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Whatch out for wasps

Started by Mike8560, September 24, 2011, 06:43:49 am

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Peakin' of dogs this is GiGi ny little bishon well she's fat at 18 pounds
I've got a glass room out back and she like to bark at the window at geekos and bike passing on the bridge over the canal. Iv egot this little bird house looking item that emits a little high freqiluency noise when she doese.  I just have to fake turning it on And she shuts up.



I would be interested to know what that bird house item is
I have a little yapper too


Darren Henry

QuoteWell apart from pukking up soon as we stopped she was fine just walked about with a thick lip for the rest of the day.

Buddy did that with some wasps years ago. Poor old bugger's face swole up to the point that I sat up to make sure his airway (or at least his nose) didn't close up. Twice we have had to extract rib bones from between his top rear teeth. One person cannot hang onto 26 pounds of wigged out border collie, hold the jaws that can ( er well could then) grind up a T-bone in 10 minutes, reach in and pry out a bone. But the worst one was when he licked the skunk. I just about ruined my trousers. I was in my work closet tooling some belts when the old lady announces; "Darren, there's something wrong with Buddy". Immediate flash back to the agony our lab had recently gone through before he died of rat poisoning. If there was a 29" and under instep category for the sprint, I'd be in the record books. He's frothing at the mouth like he just ate a squirt of toothpaste, "not in a good humour", and his face is slightly swollen. Did I mention there were skunks (most common carriers of rabies in this part of Canada) living under the house our apartment was in? 'Course after the "issues" around Bear's death I've got zero confidence in the local vet, so I'm not going to call her. Her answer to everything is "well put it down it's not a cat" ,anyway. So I call old Doc Scheinder in Dryden going " uhmm--- how fast can rabies set in?"  As we're talking Buddy takes a drink of water and Doc asks to me to smell his breath. Winnie picked up the phone shortly after I do and told him that "yes his breath smelt so bad of skunk that I had fallen off the chair and that once she had administered the glass of milk  as prescribed, she'd drag me out onto the patio for some air". I guess no one told him which side is okay for a white patch on a black floor dweller (I've just described my dog) , and which side means you  shouldn't try to butt sniff.

:D A Friday funny today---- a "bit of tension" back then.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Quote from: Allan on September 30, 2011, 02:58:44 pm

I would be interested to know what that bird house item is
I have a little yapper too


here it is Allen I bought mine at walmart but here it is at k mart


Sorry to bring up an old one, but my gadget worked again yesterday for my nephew who is highly allergic to stings. Just thought some might like to hear of another good result.


Sounds like a winner to me Rocketman.  I'm gonna make one!


I promise you won't regret it!