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Break time....

Started by stitcher_guy, September 06, 2010, 05:16:38 pm

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I come on here to offer input, talk with others in the trade, and basically take a bit of a break from the daily crap I have to deal with as a "BUSINESS OWNER." I don't come here to be run down, called a hack and not a business ower, and told that I'm bad for the trade because I won't run my shop into the ground to give someone a job.

So, I'm gone. Maybe not for good. But maybe so. I really don't give a crap if Ihavenoname likes me or not. I don't care for the change in the attitude in the board. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's others. Either way. I reserve my blood pressure going up because of business pressures. Not from being on here.

See ya.


September 06, 2010, 07:08:02 pm #1 Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 07:11:02 pm by sofadoc
I hope that you change your mind. I've certainly appreciated your opinions about the upholstery business. I know that noname might seem a bit abrasive at times. But I think that he means well. I've always had the opinion that any good upholsterer can make more money working for himself (or herself) than they can working for another shop, even if they aren't particularly good at the business end.
There ARE many upholsterers (such as me) who really aren't business minded, yet they still make a living at it. Try doing that in most any other field.
You've stated in your previous posts that you "paid your dues" in the form of apprenticeship, because you had a true passion for this work. I think that you are a rare commodity in today's upholstery world. Sadly, most "new-hires" today really do just want a paycheck.
I would like to think that noname wasn't aiming any criticism directly at you. But I guess that's between you and him.
C'mon back when you're ready, you do add a lot to the discussions here.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Really stitcher_guy
  When you come back tuffen up a bit. I'm new here and see some decent posts from most everyone you included. Don't let one or two posts get ya. Even if the guy was out of line which I don't know if he was or not get over it man. It's all good.
  I'm sure you have allot to offer.
  I've been out of the business for several years and getting back into it. I need all the fresh help I can find  :D

Minichillo's Upholstery


Stitcher guy:  I really hope you will reconsider, you have added so much to this board, your posts have helped me through many ordeals and many others, I am sure.  If you do not come back this board will not be the same without you.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


QuoteI'm sure you have allot to offer.

Good comment and thanks for your positive contributions, this is what participants appreciate, not a side show.

Participants who have been in business for many years know what is required of a business owner and each will use the methods that works best for them. 



I also hope you will reconsider. I just returned the upholstery business after 20 years of doing something else. I have posted a few times asking for some direction and I have found your suggestions extreamly helpful. As stated above - You have a lot to offer. I am a member of other forums as I'm sure you are also, and there is always disagreement from members on opinions, and personality conflicts will be there also.
Have a great day


Yeah Stitcher, don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch.


Yes Russ, I have noticed things can be a little tense on here at times and maybe a few comments made that were not to nice. But, in the end, it is only one persons opinion and just like rear ends, we all have one. :)

Maybe its the Marine in me but........It will be a cold day in hell before I allow one person to run me off of a forum.

Take a few breaths, relax and get your butt back here. Your a valued member here and have been a huge help.

No name:

I believe that maybe an apology is in order to not only Russ but several others who work their butt off to make a living. Making general statements and stereotyping is never a good thing.




Stitcher, running a business is no day at the beach, it's a lot of really hard work.  And when you have employees of different skill levels that you have to keep busy it's even harder.  I've always found your replies interesting and I've never had anything to do with automotive work!

The internet is a very cool thing but one thing it can't provide is intonation, body language, or a wink... and sometimes things "said" can be misconstrued (or not!).  Take it with a grain of salt (about the size of kitchen table), shrug it off, and don't worry about it.  You have too much to offer to just, "up and vanish". 


dont get upset Russ I also enjoy your post even if i dont do autos allot of stuff is related.
And Doyle I like a slideshow pics are worth a 100s words as they say I i can see different ways to do somthing other then my own.


QuoteGood comment and thanks for your positive contributions, this is what participants appreciate, not a side show.

Slide show?

I used "side show" as an anology of different philosophies that drew the heat, on running a business.

The difference a little "l" can make. 



Come on guys there is room for everyone.  That is the thing about  internet forums everyone has their own opinion on things and not everyone is going to agree.
Russ you know what works for you and your environment and noname you have your ideas as well...
Agree to disagree and everyone is happy.
If you want to see some uncensored banter go check out Pirate 4x4. 


Quote from: bobbin on September 07, 2010, 10:57:57 am
The internet is a very cool thing but one thing it can't provide is intonation, body language, or a wink... and sometimes things "said" can be misconstrued (or not!). 

This is probably the best point made here.
We are all good at some phase of upholstery, and we all have some interesting opinions. But none of us are professional writers. Sometimes, our intended meaning is lost on the reader.
Noname: If you're still here, from some of your early posts, you seemed bitter about a lot of things.  You sometimes come off as very combattive.
From the get-go, you said that you weren't going to give out your real name and location, because you weren't sure who to trust.

Just remember, you catch a lot more flies with honey.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Quote from: bobbin on September 07, 2010, 10:57:57 am
The internet is a very cool thing but one thing it can't provide is intonation, body language, or a wink... and sometimes things "said" can be misconstrued (or not!). 

Very true. There are also different social boundaries on the internet, and I think sometimes certain people end up saying things they typically wouldn't if it was face-to-face conversation.

I always enjoy reading your comments and insights too, and will miss them.




I also hope you will reconsider.  You have no idea of what a wealth of information you really are!  I, for one, really appreciate what you have to say, even though I have never even attempted to do any auto work, unless you count restitching a strap on one of those "bra" things...LOL

You have incredible business sense and experience.  The stuff you share is stuff that you just don't find in textbooks.

When the Internet was invented by Al Gore all those years ago (jkjk), I took a class in the Internet, being I was a complete idiot about such things.  One thing I remember the teacher saying is that when it's in writing, you can't see the person's expression, as was mentioned before.  This is so true!  I think it's a good reminder for all of us.  What has happened here should hopefully raise the bar on how we "behave" on the forums.  I agree that Ihavenoname was pretty abrasive and I would have been angry as well. 

I hope we see you on here again soon.  You have been such a positive contributor in so many ways...

Just my two cents' worth!
