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Dread the install on canvas

Started by Mike, April 01, 2012, 07:39:44 am

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For the past. 8 years ive been inflorids and bee doing patterns
In NH i didnt pattern just fit the blank doing s cover do i knee it wss going to fit after sewing. 
But doing a pattern for a mooring cover i alway worry.
Last week i fit a can as and pinned the blank on the old way  and driving to the instsll i sas fine. But this morning and  every other time on a patterned canvas so much can go wrong and i like do do a half pattern on covers (less time and patterning plastic ).  But i alway have m kts in m stomach. What ifs  did i mark that right. And then  fine and alls well  loke now i can relax snd enjoy the rest of my sunday.
Just wondered if anyone  else is like this


I know that feel Mike. I just got home from fitting an enclosure that a new girl sewed. I had the heebie jeebies, she screwed up maybe I screwed up. I try to stop myself from walking around the boat a thousand times tugging here pulling there. I try to just go through the steps without worrying too much knowing it'll turn out in the end. The boss says "we made it, we can fix it" and "they make more material everyday"

She did a fine job after all. She misread the patern and thought a cutout on the back curtain was a dart. So we'll have to add a seam and a new piece to get rid of the needle holes. No big deal, there's a rail there the customer will think its there on purpose. We made it wrong, we'll make it right. And "don't let fear or common sense hold you back"
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problem is i always have the customer looking over my shoulder. i nbade a mooring cover for a boat with a t top so it has to all fit well afound that then he wanted to store the boat on the lift at his condo for the summer and he was going to use big strap so strap the boat down to the lift  so neede opening where the strap with go over the boat then straight down to the beam so i had to allow opening for theese with a closure but when i paterned the cover the boat was about 1 1/2' to far forward so when i out the cover in and im working some strap under the boat i see there ott and forgot the bopat was to be moved , so im freaking again.  my brother he dont worry about it  . like your boss. i just have knots till its done and over


How far do you drive between your shop and the customer's boat?

We are not retreating - we are advancing in another direction.
Douglas MacArthur



Oh yes, I didn't trust my self with more than roughly putting the canvas together & banking on at least two fittings to check it was OK, before finishing off. Still learning to take my time for a really good pattern & trusting it.
At least I am down to one check fit before finishing  ;D



Mike, I too dread installs and sometimes wake up too early and lay there going thru the install again and again.  I have a huge headliner to install and it has been sitting in the shop ready to go but I keep finding excuses to put it off.  It has been said so many times here that the extra time we spend on a pattern is time well spent.  Friday I was going to do a half pattern to save time but once at the boat I changed my mind and did a full one and I am glad I did because when I got back to the shop to work the pattern I saw that the two sides were not equal.  Sure ould have made for a stressful install. 


On some of these boats I hate the patterning as well as install.  Right now I'm doing an aft top attached to the arch and couldn't get to the arch to fit because the helm seat is in the way of a ladder and it's about 8 feet off the cockpit floor.  Now how am I supposed to get up there to pattern anyway?  So I just used the old top which fit pretty well.  I added some adjustments, saw where it had pulls and a few folds and tried to eliminate those in my version.  Sure hope it fits when I get done...  ???

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


June if somthing fits well ive done that of a deat canvas like that behond the sr h what ill do even though im twller is psttern it from in front of the arch. This is eas if there is no tops in front ill snand on the helm det and a ladder help
On the  port side as the deck is usualy hight with a aft cabin

Rusty was it a cover or a enclosure.  Ivd only done. Overs in half patterns.
You have to be sure all is symetrical.  Unless its is different like i have to cover a bow mounted trolling motor then i do bolth side of the front and  one of the rear.  It is a good time saver and saves on plastic