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Started by SteveA, November 25, 2014, 03:17:25 am

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"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


People from key west talking about the murder:

Charles John Eimers, the 61 yr old Michigan man that was murdered by The Key West Police Dept, on the beach on Thanksgiving Morning was my Brother. This whole situation sickens me, not only for my Brother, but also his four grieving children. He was a retired General Motors guy who LOVED the SUN and BEACH and the OCEAN. He did not have a mean or violent bone in his body and was clearly murdered by the KWPD in broad daylight in view of MANY bystanders. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't let a corrupt police department brush this under the rug. They say he was resisting, which is clearly contrary to the video, but if your face, mouth and throat were caked with sand and you had ten broken ribs, wouldn;t you be struggling to breathe. MY GOD, PLEASE LET HIS KIDS AND HID GRANDKIDS AND HIS FAMILY have some justice and some closure from this heinous act.

2 years ago I was beaten nearly to death by bouncers and cops at dirty harrys bar. I spent time in the hospital, and needless to say the trama I took to the head still effects my vision to this day. I was pepper sparayed twice and tased twice. I had bruises all over my body, and when I woke up, I was lying on a jail room floor feeling like a mack truck ran me over. Really didnt remember that much of the incident. As I sat there, I began to remember that I had questioned my bill. Not the amount, but rather I stated I had already paid the bill. My wife was waiting in the bathroom line which took about 20min. I knew some people there that said they saw me having a heated discussion with the manager. Needless to say a big bouncer grabbed me from behind and when I tried to resist, because of my concerns for my wife, they carried me into the ally. I dont remember much from that point other than being tased over and over until I soiled myself! Everything went black. When I woke, I was lying face down naked on a jail room cell floor., I had staples in my head, and felt horrible. Within a few hours i was in front of a judge being charged with 3 counts of "NON-Violent Battery" A gentleman we ran into after i was released, said the police officer picked me up and threw me into the wall, while i was handcuffed. In the end, I had no real witnesses to step up. The reason I had a case against all of them was that I had
paid my bill like I had argued, and my bank showed a double charge. Too bad I didnt have any witnesses!

I used to live in Key West; 14 years. I moved only 6 weeks ago. from what I have seen and been involved in, the KWPD cops will lie about anything; they will lie about everything. small stuff; big stuff -- doesn't matter, they lie. and the local judges go along with this stuff. The whole system in Key West is rotten beyond belief. Back in 1996 a cop wrote me 2 tickets while I was on a bicycle. we went to court; he lied. it only took me 4+ years to prove it; he was later made to resign. In the Eimers case, I believe it is plain the cops lied in their reports. The city commission is to blame about this because they set the tone for the enforcement against anyone they don't like or they believe is homeless. The cops of Key West KILLED Mr. Eimers!

My advise is to stay away from key west.  I was a victim of their abuse. I was held at gunpoint by one officer while the other officer robbed my boat of anything of value he could find. It was just me alone with no witnesses. Theres no place to turn. No one trustworthy to report it to without being in actual danger for my life. absolutely outraged!!!!!


How about this one, that was a real gun painted to look like a toy gun.

Quote from: byhammerandhand on November 25, 2014, 04:43:48 pm
REALLY?  If someone pulled this out on you, would you bet your life that it was a toy gun?   You have .3 seconds to decide.

Quote from: Virgs Sew n Sew on November 25, 2014, 07:50:02 am
Things that bother me about Ferguson, Stand Your Ground in Florida and the latest in Cleveland of a 12 year old boy carrying what was an obvious toy gun. 


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison