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I Have Met My Match

Started by Mojo, June 25, 2015, 03:47:04 pm

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I have always considered myself a bit over the top with my OCD but I have met my match. Our new manager, Mindy makes me look like a slob. Everything has to be neat and orderly. Every spring clip has to be placed in order in the storage trays. Fabric has to be stored perfectly and in order and she now keeps a written log on all fabric scrap's, calculating what can be used for door and window awnings. The log cannot be hand written either but rather has to be orderly, type written and categorized.

My wife and I have given her more and more authority each week testing her limits and ability and each week she gobbles up more independence, skill and education. We have been bumping her pay along the way as we considered her initial salary a training salary. I have pretty much taken a back seat, made her our manager and have essentially turned the day to day operations over to her. My wife owns the company so what this means is that I am now the peon and work for two women.

I really need to thank Bobbin and Kodydog for us reaching this point with Mindy. I read about their problems over the years with their former bosses who were cheap, unorganized, controlling and  micro managers. I told myself if I ever found a good employee I would teach them and then stand back and let them excel. So thank you Bobbin and Ed for sharing your past experiences with us. You taught me alot about being a good employer.

Mindy is loved by our customers. She is polite, bubbly and professional and an asset when dealing with customers. She takes her job seriously and trust me when I say she cuts me no slack. If I screw up she lets me know, nicely. She is working 3 and 4 days a week and on her last day she gives me my To Do list. It always includes shop vacc'ing the work areas, winding bobbins, cutting fabric and getting orders ready for sewing. She drives the production schedule and that is her domain so I follow her directives. I do find it quite humorous and my wife gets on me about setting an example and making sure my " Mindy List " is complete before Monday.

One of my buddies who also happens to be one of our dealer customers is really getting a huge kick out of it. He gives me sh*^ about making sure I stay on task and threatens to tell the Boss on me if I don't. He deals with Mindy all the time and knows what she is like but he cannot help teasing me.

I just feel blessed I found someone to take over the company for me and allow me to do my chemo runs, slow down a bit, smell the roses and pursue some marketing projects. Life is good, business is good and I am enjoying this employee thing.



Glad to hear Mindy is working out so well for you Chris. I know exactly how you feel. My Amanda that took over the office work for me sounds just like Mindy. I was getting a little concerned the last few weeks because we were not quite as busy as we were and I saw her with nothing to do a few times. Well she is on vacation this week so I'm back doing her work and what an eye opener this is. I spend half the day at the desk, phone and emails. She is sorely missed. I upped her salary a couple of weeks ago, she is worth every penny and more.
  They must be related.
Minichillo's Upholstery


Chris you leave me with no way out, or no way not to poke haha
As I recall you saying your wife trained her so I think they got you figured out "and" out numbered
your poor guy, I I feel for ya hehehe

seriously though a wise man you are
Good day there


I was wondering why we hadn't heard from you for a few weeks. Sounds like Mindy really cracks the whip. Great addition to your business.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


I have been laying low. Just started another long run of chemo which is why I have been absent lately. The older I get the harder this stuff is to tolerate. I have to make this run till Christmas and then I can get 6 months off from the crap. I try not to complain and just motivate onward. :)

I am still grateful that this junk works and throws me into remission. Daily gut injections is not fun but it could be much worse. I am very lucky as it has kept me alive for many years now.

It is all good in the neighborhood. :)



god to hear things are good chris. still having bobbin partys?


Good, positive experience your having, makes me want to think again about someday hiring someone (it's been 26 years now without one, the bad memories from before that are still fresh in my mind.)
Everything's getting so expensive these days, doesn't anything ever stay at the same price? Well the price for reupholstery hasn't changed much in years!


one thing now that would piss the S++ out of me is all the workers I see on the phone at work


That is a problem I experience. Seems the phone has become a major issue with employees and it is hard to break.
Minichillo's Upholstery

Darren Henry

Sorry to hear you're back on the chemo. Chris. On the other hand Mindy sounds like a god send, and very timely to have her up  to speed for your "draggy" time with the drugs. Good for you.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!