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Messages - gene

General Discussion / Re: Pressing/cutting table
November 14, 2010, 06:35:56 pm
I bought an underlayment from Rowleys that came in a roll 10 feet long and a width that was wider than my 60" table so I could pull it under and staple it.

I iron and press on my cutting table. Thanks for the info on what pressing is. I didn't know there was a different name for them.

General Discussion / sewing machine: thump, thump, thump
November 14, 2010, 07:37:47 am
Hello fellow sewing afficionodos.

My sewing machine used to purrrrrr, just like Oliver and Chunkie when I scratch their heads (my cats). Yesterday it started to thump, thump, thump, just like Jesses' tale on the floor (my yellow lab) when he sees me reaching for the box of doggie treats.

It's actually a very rythmic thump. I was trying to get the speed of my sewing to match the songs on the radio.

Anyway, I am thinking that a purrrrr is better than a thump, and I will be looking into the matter first thing tomorrow morning.

Does anyone know what I might want to look at first? Is this a common problem?

Thank you for your help. (I am more concerned about this than I am letting on with this post.)

General Discussion / Re: Pressing/cutting table
November 14, 2010, 07:27:01 am
I'm not sure what you mean by "pressing".

I have padding, made for cutting tables, on my cutting table covered with canvas. I buy both of them from Rowleys.

I like being able to stick pins into my cutting table when I need to. It's also a perfect service for ironing fabrics.

General Discussion / Did you just do that?
November 13, 2010, 06:27:04 am
I have a new customer. I told her several times on the phone and via email that I take a deposit with the order. When she brought in her order, she did not have a deposit. I told her I needed a deposit.

She is in her 60's, at least. She said getting a deposit will be a big problem. She then started jumping up and down in circles, just like a 3 year old child. Did she just do that? Yes she did.

Not yet being the kind of business person that I hope someday to become, I took her project without a deposit and told her that she will need to pay for the project in full before it leaves my shop. It will not leave my shop without payment in full, by the way. I wrote that on my blackboard.

Oh, and of course she wants it done by Thanksgiving.

I don't think I will be doing any more work with this person. Her baby tantrum was just too creepy!!!

General Discussion / Re: I had fun with a scammer today
November 13, 2010, 06:14:55 am
A technique that phone solicitors use is that they call you, you answer the phone and say "hello", and they say nothing. You then say "hello" again, and they know that you are paying more attention to the phone now that you had to say "hello" a second time, than when you first answered the phone. They will then tell you why they are calling (sales pitch).

I think this is rude and manipulative. I would not want a job where I was required to be rude and manipulative.

Occasional, when I am tired or really busy, I will say "Hello". No answer. I say "hello" again. The caller than says "Hello, is this Mr. Smith?" I now know that it is a telephone solicitor. I then say "hello" a third time. The caller says "hello". I say louder "hello". The caller starts to say something and I say even louder "hello". Then "HELLO!!!", "HELLO!!!", "HELLO!!!". I then say "There's no one on the phone.", as if I am saying that to someone in the house. And I hang up the phone.

Street hawkers do a similar thing. They mumble something as you walk by. You stop and say, "I didn't here you. What did you say." They now have your attention and they give you their sales pitch. I was in Gatlinburg, Tn with a friend and she stopped and said this to a street hawker. I took her arm and pulled her away from the guy and we kept walking. She started to protest and said that she didn't hear what he said. I said that's his job. He didn't want you to hear what he said.

I have no interest in spending even 30 seconds with anyone who begins a conversation with deception, tricks, or lying.

I've found change in furniture before, but this is ridiculous!

General Discussion / Re: help with a boat!!!
November 06, 2010, 06:35:41 am
Hey Peppy,

I was so tired this week I forgot where I got those picks from. I do believe I got them from your post ON THIS FORUM!!! LOL

I think I saw the pics on your Friday Funnies, I opened them in a new link, looked up at the TV, looked back at my computer and thought, "Hey, these pics would be great to post on the upholstery forum."

Credits to the original poster.

General Discussion / Re: Mojo's Friday Funnies
November 05, 2010, 04:31:45 pm
Would it be more proper to say, "down holster"? I need to down holster this chair before I can upholster it.

Breaking up is hard to do. Breaking down gets you a trip to the psych ward, unless it's your car, then you get a trip in the tow truck.

General Discussion / Re: Help with a wing back chair
November 05, 2010, 04:25:00 pm
Wing back chairs have taken me 6 hours to 12 hours. There are many, many different styles and features.

You may spend more time than someone who does them a lot.

I had two wing back chairs earlier this year, book ends, that had quilted fabric stapled into an oak frame with those cheap wire staples. It took me 3 1/2 hours each, just to take the old fabric off. I used my air chisel to take off a lot of the fabric!

Probably my best advise is to see the piece of furniture before you say anything about your prices.

Good luck.

General Discussion / Re: Mojo's Friday Funnies
November 05, 2010, 06:06:27 am
Reading that got me so nauseous that I want to throw up.

Gene's Draperies and Abattoir

You can always add on to an existing name.


Remember to keep saying "I love you" until she puts down the knife.

General Discussion / Re: Thursday Funny
November 04, 2010, 07:18:20 pm
This begs the question, "Why?"

This boat sleeps 4 but your feet are in the water.

Thanks for the chuckle.

Speaking of telemarketers:
