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General Upholstery Questions and Comments => General Discussion => Topic started by: Virgs Sew n Sew on October 06, 2015, 08:33:25 am

Title: How's Your Fall Weather?
Post by: Virgs Sew n Sew on October 06, 2015, 08:33:25 am
Here in the middle of God's Country (Nebraska), we have been having unseasonably cold weather.  Cold enough to run the furnace first thing in the morning until mid-morning.  Sunday it was 47 degrees when I was walking Joe.  Brrrrrrr.  It was a balmy 51 when I was ready to walk Joe this morning so I sucked it up and wore my old lady shorts that hit about mid-knees.  Plus it's supposed to be in the mid-70's and I hate changing clothes 2 or 3 times a day.

Rain is at a shortage.  We would gladly have taken a couple inches of what the Carolinas got over the weekend and into yesterday.  Into October and still running the undergrounds.  Partly I'm sure because Bob had the back yard sprinkled as well.  Joe thinks conventional sprinkler hoses were put on this earth solely for his amusement.  I went to turn one on to fill their outside water dish and he had made about 6 or 7 huge holes in it so I ended up taking a very cold shower.  Little butt head anyway.  The sprinklers will be nice next spring as what we have always referred to as the "North 40" is going to be a garden patch next year.  The people we bought from had a garden there but the dogs needed the room.  Now that they have a normal sized back yard we can chicken wire it off and grow our own tomatoes, lettuce, corn and hopefully melons as well.  I'll spend the winter perusing seed catalogues and rubbing my hands together in anticipation of fresh grown produce.  There is a sprinkler at each corner so it should get soaked nicely when mother nature isn't cooperating.

Anyway, how's the weather in your neck of the woods?

Title: Re: How's Your Fall Weather?
Post by: Mike on October 06, 2015, 12:26:11 pm
beautiful here 82 degrees and big puffy clouds today patterning a big  job , only cloth changing was in the summer humidity sweating sometimes 3 t shirts a day wringing wet but  the humidity all left last week.

oh BTW they used to call new Hampshire gods country
Title: Re: How's Your Fall Weather?
Post by: Darren Henry on October 06, 2015, 03:15:09 pm
I just flipped the weather network over to *F. we're at 55 , which is about where we've been the last few days. Friday and Saturday were much nicer. We haven't had a hard frost yet but we may tonight---then low 50's till the weekend expecting 70 on Saturday. this is about average for us for this time of year. Should be a decent Thanksgiving weekend [ours is earlier 'cuz---by now our harvest is just about wrapped up and it could get colder in the next 3 weeks] grin.