Quote from: Mojo on April 07, 2017, 02:37:32 pm
In the awning business stretching is a bad thing. Especially with RV awnings. Sunbrella stretches, sometimes badly.
I also heard from some in the mill industry that they changed their fiber mixing to China as well as their chemical formulas.
Recacril used to be a great fabric but their quality went down hill big time. There have been a lot of claims from companies using it.
Tempotest is made in Italy and Sattler is made in Germany. Both are the best acrylics in the world. Sunbrella is rarely used in Europe and is considered junk there.
Have to disagree with you there Chris, from what I see Sunbrella still has a good name over here & the 'cushion' grade is still very much the best for colour retention, although I do admit I use far less marine weight now than I did say 10 years ago, mainly because I discovered Reacril & there is a huge price difference, clients still ask for Sunbrella by name but I tend to steer them toward reacril. We don't see much of the Sattler although it has been available for a while now I haven't tried it yet. Spain is somewhat behind in cover making & clients slow to change ideas. So it may be a different matter in other areas of Europe. Some of the big canvas manufacturers like NV (France) still use Sunbrella.