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Messages - gene

In looking at the front of the foam, I use my electric carving knife and cut the top and bottom edge off the front of the foam. Depending on the amount of curve, I cut anywhere from 1/4" to 1". There is no 'roundness' to the front face of the foam. It just has the top and bottom edges cut off.

I then add a layer of poly batting  that wraps around the front curve. The cushion cover then creates a very smooth curve once the foam is inside the cushion cover.

Note: I do furniture upholstery, not boats. I would think the same technique would apply to boats, but others who know their fore from their aft may want to verify this.

The Business Of Upholstery / Re: economy improving?
August 04, 2010, 05:47:57 am
Another way to ask the same question: So, how's that "hope and change" working for you?"

Yes, the economy is moving - down.

P&G announced yesterday a 5% lower profit this year than last year. That's really big economical news that you won't hear much of in the main stream media. When people are buying less toilet paper, toothpaste, and soap...

January 1, 2011 the tax increase on the middle class will hit and that will put another damper on any economic growth. Yes, there wasn't supposed to be a tax increase on the middle class, was there.

Democrats will be replaced by Republicans in the next election and I just don't think things will be that much difference.

Our national debt, without any economic benefits coming from it, is staggering.

You cannot have economic prosperity in a sot society, and that is where we are.

We will continue to have more national disasters that are not really disasters (where's all the oil in the gulf???) that continue to give the Federal Government more and more power over our lives.

Does anyone know, or care, that BP has given more money, before the oil spill, to Obama than any other entitiy?

I'm grateful that I have been very busy. I believe that I am busy because I provide a level of service and quality that is second to no one, and, my customers rely on that.

I predict that we will begin seeing many long time suppliers closing their doors before the end of this year.


General Discussion / Re: convertable top
August 03, 2010, 06:40:02 pm
Thank you, Doyle. I will pass that along to the car owner.

I remember a thread where Gregg from Keystone said the early servo motors were not big enough, or efficient enough, or something for industrial machines, and that they are have gotten better.

I made a note in my sewing machine notes to make sure I address this issue when I get a new sewing machine.

Other than that, my clutch is running well enough to not require me to replace it with a servo. But, from what I have read, I will do so if needed.

General Discussion / convertable top
August 02, 2010, 05:18:36 pm
I have a friend who has a friend who has a friend who has a neighbor who knows someone who owns a Cambria VW convertible.

There is a seam over the back most rod that is coming apart. It appears that it was glued. I didn't know that they glued convertible tops.

Is there an adhesive that is available for the do-it-your self, not me, -er that can repair this seam failure?

Thank you,


Check out this video. At 5' 20" he shows pictures of how he makes his own buttons. I can only imagine how long this takes. Does anyone else make their buttons this way?

He cuts out round metal discs, drills two holes in them to put the pull through string, then glues a backer board on, then glues the fabric on to that, then stitches around the fabric so he can pull it closed around the bottom side of the button.

Fascinating, but wow do I appreciate my button press!




A few years ago I stopped, respectfully, providing Estimates for a certain customer. I was doing a lot of Estimates but was getting no work. This person told me that they were taking my Estimates and finding someone who could beat my price. I was spending my time, helping this person save a few bucks.

I asked them if the other people were spending their time on putting together Estimates. Nope. They were simply looking at my Estimate and giving a lower price.

If I fix other people's mistakes, am I making it easier for customers to use the cheap upholsterers and if there is a problem they know that I will step in to make things right???


"so -  a needle pulling thread..."
I have never, and I can not ever see a situation when I would, use someone's CUT fabric.

I turned a job down a few months ago where the cushion panels for a sofa were all cut out. I said 'No'. I would reupholster the sofa and make new cushion covers but they needed to buy additional fabric for the cushion covers so I could cut them out myself. I even refused, politely, to look at the cut cushion cover panels to see if they were cut out correctly.

In your situation, PDQ, I think I would have offered my original offer to the customer - including all new materials.

I would then start singing:

"Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.
When you read you begin with A - B - C.
When you sing you begin with do - re - me.
Do - re- me.

I find that either singing, or talking to my ceramic otter who is sitting on a pedestal that I build for him, tends to clear out the rift raft and the price shoppers.

General Discussion / I know it's not Friday!
July 28, 2010, 08:24:25 pm

I know it's not Friday, but: I am tired, I am relaxed, I have Mr. Carlos Santana playing, 'Europa' at this point in time. Is that not an awesome song!

General Discussion / Re: Fabric Issues
July 28, 2010, 08:10:38 pm
You are not alone.

Most of my fabric is bought by designers. I started awhile ago checking every bolt of fabric. It takes some time, but I no longer trust that the bolt will not have problems.

In fact, I was going to start a thread asking if anyone has made a table to check bolts of fabric: an easy way to roll them out and re roll.

I have a customer who bought fabric 3 times: she is convinced that they just kept sending her the same bolt 3 times. When she asked for her money back, the wholesaler was unable to give it to her because they had gotten behind on their payments to the factory. She had to go directly to the factory to get her deposit back: 6 months!!!


General Discussion / Re: Bye all x
July 28, 2010, 07:58:14 pm
Awesome. I hope you have a great time.

My son got back from Europe two weeks ago. He went there for a month of traveling around and visiting friends. He did not get as far south as Spain.

General Discussion / vinyl cut
July 27, 2010, 04:08:29 pm

What's the best was to seal a cut in a vinyl jet ski seat? The previous owner put a piece of tape over the tear and stapled around the tape.

Is this a 'do it yourself' project or does a pro need to do it to get it done correctly?

Thank you,

General Discussion / Re: air plane seats!!
July 23, 2010, 05:08:59 am
Do a search of this forum. There has been a lot of discussion about airplane upholstery. FAA approved everything: fabric, foam, adhesive, etc. Documentation to prove everything and how that documentation needs to be a part of the log book and how it is needed to sell the plane or if there is an FAA inspection.

General Discussion / Re: Slow down pulleys
July 22, 2010, 06:48:30 pm
I took my speed reducer off my sewing machine last month. I felt like I did when I took the training wheels off my bicycle, last year. (Just kidding about the 'last year' part.)

I sew a lot faster, obviously, and I am able to do everything that I could with the reducer.

I began to teach myself how to sew 6 years ago. The reducer made everything so much easier. I wonder if that that's the best way for anyone to learn on their own?

I have a spectator's question. When you bend a tube for a Bimini with a tube bender, for example, do you need to fill the tube with sand or some other material to keep it from collapsing at the bend?

A neighbor down the walk way from my shop makes trumpets, and he fills the tubes with a lead type material that hardens at a certain temp and then he bends the tube and is able to reuse the material that he put inside the tube.

Just wondering. Thanks.
