I just thought I'd get on my soap box for a moment; about 12 weeks ago I had a colonoscopy and they discovered CANCER, then 8 weeks ago I had surgery and two surgeons in a 2 1/2 hour operation removed the portion of my colon that was affected, luckily it was discovered early enough and I'm free of cancer and no need for chemo or radiation Please if you or a loved one are told to get a colonoscopy screening by all means don't blow it off as many people do because they feel it's uncomfortable or embarrassing! The prep isn't nearly as bad as some make it out to be and with the use of "Twilight Sleep" anesthesia you sleep right thru it waking minutes later. BigJohn/ John Panosh
Glad to hear that you came through OK without needing chemo, etc.
I had my first almost 6 years ago and, you're correct, the prep was not nearly as bad as some folks told me it would be. I got a clean bill, no polyps so I'm on a 10 year cycle. Was very glad I had it done as the peace of mind is well worth a few hours of discomfort.
Just had my 2nd a couple of months ago. Clean!
Glad to hear your problem worked out so well.
Glad to hear for ok BJ, lost to any friends this year. xx
Always good to hear when someone gets past cancer. Glad you are still able to get up on your soap box, Big John.
My family, and a few friends who stop by on Christmas day, do a White Elephant gift exchange each year. Someone had this as a gift. I assume that it's edible cereal, I did not get it as my gift. My gift was a pickle that yodeled.