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Joe's Big Day Today

Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, February 11, 2015, 07:23:19 am

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Virgs Sew n Sew

Left Joe at the Vet's this morning around 7:30.  He's having surgery today to neuter him.  While he's under, they will finish giving him all of his vaccinations.  The house is soooooo quiet without him.  He is the most exhuberent animal we've ever had.  The world is one very large toy, whose only purpose is to amuse him.  LOL. 

We'll pick him up this afternoon after the drugs wear off him.  We had him weighed before I left.  He weighed an even 19 when we got him 2 weeks ago.  We had to shut him off food/water last night at 10 so that means his weight is probably slightly under what it really is but he weighed in at 25.2 pounds.  No longer can feel his rib bones like we could when Joe came home with us.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Out the door in a few minutes to go and retrieve Joe after his procedure.  I thought I'd get tons done because it was nice and quiet and I didn't have to worry about what he had found to get into (doesn't matter how high I put things, he always manages to get hold of something).  Anyway, I got a little more done than I have been since Joe came along but it was nothing to write home about.  I should get things done after we get home and get Joe settled.  Vet assistant said that he will probably sleep most of the afternoon.  WHO HOO!

I'll be glad to have him back.  We've only had him for 2 weeks but I was amazed by how disconcerting the Joeless quiet was.  Jimmy has been upstairs whining ever since I got home.  I'm sure he's wondering where his little buddy went to.  Even the cats look sad as they do enjoy slapping him around. ; )


Virgs Sew n Sew

Ugh--poor Joe.  He was a little drooly when I picked him up.  Vet asst said that he was still coming out and to keep him away from food/water for another hour or so.  Had to carry him to the car as he was not walking.  Got him home and almost into the house when he bolted for the backyard and peed/pooped both.  Was glad to see that and hoped he would settle down and sleep for awhile. 

Put him on the couch with his favorite chew toys and he nodded off for maybe 45 minutes (I had to be with him).  He started getting restless as Bob was finishing supper.  I took him out and he peed again.  No interest in food/water.  I brought a small dish of water into the living room and he drank a small amount and then went into their feeding area and had a reasonable drink and then the crazies started.  A lot of whining and could not get him situated.  Would lick his front feet (thought maybe the iv line was in there--right foot as that is where he mostly licked).  Also wanted to lick the incision area which is supposed to be ok as he has internal stitches but we didn't want him to "dig" at it so we kept after him about it.

We had a dish of ice cream and Joe was interested in a small spoonful.  Then he decided he was ready for some kibble.  I brought a dish in the living room so we could monitor what he was eating.  He ate some but Jimmy ate most of it. 

He and Jimmy went out at bedtime and again I got a nice pee.  Because of his restlessness, I had told Bob I was going to crash on the couch with him.  Bob was shutting down the living room when Joe threw up every bite of kibble.  I was cleaning up when I heard Joe back at the food dish.  I had Bob go grab the dishes and put them up before he overate.

We had nodded out for maybe 45 minutes and I woke to hear Joe again throwing up.  I was glad the food dishes were already up.  I cleaned up and took Joe & Jimmy outside and he peed again.  Came in and he threw up but just water and mucus.  I put the water dish up as Bob had a reaction to his anesthesia when he broke his leg and threw up horribly like this after surgery.

Joe is now finally settled down.  Sleeping next to me as I type this.  Will sit up for a while to make sure that he's not going to have to puke again.  Will call the Vet's when they open to see if I need to do anything else for the poor guy.

Just sucks that he's having a hard time with his post surgery recovery.  We've never had a pet have an issue like this before.

Hope everyone else is having pleasant dreams!



Sorry to hear Joe's having a rough time after surgery.  But i'm sure today he will be  fine.  We had a dog who had surgery to have a cancerous cyst removed and she came home and sleep all night.  The next day she was 50% and then by the evening she back to normal.

Virgs Sew n Sew

Thanks for the kind words.

Joe's doing much better today.  Ran down the stairs with me to feed the cats and then blew by me up the stairs.  Drank a little bit of water and has now slept soundly for over an hour and a half (longest he's slept soundly since he came home).  Once he wakes up, we'll give him a small dish of food.  He's kept the water down for quite a while without  throwing it up.

Hopefully we're over the hurdle.
