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Still Here !!

Started by Mojo, September 05, 2014, 08:37:35 am

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Hi Gang:

I miss not being an active daily participant here and am trying to get caught up on all the recent posts.

We just got hammered with orders and have been trying to get them pounded out and shipped. This entire week has been one big clustered mess with non stop quotes, phone calls, shipping screw ups with Fed Ex, etc. If there was ever a week I wanted to fire up our bus and drive off into the sunset, this is the week. I have my days where I wished I never started this business. I feel blessed that we have it but I despise this business this week.

Last week I had to take the day off and accompany my lovely wife to the Immigration office. It was her final test and interview for citizenship. It has been a long road to get there but I am so proud of her doing everything the legal way. The INS is holding a private swearing in ceremony at Ingrid's High School in the auditorium so all the students can witness the hour long event. Very few people ever get to see one and we feel very fortunate that they are doing this. What is awesome is she will be able to maintain her Australian citizenship as well and hold dual passports. her biggest thrill will come this fall when she gets to vote. It is something she has been wanting to do.

I mentioned on here a while back that I did a barter job with a producer of an internet based TV show. I got free air time as well as they designed and cut a commercial for us. I wrote the script ( a 30 second spot is NOT easy to get everything crammed into that time frame ). I sent it to Mike for his input and he has been the only one from here who has seen it. I thought I would share it with the rest of you. I invite all input ( good or bad ).

I hope everyone is healthy and happy. I am hoping to get things caught up and back on a regular schedule soon so I can partake in the daily posts here. I miss not being a daily forum addict. :)

Here is the link to the our commercial that is running for two episodes of the TV show: 

Have a great weekend everyone,


Virgs Sew n Sew

My congratulations to your wife on her upcoming citizenship.  I am thrilled that she is excited for the opportunity to vote.  It is our most important privilege in my opinion as that is how our democracy is supposed to work.

I am glad you are back as I have missed your posts!



How long has have you been married or has she been in the is? I never heard you can had duel citizenship. I have many canadians and some germans who winter here but have to leave after 6 months.   On the commercial what kind of a show wil it run with a RV show with your customer base watching? As i i did one id want to be on with ship shApe tv.

I setting up a new shop with a dealer they have a tv commercial running and i was rold they are going to mentiong the new canvas shop on the next run.


It is going to be on American RV'er. I needed to stay within my target audience.

Virg: In Australia they are very used to voting because it is mandatory that all citizens vote. If they don't they get fined.

Mike: We have been married for 16 years. She could have gotten her citizenship started after 5 years of being here but never did because we moved and she has been so swamped with her work. It took her a year with paperwork to get it finalized.

We have a friend who is an American, Dutch and Australian citizenship. There are many Canadians who also hold dual citizenship. You will find dual and triple citizenship available to many residents of common wealth countries.

Something I did not know until a couple years ago is that the Cannucks typically have to leave the country within so many months and go back home because of tax and insurance laws from their own country. Darren maybe able to explain this more. They can then re-enter the States again for another 6 months I believe. It is this way with other countries as well ( the UK, Germany, etc. ).



My son-in-law has a British father, and American mother. The UK automatically gave him citizenship even though he has never even been there. So he has a dual citizenship.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban

Darren Henry

QuoteCannucks typically have to leave the country within so many months and go back home because of tax and insurance laws from their own country. Darren maybe able to explain this more.

I'd have to do some research as that gets a little grey. The wording that Chris is talking about on our income tax/driver's licenses/health cards etc...pertains to PRIMARY RESIDENCE. The definition being where you reside for 6 months and 1 day a year or more. When I came to Brandon Manitoba I was spending 4 days/week here in a camper and going back to my house in Kenora Ontario for 3. I was , by their definition, a Manitoba resident and had to change my drivers license etc... within 7 days whether I took the job after the 2 week trial or not. Yet I know people who winter in the states/ summers in B.C/ spring& fall in Ontario---don't know how that works,yet. I can find out if it's important to someone.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


September 06, 2014, 12:30:32 pm #6 Last Edit: September 06, 2014, 12:31:26 pm by gene
Great video. This is what we do. This is why you should call us. Here's the phone number. I also like the energy level it portrays.

Hey, I wonder if your wife would have gotten a lot more benefits if she became an illegal, um, undocumented worker???  :)

On a serious note, congratulations to her. That is a wonderful achievement, one that millions of people around the world would love to have. (All I had to do to become a citizen was to start crying when I got smacked on the butt by some guy in a surgical gown.)




"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison