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Let's talk cameras (instead of Ply-grip)

Started by sofadoc, December 08, 2012, 07:25:13 am

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While Ply-grip is a topic that is near and dear to my heart :D, I thought I'd start a new one for cameras.

I keep a little one in my desk drawer just for posting pics and videos here.
4X optical zoom, 12.1 megapixels. I paid less than $150 for it about 3 years ago. It has the SD card that I can pop into my laptop, and upload to Photobucket within 60 seconds. Then I'm ready to paste it here.

I recently acquired a "hand-me-down" I-phone 3 when my daughter upgraded. I tried the app that uploads directly to Photobucket, but the videos are fuzzy, and the pics aren't full width.  Her new I-phone 5 takes beautiful pics and vids.
I guess I'll have to wait a few years for that one to trickle down to me. ;)

Mike turned us on to recently. It's nice, easy to use, big pics. But I don't think you can store videos, or do any editing of the pics (at least none of those features jumped out at me). All in all though, a nice one for posting here. 

I actually took more pictures back in the days of film cameras, when I had to drop the roll in the box at the grocery store, and wait 3 days for them to come back.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


My phone is not the quality of my digital camera, but it is 5 megapixel, which for a phone is pretty good, and the quality is decent enough to get my point big camera is a pain to carry around so often gets overlooked for the convenience of reaching into my pocket and grabbing my phone! I like the picture quality of my big camera, but honestly unless you are zooming in drastically, you cant see the difference between 5 and 12 megapixel images with the naked eye


I just bought a new phone just because it had a better camera than my old cell.  I hate trying to remember my digi cam so having a decent cell phone camera is important to me.  My new cell does 8mp pics and 1080hd video. Works well enough for me 


December 09, 2012, 04:41:55 am #3 Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 11:11:35 am by MikeM8560
This is a pic taken with ny cannon 10 pixle
Hosted on photobucket

And a pix from my i phone

Not as detailed but also i find i finnish a job and dont have my food camera and just use my phone plus i can email the owner pics


I have a Fuji camera - Wal Mart special. It can take pictures and videos. I have a cord that hooks up to a small TV at my studio so I can see the pictures easier. I have another cord at home that hooks up to my laptop computer so I can put the pictures onto my computer.

If I want prints I email my pics to Costco.

I only use it for my upholstery work.

I don't take a camera on my canoe trips, so I have never had a need for a better camera.

My phone takes pics and vids but I do not have the capability to put them on my computer or to send them to others. My phone only does phone calls, it does not do texting or sending of pics and vids. I cannot receive pics on my phone which is OK because they would be too small to see furniture details anyway.

I have one of the most unique phone rings of anyone: when my phone rings it sounds like a phone ringing.


west coast

For work I just use my iPhone for stuff I want to keep I use my Nikon and for action video I use my GoPro.