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Stevie has Arrived

Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, October 18, 2014, 02:12:50 pm

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Virgs Sew n Sew

We got to the Humane Society around 11 AM today.  Man, they are swamped on Saturday.  Lots of folks who volunteer time with the cats (petting/brushing) and walking/petting the dogs.

If I hadn't known that Stevie had surgery yesterday and seen the incision, I would never have believed it.  She is a wild child.  She recognized me and jumped up on me for a hug : ) then did the same to Bob when she saw him.   We got her home and into the back yard and took off her lead so she could expend some energy.  Gave her 10-15 minutes and then Bob put her back on the lead and I went in and got Jimmy on his lead.  We let them get reacquainted for 5-10 minutes on leads and then took both off the leads.  They sniffed each other but no big deal.  Mostly she was just running and running around the yard.  You could tell she was really digging the yard.  It was only mid-40's then, so we decided since no blood had been let, we would see how the house went.  She came in and jumped up on our couch immediately.  LOL.  She looked at his recliner so we had a discussion about leaving Jimmy's chair alone.  Then one of the cats ventured into the living room.  Man, Cass's tail got HUGE and she let out a couple of deep growls.  Stevie stopped in her tracks, jumped up on the couch again but just couldn't stand it.  Kept getting down and Cass would look at her and she'd jump back up on the couch.  Finally she got brave and got close enough that Cass was able to give her a couple of swipes.  No big deal as her front paws have been declawed.  Stevie explored the house for 10-15 minutes and then Bob noticed that she went to the back steps.  I ran her out real quick and she peed so we hope that she's housebroken.  We went back in and had lunch.  After lunch I took her & Jimmy out again.  She was just really fired up and got in his face once too often.  He barked at her but not a menacing bark, just a get out of my space type of bark and she responded appropriately.  Then she pooped -- YAEH and then ran amuck around the yard.  Finally, she flipped on her back and started rolling around in the grass, flailing her feet wildly.  Just was a "I am really happy" moment so it was cool to watch.  Came in and sat down for a cup of coffee and a half hour show.  Jimmy jumped up on one side of the couch and Stevie on the other so I spent about an hour petting them (couldn't get up after our show).  Finally, she nodded off and went into a pretty deep sleep with lots of rabbit kicks until she got situated.  Then she slept real hard for close to half an hour.  She might have longer but Bob's kid brother called and he, wife, kids and grandson wanted to come and play with Stevie and Jimmy. 

She got in Jimmy's face in the dining room while everyone was there and he just gave a real quick growl and she adjusted her level of energy real quick.  She loved having all the kids shower her with attention.  After they left, we put both dogs on their leads and headed to the park for our walk.  She is great on the leash but know the Humane Society works real hard on that.  She loved the walk but is very interested when we pass other dogs.  Not overly assertive or aggressive, just puppy curiosity.  Oh and her paws are HUGE.  She is going to be a bruiser when she is done growing.  She doesn't like the basement steps yet so she hasn't come to visit in Sew & Sew so far.  I'll give her some time to adjust and then work on her to come down here.

Bob is babysitting so I can get some work done.  She is really cute, an absolute live wire and such a love bug.  We are both very glad we are in the process of adopting her.  I don't foresee a problem between her and Jimmy.  The cats will adjust their attitudes in time.  I did get a shot of her and Jimmy on opposite ends of the couch so will try to upload that either tonight or in the am and get it posted.

I promise not to be a boring "new mom" and report on each detail of their lives from now on out ; )



that great!  what is the adoption process? when ive adopted mine current 2 and last gigi I just went to visit they loved me and with the adoption fee we all went home . I just got in from walking up the street with my 2


Sounds like your a perfect fit to her new family.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.

Virgs Sew n Sew

Ugh -- not a good night.  Stevie tried to eat Cass last night.  Cass was one step ahead of her but Stevie seriously does NOT like cats.   I spent the night on the couch to get her to settle down.  She spent half the night on my legs -- OUCH.   Michelle ventured up this morning and it was round 2.  Michelle ran down the stairs taking the baby gate out in her haste.    There are some other issues too.  But she is NOT going to like cats and the cats are not going to like her.  Went to feed them and Cass was hiding in the furnace room, actually cowering until she figured out that Stevie wasn't with me.

She's also a barker.  We had to shut our blinds because our neighbors were out on their driveway.  Nothing would get her to quit barking.  Bob took her by the collar and as soon as he released her she was back at the window barking.  Shut the blinds and finally stopped.

I think we could work on everything except for the cats.  She has decided that she doesn't like the cats and she's going to chase them and bark at them every time they come upstairs. 

We'll take her back this afternoon.



I hate to hear that Verginia. Sounds like it would take a lot of training and time to get Stevie to tolerate the cats. But there are a lot of dogs out there looking for a good home. I have known dogs that get along with cats but I don't think I've ever owned one.

My Sunny is having good start to the day. We took her for a long walk, fed her a big breakfast and a 6 point buck just walked through our back yard. Its not even 10:00 yet.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.

Virgs Sew n Sew

Yeah, thanks it totally sucked.  She rode in the passenger seat and had her paw on my arm the entire way back there.  I was crying like a baby all the way there and back and still fighting it.

I took her back this morning.  Usually they are closed until 1 on Sunday.  Actually they are closed all day today as they got a $10,000 grant from Pedicure.  5K in food and supplies and 5K for sprucing up grounds, etc.  So today is a volunteer clean-up day from 9-5.  I knew that they would have office staff there supervising things so Bob bundled up all her supplies, blankets, toys, etc and I took her about 10.

Cats still are sulking in the basement.  At least now it is down to sulking.  When I went into the furnace room to feed them, the dominant cat was cowering.  I had never seen her cower before.  That is the cat the Stevie went after last night.

We've always had dogs and cats together and they've gotten along fine after the adjustment.  This was the one area that they were pretty grey on with Stevie.  Said that she did "ok" with the cats that hang out in the office but that her other home had not had cats.

I just really feel terrible for Fergie.  Her third trip to the Humane Society.  Then there is the home that she was born into, whoever didn't come rescue her when she was caught running at large, the other people who adopted her and now us.  That's a lot of rejection for a really otherwise sweet 1 year old dog.  That's the worst part for me.  I just hated the look on her Stevie's face when the lady at the Humane Society took the lead from me.  I did bend over to hug her and she licked my face but I just feel so bad for her.  I did tell the woman that she probably should be an only child.  Our cats really loved Carly and she seemed to like them ok.  No barking and she would tolerate their attempts at playing with her.  She would occasionally play but she really wasn't sure how you play with a cat.  It was always funny.


Darren Henry

I'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out this time around. Better luck next go-round.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: Darren Henry on October 20, 2014, 03:46:53 pm
I'm sorry to hear that things didn't work out this time around. Better luck next go-round.


The cats are finally acting back to normal.  Jimmy seems settled and not as whiney as he was last week so right now we're just going to stay a one-dog family.  I'm back to my original premise that a puppy should be an easier adjustment.  Seems like they are much more respectful of cats, even those without front claws.  There aren't too many puppies this time of year so we'll just chill until spring (unless something should drop into our laps). 

I would love to get Jimmy where he would come down into Sew & Sew to hang with me but he's never been fond of the basement so that's probably not going to happen.



I am very sorry to hear that Virginia. It happens. Sometimes dogs just look at a cat and think its an animal made for eating.

We had a 135 lb male GSD that was retired from a Sheriff dept at age 5. He enjoyed his job to much and bit anyone he was tracking. We never had a problem with him and he never once bit anyone. But we had a BIG problem with him and cats. His prey drive was out of this world crazy. He went after anything that came into HIS yard. Bird's, squirrels, cat's, whatever.

He ate one of the neighbors cats ( shame on them for letting their cats run loose and roam ). The cat came in the yard and I found what was left of the carcass the next day. He knew he was in BIG trouble for that and he stayed quiet and sulked for a few days. Damned if my neighbor didn't go out and buy another cat and let that one run the neighborhood. A few months later our neighbor came knocking at our door asking if we have seen their cat. Nope, haven't seen it, sorry.

After the spring thaw my wife was cleaning the flowerbed's and seen something strange sticking out of the dirt. She grabbed it and pulled and my neighbors cat came out of the ground. Trooper had killed that one but buried the evidence ( but left the tail sticking out ). He ate another stray once as well. If they came into the yard they were history. He was very territorial with a high prey drive which is what the police look for in a K-9.

We had an indoor cat and we constantly had to be on guard. Twice we caught him with Mimo ( our cat ) in his mouth and thankfully both times we were able to save her. He got his ass in trouble both times but he had such a high prey drive that he never got over wanting to eat cats until he was old. If it had fur and moved he was after it ( including skunk's ). He just got to the point where he tolerated Mimo but you could see what was really on his mind when the cat walked by him.

We have two GSD's now, King is 110 lbs and the other, our 7 month old puppy is about 70 lbs. Both are very good with the cat but Miyah, the puppy loves annoying her. She wont try biting it or hurting it but just loves to annoy the hell out of her. King will protect Mimo if he feels Miyah is being rough which I think is the reason why Miyah wont go after her.

Hopefully you can find a dog that will fit in with your family.


Darren Henry

QuoteI would love to get Jimmy where he would come down into Sew & Sew to hang with me but he's never been fond of the basement so that's probably not going to happen.

How about buying Bob a big screen for Christmas and changing rooms ?  :D Saves Jimmy and your clients the trip down the stairs ; and he won't hear you when you call out to answer the door/peel the potatoes, I'm running late etc....LOL.

Just funnin'.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: Darren Henry on October 21, 2014, 04:21:34 pm
QuoteI would love to get Jimmy where he would come down into Sew & Sew to hang with me but he's never been fond of the basement so that's probably not going to happen.

How about buying Bob a big screen for Christmas and changing rooms ?  :D Saves Jimmy and your clients the trip down the stairs ; and he won't hear you when you call out to answer the door/peel the potatoes, I'm running late etc....LOL.

Just funnin'.

That would work, except that he likes the big screen being in the living room ; ) -- also, he peels the potatoes as I'm a lousy cook so I think I'm stuck with Jimmy hanging upstairs with him.  LOL.
