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Shhhhh...Hear That ????

Started by Mojo, April 08, 2012, 05:04:45 am

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Can you hear that ? It is silence. No machine running, no cutting, no seaming, nothing. I have a small job tomorrow and then I am done. A whole week off while my wife takes over the shop to create some elaborate wedding dress for our niece. She flew over from Australia for a fitting and to get this dress made by her Auntie.

I really need this break and am glad for it. Time to get to work on my pool and get it ready for summer along with a hundred other little honey-do projects. I am really lookin g forward to this down time.

Happy Easter to ya'll.



Great to hear Chris !!!
Have a great break and Happy Easter to all of you !
...lets enjoy  this wonderful quiet .


Mojo get outside and enjoy this great weather. Its a good time to reflect on where you are in your life.

It's very quiet here today. I'll do a little gardening and then have Easter dinner with Cuban friends of ours. They always make some culinary delight. My wife is making Cuban coleslaw. I didn't even know the culture had their own version of coleslaw.

Happy Easter everyone.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.



Okay Chris

Fess up

How did your time out go ??? Have you enjoyed your week so far ?


Ive secretly had him locked out in my seeing  shop hard at it. Next time he wont anounce he has nothing  to do


It has not been a good week. My wife has been in the shop sewing this wedding dress for our niece. I hear her machine going and it drives me nucking futs. Meanwhile more orders have poured in this week which has stressed me out because I cannot do them. I get back into the shop on Sunday and will start kicking butt to get some orders out.

Its been tough being barred from the shop all week. BTW, the wedding dress is just about complete. All I can say is wow. I always considered my wife to be an exceptional seamstress but this dress has just blown me away. It is her third she has made and by far her best. She made all the patterns herself from scratch, designed the corset, and the dress is three layers that is beaded, folded in places, etc. It is out of this world. I am so proud of her.  8)

I will post pictures of it once she is done.

Meanwhile I am going to go work on the pool and get it open for the year.



I escaped from Mikes shop.......

I hated that marine work. He should have known better. The final straw was when he served me hot dogs while he sat and ate prime rib with freshly caught grouper. I snuck out that night. :)

I am sure he was glad to see me go after I sewed a bimini upside down and installed the windows in the wrong panels on an enclosure.

Have I told ya'll lately how much I hate marine work ?

;D............ :P
