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The Boat top-cycle

Started by Peppy, May 06, 2011, 07:56:30 pm

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*ahem* I mean, I hope no one else thinks this looks silly cause it'll be awesome for job security.

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i'm not laughing, i've looked into enclosures for
invalid buggies, you know, the little electric cars.



I bet those things would sell real well in Europe. People there use their bikes for transportation. I have seen some areas where there were more people on bikes then cars on the road.

Pretty cool idea.



I've actually thought about making something like this.  My design would have most of your body enclosed.  It would have to be a 3-season bike, or you'd wipe out a lot in winter. Surprisingly, though, there are quite a few people who ride all year. 


It's changing here now, but for a long time, it seemed as if everybody riding their bikes was doing so because they'd lost their DL for you weren't so sure you'd want to be seen on one. Thankfully, lots of people are riding these days. Not so sure why anyone would ride them in winter around here though.  We are northern Wisconsin, after all :)


May 08, 2011, 02:19:30 pm #5 Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 02:23:42 pm by Mike8560
When I was up
north in new Hampshire you never saw old folks on bike maybe in Boston or mass you might see someone like a jogger or roller bladed biker.  But like never me.
The I came to Florida in my motorhome bought a bike as everyone had one to get around

After I moved here I see peolpleretired folks all the time.  Problyike me leftover from visiting in there motorhome.
Aftrr my storks I ha nt ridden. Uch but I rode down to the beach last  night just for exersize. L bet mojo has a bicycle also.
Ps I didnt
mention we have bicycle bums  here in fl. Probly like the (Dui s) Kathy  mentioned    


No chance, far to windy around here.



Ya it was the wind I was thinking about too! I think if your going to enclose a bike it should be one of those recumbent bikes. But I don't know, maybe people like impersonating phone booths.
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