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The Business Of Upholstery => The Business Of Upholstery => Topic started by: kodydog on July 13, 2012, 06:01:19 pm

Title: Slow payment
Post by: kodydog on July 13, 2012, 06:01:19 pm
Last week we delivered a sofa and wing chair expecting payment at that time. While the lady was writing the checks (two) she asked if she could post date one for five days and one for two weeks. Of course we wanted to say no but the furniture was already in the house and the only other option would be to remove them and store them till she could come up with the money.

We were going to cash the first check today but we called her first to make sure the money was in the bank. She said something about wiring money to her account and leaving for her fathers memorial service tomorrow.

I've got a funny feeling this is going to be a drawn out ordeal. Am I jumping to conclusions.

What would you do? Wait a couple weeks till things in her life smooth out? Repo the furniture? Threaten legal action? Now we find out you need a driver license # to take a worthless check in to the district attorney in Fl.
This is only our second encounter with bad checks--help.

Talk about a hump. One I'd rather not be in.
Title: Re: Slow payment
Post by: sofadoc on July 13, 2012, 08:06:14 pm
Many years ago, I delivered a very large job in a rental truck to a customer in Dallas on a Saturday.
It was only after we unloaded everything, and I presented her a bill, that she informed me that Saturday was her Sabbath day, and she couldn't do business. I know that Seventh Day Adventists practice this, so I asked her if that was her religion. She just said "No, I'm a Christian".

I was pretty much in the same situation as you. I didn't want to load everything up and take it 50 miles back to my shop. So I told her that I really, really needed her to mail me a check first thing Monday morning. It turned out to be 9 days before I got my money.
Her delay caused me to be late on several bills of my own. Nearly $150 in late fees.

I wrote her a stern letter (this was before e-mail, texts, etc.), in which I pointed out that every time she turned on a light switch, she was doing business on her Sabbath. And because she allowed us into her home to deliver her furniture, technically business had already been done. I explained the financial hardship that she had caused me.

When she finally paid me, there was a note that just said "Sorry, couple days late".

That memorial service thing does raise a red flag. I've had a few customers that consider a death in the family to be a "Get out of jail free" card.
I used to joke with the local newspaper editor, that if he was running low on obituaries, just call me. Because apparently, getting furniture recovered at my shop was the "kiss of death" for family members of my customers.

But just because she's jerking you around, it doesn't necessarily mean that she intends to stiff you. She may just be juggling funds. It wouldn't hurt to call her frequently, and remind of the tough spot that she's put you in.

Here's hoping that your wait is a short one.

Title: Re: Slow payment
Post by: sofadoc on July 13, 2012, 08:39:54 pm
One other thing regarding post dated checks. I was told that they technically aren't legal.
Any time a customer asks if they can post date a check, I say "Go ahead and date it for today, and just tell me when you want me to cash it".
I don't deposit them. I present them in person at their bank. That way, if they don't have the funds in the account to cover it, the teller can just hand it back to me without stamping ISF on it. Because once they stamp it ISF, you can only present it once more.
But if they just hand it back to me, I can keep presenting it until it'll cash. 
Title: Re: Slow payment
Post by: bobbin on July 14, 2012, 02:47:53 am
Wow, Kody., that takes some gall!  If you can't afford to pay for something, don't buy it!

I think I'd sit tight for the time being (right now you don't have anything to lose).  Give it a few more days and find out what your legal recourse is and isn't  That way, you can set the wheels in motion immediately without giving her any real warning.  I'd then call and politely say that you've been patient and more than accomodating by allowing her to take possession of goods she's not yet paid for.  I wouldn't have any problem asking for payment in full in cash, either! and make a big deal out of presenting her with the receipt that clearly states, "paid in full, CASH".   

I have a friend in the business who won't take furniture out of his truck until the check is in his hand. 

Title: Re: Slow payment
Post by: gene on July 14, 2012, 05:36:44 am
My business adviser said get 1/2 deposit at the beginning of the job, payment in full at the end of the job.

If the job is $50, get $25 up front.

I gave an estimate for a job with a designer last week. The day before the designer was going to get her deposit from  the homeowner, a senior citizen, the homeowner fell and had to be taken to the hospital. Thursday the designer told me the homeowner was in hospice and the family was coming in from around the country.

If she had fallen two weeks from now, I may have had the job completed and  my deposit may very well be the only money I would have gotten from this project.

I don't buy a lot of fabric because I work mostly with interior designers. I recently bought fabric for a homeowner who I am working with directly. I got the fabric amount paid in full, and 1/2 the amount of my labor up front.

It's a lot easier to take 1/2 lump than a full lump.

And it took me awhile to realized this, but if someone has trouble giving me 1/2 the Estimate at the beginning of the job, why would it be any easier for them to give me the full amount owed at the end of the job?

I do hope she pays sooner than later. And I'm with sofadoc - she may be trying to juggle money around. And it so, this would not make her any less of a scumbag!
Title: Re: Slow payment
Post by: kodydog on July 14, 2012, 05:14:30 pm
I called her several times today. All I get is voice mail. The last time I called I said I will deposit the check Monday. This is 3 days after the post date and 10 days after she wrote the check. I think I'm being fair. Once again she may be out of town at her fathers memorial service.
And speaking of this MS, when my wife spoke to her she said, she could drive to Maryland with her brother for free but because he smokes shes going to fly.

We have found a way to bring the check to her bank and ask the teller to check the funds first. Not really cashing the check till we find out if the funds are there. We can do this as many times as we want, till (one day) the funds are there.

The second check is postdated one week from now. Maybe I should wait and try to collect both checks at once.

Legal action is an option. One of our best customers is a retired DA and has been very helpful.

Big hassle very confusing. Thanks all, your suggestions and input are very helpful.
Title: Re: Slow payment
Post by: kodydog on July 15, 2012, 07:51:14 am
She called this morning and said deposit the check the money would be there. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

She also said shes selling her Honda CRV at a very good price. We've been looking at the Honda and Toyota SUV's.

Funny how things work out.
Title: Re: Slow payment
Post by: sofadoc on July 15, 2012, 10:04:34 am
If you buy the Honda from her, give her a post-dated check. ;)
Title: Re: Slow payment
Post by: Mojo on July 18, 2012, 08:57:03 am
God Bless my customers. I have never had that issue except once and that was my fault. I failed to get a deposit and backed down on one of my requirements which is - never do business with an RV'er who owns an old RV and is staying at a dumpy campground.

They pulled up stakes and left before the job was complete. Thankfully their order for solar screens was able to be used for another customer. I now screen my customers very very carefully according to the coach they own and where they are staying. There is a canvas shop by me and I send them to him. lol.....:)

I hate to be like that but every RV tech I have talked to said they do the same. When they get stiffed it is usually by people with old RV's living in dumpy camp grounds. I consider myself lucky as I have never had to chase down money. I never ship an order without getting paid.

Title: Re: Slow payment
Post by: timtheboatguy on July 18, 2012, 06:32:09 pm
Last summer I had a Banker that owed me over 900.00 for repairs on his boat. During the repair process he answered his phone every time I called. Once the repairs were complete he stopped answering my calls, text, and emails. I googled his name and found his work number which I called and left a few messages, then went by his house a couple of times. Finally I got a text from him one morning about 7:30 telling me he put payment in my mail box, which he did. The guy actually called me this spring and left a message wanting work on his new boat. I waited a few days to call him back then told him I was tooo backed up right now.

This all happened because I broke my own rules. Don't break your own rules!
Title: Re: Slow payment
Post by: Mojo on July 21, 2012, 03:59:51 pm
While on the subject of payments. I remain shocked at the dealerships I have worked with. I occasionally do work for dealers which requires them to pay me by check, typically 30 days net.
I am always just a bit scared of having to chase my money down from these people but as it turns out they have all been great payers.

Twice I have gotten checks in the mail before the work was scheduled. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself by posting this. :)
