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Started by gene, August 31, 2011, 06:42:32 pm

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I've been home all day with a pinched nerve in my back. Talk about a pain in the butt!

I did a solid 8 hours of paper work, though. Got caught up on everything and a bit ahead on a few other things.

I'll probably be home again tomorrow.

Anyone else have this malady? From what I read I'm lucky it's not worst. I can't stand without pain, but at least I can sit without pain.



I've had it bad before in the back, The best thing I've ever done was start seeing a chiropractor. Not only does my body feel better, I also don't get the usual winter sicknesses I use to. Hey, I even picked up work doing his office furniture, adjustment tables, and his boat!


I fear the pinched nerve, because it can strike without any apparent provocation. At least if you break something, you can only blame yourself.
From what I hear, the worst pinched nerve is one in the neck. You can brace other parts, or just "take it easy". But there's nowhere to hide from neck pain. It seems like anyone that I've known to wear a neck brace was still in pain.
Take care of the back, Gene.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Worse part for me when I get that pain is getting out of bed in the morning. Takes a while to straighten up.

My poor sister got rear ended at a stop light by some kid doing 45 MPH. Messed her back up good. Shes in her 50's, she waddles when she walks. Imagine having that pain constantly. Hate to think what it'll be like when shes in her 70's or 80's.

Get well Gene.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Apply some heat and take some advil. I pinched a nerve in my back last year and got so aggravated with it I went outside and got busy doing some work in the yard. The exercise actually stretched things out and made it better. Of course you do not want to do that if its an issue with a disc. :)

Other then that a few dose's of flexiril and a trip to a DO I have no other suggestions. The one thing I like about seeing a Doctor who is a DO versus a chiropractor is that a DO will put your back into place and send you out the door. The Chiropractor will keep you coming back for more adjustments. I do not have time for that BS.



For a muscle spasm, and back pain I use ice.  I am not sure if a pinched nerve is the same it works for me.


Quote from: kodydog on August 31, 2011, 07:28:27 pm
Worse part for me when I get that pain is getting out of bed in the morning. Takes a while to straighten up.

I have rhebsame trouble kt tought to stand straight some mornings


September 06, 2011, 01:34:50 pm #7 Last Edit: September 06, 2011, 01:36:42 pm by gene
I had my first ever visit to a Chiropractor today. He seemed to know what he was doing. The pain has lessened.

I'll go back in tomorrow for another round of medieval twisting and turning.

Have you ever fallen, say over a cliff, and you bounce and slide and finally hit the bottom with a "thud", and you lay there waiting for the pain to encompass your entire body, and you realize after a few minutes that there is no pain, nothing broken, you are in fact OK?

Well, that's what it felt like when the chiropractor twisted my body and then did a full body slam onto me. I was more amazed that he didn't do more damage than that he in fact reduced the pain.

Time will tell if the problem has been corrected or if additional sessions will be needed to keep the pain away.

Thank you for the kind 'well wishes'. And certainly 'back at you' to anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.




I went to a Chiropractor once. He felt around my neck area awhile and said oh oh. He put a hand on both sides of my head and said, just relax. Then a quick twist to the right. Felt a few pops in my neck and the stiffness was gone. Hallelujah God be praised.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.

Darren Henry

I've got a lovely patch of "road rash" about the size of a cigarette  pack on my thigh compliments of a kids bicycle,the contents of my pockets,and these *edit* crutches from trying to go too fast in grass. (trying to help Jerry NOT drop his BMW on his bum leg when the kickstand flipped back up on him.)

bone benders are great,but I'd suggest also using the hot tub at your local pool/YMCA/etc... followed by a good stretch in the pool.

Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


I feel your pain, last week I got out of bed and my heel was sore for no apparent reason.  It got worse as the day went on, by night I had to use a Cain to walk.  The next day was no better and hobbling around on a Cain was excruciating.  Over the next few days it slowly went away, odd thing was I have no idea what I could have done to myself.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


I had a hot tub at my last house. In the winter I used to like to hop o. It o. Cold 45* winter nights I'd have the heat up around 100* then jump in thebpool to cool down then back in the hottub

Darren Henry

Quotemy heel was sore for no apparent reason.

Was it a sharp pain right under the heel bone? Had you taken a "rough step" in the last couple of days? Say , jumped out of a boat onto the shop floor etc...?

Sounds like a heel spur. Try wearing footwear with a higher heel like western boots (this transfers more weight to the forefoot away from the heel) and get a heel spur cup ( a.k.a bedding) from the Dr. Schols (sp) section at walley world etc...

8) I like working in my old trade again  8) LOL
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!