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I have a plan man !

Started by fragged8, September 15, 2010, 11:15:46 am

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I've been thinking ! always a problem area for me ..

I want to do some local area promotion but what i don't
want to do is drop another piece of scrap paper into
potential customers boats.

For one reason, when it happened to me it just annoyed me .

So how about this, make up a leaflet with canvas and upholstery
instructions and tips like get your windows repaired before they
break out and it will be cheaper for you etc etc.

that way they get something useful hopefully and they may just call you
for a quote ??

wadaya think ?  perhaps we could all have some input and put together
a leaflet using all of our knowledge, i am willing to do the drafting unless someone
is really good at that sort of stuff ?
A good selling point that could be put in the leaflet is the trans Atlantic collaboration
on the information



Once I had a guy drop a ziploc baggy in my cockpit with his card a diver to clean my bottom along with a pen with his name on it. I didn't mind so much getting a pen that is alwYshandy on the boat when you may need to write down a part number to pick up somthing at west mArine.
I usd to give out pens and I had floating key holders and ball caps. Everyone like the hats but with thoose I gave them out to customers who hadgood size jobs and wore them around a marina.

Darren Henry

Your right about the over use of leaflets. You'd have to come up with a design that makes them stop and see what it was before they tossed it. Otherwise good idea.

QuoteA good selling point that could be put in the leaflet is the trans Atlantic collaboration
on the information

I'd go so far as to say global.

Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!