool. I get a lot of orders from customer referrals. I also feel I am not penetrating my market as much as I could.

Aerospace 303 has provided me with show bags and Sattler and Solarfix has provided me with bag stuffers and product materials. I will have a booth in the Vendors building and am bringing a friend in to help me staff the booth for a couple days. I am also offering free slide topper and awning inspections during the week long event. I have bought a full page ad in their program as well. This is going to be quite an experiment and I am hoping for a slam dunk. It is going to be one of those things where you end up a Zero - or - end up a hero.

Still I am questioning myself, my numbers and even wondering is this even smart to do this
show. Should I even be doing this ? Are my numbers OK or am I forgetting something ? What are your opinions, good or bad ?



March 20, 2012, 06:21:03 am #1 Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 06:57:08 am by Mike
I don't claim to know your business but your  counting in $3500 profit for the month of march.
Would there. Be order that would need to be met  if you didn't go ?
I used to go to the boat  shows here it was four days out of the shop then four days in good years going to quote the jobs good week with no production my cost want much for the shows so my bigest loss was not working. In recent years the show success and turnout dwindled with the econmmy  a I didn't go. The shows were talking all day so I don't think I would want to go anyway.
And it doesn't seem to be affecting anything as it is right now perhaps if the boating business was better sgsin it would be differnt for me.  
And as said I don't I is your business as you say your is primarily. Net orders and not seeing your customers. Y face.

Just wanted to a PS
I think you should Do it.  If you can take a month and do what your enjoy talking  to rvers
And get a nice months vacation and spent time in the coach do it!


I just hate laying out that kind of money but then I really need a vacation. One week will be spent at the RV show the rest of the time at my Son's house in Michigan seeing my grandkids, Mom and brother. I then need to swing by our house in Bristol, TN to make sure I do not have any hillbilly squatters living there or it hasn't been burnt to the ground. :)

I worked my schedule to finish all my orders before I leave. The orders that are coming in now I am booking for the first week in June. The orders I may get from the show will be booked for the second week of June and thereafter.

I need this vacation but hate to be gone for a month. I felt guilty being away so long which is why I am combining business with pleasure. It is the numbers I feel are wonky. Maybe they are not. :)



Well you foot go see the kids might as well work it in with work the gas would be spent to go see the kids anyway or air fair.  So that realy isn't do omming out of the jobs then just Park rent and any booth fees. 
As far as tou house n t. Have you thought if selling once the market returns? One headache would be gone


We have the house in Bristol and also a 5 acre wooded lot just off the Blue Ridge Parkway in VA. I have had the lot listed for a year but no takers. I would like to list the house in another year and dump it.

I want them both gone. :)
