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General Upholstery Questions and Comments => General Discussion => Topic started by: Virgs Sew n Sew on August 04, 2015, 05:02:22 am

Title: Joe's Fence Installed
Post by: Virgs Sew n Sew on August 04, 2015, 05:02:22 am
Joe's big day finally came yesterday when the fence installers returned to install the sections of our new 6' privacy fence.  Our new fence encloses both side yards along the sides of the house.  Morning kind of sucked as we had no fence at all.  Joe was very wired about what was going on and wanted out more than usual.  That meant putting him on his lead and walking him in the old section of yard (keeping him out of the installer's way).  They were finished a little before 2.  I was downstairs with a customer so Bob grabbed Joe and took him outside.  George had stopped by to see the fence as he was driving by our house and saw the fence was up so came in for a visit.  He and Bob were having a fine time with Joe, playing keep a way with one of his favorite balls.  By the time I could get out there, poor Joe's tongue was past his doggie knees but he was obviously in hog heaven as 2 of his very favorite people were playing with him.  When he had his fill, he started rolling on the grass that is shaded by our Linden tree.  Joe was obviously pleased with the day's events.  The boy came in and slept for 3 hours straight so Bob & George obviously exhausted him.

After our usual evening walk, Bob & I went out with Joe and Bob & Joe played ball.  Joe completely ignored me (evidently since Bob was playing with him, I didn't exist -- pretty funny).  He got a good 20 minute session with Bob and again came in the house and dropped.  He didn't even want to go out for "last chance" before bed.  When I finally got him out, he found a nice spot in the grass and plopped back down.  Then he saw Jim start to hike and decided he'd better get up and do the same.

Interestingly, now that the yard is so big, he and Jim pretty much go their separate ways out in the yard so Jim is much more enthused about going outside.  Also, the cats seem to have figured out that he's not wired for sound anymore and are coming out of their hiding places.   Yae!!!

At any rate, the fence is a huge hit and I'm betting that Joe will no longer have energy in the house to misbehave.  Wish we could have gotten the fence installed when he was smaller but he's just barely 9 months old and still has tons of puppy energy.  I'll try to get some pictures of Joe with his new fence and all his toys scattered over the lawn.  He might be just a smidgen spoiled!

Title: Re: Joe's Fence Installed
Post by: Mike on August 04, 2015, 01:11:34 pm
I know what its like Virginia. I didn't have a fende and my last dog gigi was old and not real active hence fat.   then I got my 2 pups last year so in the spring I installed a short cainlink fence arounf my backyard so they could run all they had was outside on a leash

once then had it it was a hit the 2 of them barkly is bigger and his sister smaller but fast would outrun him as he chased her as shwe did figure 8s arounf my palms.  then he got faster and really like to give her a run   heres barkly last week

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