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Another Very Long Project Completed!

Started by NDAV8R, June 12, 2013, 10:30:55 am

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June 12, 2013, 10:30:55 am Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 10:37:15 am by NDAV8R
Hi Gang!
Finally got done with this very long project...too tired to can tell the story...
Gale. PS...I hate Photobucket!!!

Strive for Perfection...Settle for Excellence!


You sir do amazing work. Your a magician inside these aircraft you upholster.

Awesome job my friend.


BTW - Very nice cockpit for a single. Wouldn't mind taking a spin in that. What is the service ceiling/
speed ?

Darren Henry

GAWDAMN,Gale ! You rock man. I'm jealous---you get to hack up $60,000 cabinets --- I'm stuck here sewing up tarps and fixing garbage furniture to the constant drone of "aren't you done yet? I used to do those in chairs in 5 minutes a piece.Why haven't you finished those three errands I told you do at the same time?".

If you "borrowed" that bad boy think we could do supper here in Brandon and still have it back in the barn by first light? It looks quick LOL.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!



That does look like a very long term project!  Care to estimate or indicate the man hours?

Do you do a lot of this type of work?  If so, you are a busy person!

Do the FAA inspectors get involved in this type of job, inspections?

You are over the top on this one.


west coast


June 12, 2013, 09:28:49 pm #6 Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 09:34:49 pm by NDAV8R
Hey there MOJO: Cruises at 312MPH and Service Ceiling is 30,000...a little more than the Cessna 182 that I used to fly.

Hey Darren: Believe it or not the other mechanic tried to fit the cabinet in while I was in Colorado over Memorial Day weekend and screwed it up big time...they called me back early to spend 3 days on it to make it work....and man I would love to borrow that for a night, even without beer!

hey there Doyle: I don't have the numbers yet, but estimated about 1200 total hrs between all three of us that worked on it.  Oh yes we have a chief aircraft inspector on staff, and we get to open all of our books to the feds about 6 times per year, since they are just a stone throw's away.

There is so much pressure to meet deadline which we met, or go into $750 per day penalty.  I came back from Colorado early to spend 16hr days to fix things. Got real burnt out on this one.
Now the way it sounds, they have another one to do...we will see!
I really can't reveal the cost of this project except I can say it is well over a quarter million...

Thanks all, Gale Hansen
Strive for Perfection...Settle for Excellence!