36* lucky its a day in the shop sewing a cover its cold out again .
good thing is after I remodeled my shop for ac with the suspended ceiling its stays warm in the shop not even without heat
My morning ritual having coffe on my patio i see steam comming off the canal. Not like up norh were the lake was covered in a low lyong cloud but wisps of steam.
(https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/v/t35/1596423_10201411070134062_190624471_o.jpg?oh=f12b8215506dccad60f197b64b6eff71&oe=52E34419) (https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/v/t35/1596423_10201411070134062_190624471_o.jpg?oh=f12b8215506dccad60f197b64b6eff71&oe=52E34419)
QuoteMy morning ritual having coffe on my patio
I double dog dare you to try that at my place. Twenty below F (-31 C) with -45C wind chill.Suppost to break this afternoon though.
Nice shop i like your table set up.
Great photo of your shop Mike -
I couldn't see the complaint Dept. or the smoking lounge in the photos ? Probably in shadow -
When is the art work arriving ?
I think the radio just announced 2 degrees here Mike. Too cold for the scheduled classic art deliveries today, they cancelled. LOL.
We are having about the worst cold weather with snow in close to 20 years, the radio echoed.
Mike you never have big enough table inwish mine were wider im thinking of a flip up wing.
Steve i ha8 feet beind me where it would be but i wuit smoking about 20 years ago when inwas sick as hell id light one tak a drag gand coulnt take the tayste. I snuffed it out tight away. I did this to a whole pack after a while and that was it after a 2 pack a day habbit. I couldnt afford it now what is it like 8 bucks a pack. I do t know how the wemon standed it comming in my shop back then. I took my dad to a willey nelson concert one it was outsidde he had wuit smoking at the time and a lady lit up a row behind us and i had to take him home he sick he was in a wheelchair so we left he could have moved his chair aanaywhere but thinking back i think he was a bit cranky.
Bt now myself i dont like the smell when my window is down at a light in the car.
Ps im not picking. Know its a bard habbit i tried to wuit before and failed many times
Doe i heard ne england id rexord snow sence the 70s i remember we had the blizzard of 78 shut down everything
It was 28 this morning when I woke up. There always seems to be a 10 degree difference between here and Port Charlotte.
I am so sick and tired of covering our plants and flowers at night because of the freeze/frost warnings.
Drives me bat sh** crazy. But it beats snow. :)
Hey Mike -
I'm glad you don't smoke - I gave it up years ago as well. Back than in the shop I was at we all smoked, no dust collection, no bags on the sanders, and spraying finish with a paper mask and only a box fan running. Oh the good ole days ?
I said smoking lounge to mean a place you can hide from the boss - thank goodness many have given up smoking -
Zero degrees today - helps you to figure out were the cold air is coming in from. I need to go buy more expansion foam -
Won't see 40 degrees for 6-7 days -
QuoteIt was 28 this morning when I woke up
We are having a weird winter. As cold as I wrote about the other day then up to +1ºC (33ºF) yesterday afternoon---Minus 30 ish ,or 20 some below by Sunday night again. ??? 'Ta frig ???
warmed here also to 71f today Darren
How cold is it in MI.
Well my Grandpa use to say
now that cold
Quote from: Therapy on January 26, 2014, 07:19:35 am
How cold is it in MI.
Well my Grandpa use to say
now that cold
or colder then a witches tit
or a well diggers azzhole
the snow is azzhole deep to a nine foot indian
Colder than a mother in laws kiss here this morning. Windchill between -40 and -45 for the next couple of days.